Trip to the past

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"What do you plan on doing with that?"

"Ron, one day you'll learn not to judge a book by its cover." 

I pulled off leaves from the branch- everyone watching curiously.

"That's just something parents tell you to make friends." 

"Is it? Tell me Ronald- what is this?" 

I held up a single leaf in my fingers. Ron flashed a crooked grin and looked at the others, but they weren't laughing. 

"You're serious?"

"No- He's Sirius, now tell me, Ron. What. is. this?"

Sirius coughed back a laugh and Ron rubbed his neck.

"It's a leaf."

"A leaf? Are you sure?" I stood up and flipped the leaf in my palm. When I opened it- the leaf was a rock. "How do you know it's not really a rock?"

I tossed the rock up and then swung my arm across the air catching it- but when I lifted my arm into their view it was;

"A dagger? Or maybe its a-"

I flipped the dagger and a black quill landed on my hand. 

"A quill? Or just maybe- its a-" I held the end of the quill and tossed my arm to the side. The quill grew and in the blink of an eye, the quill was a large jacket. 

"A jacket. To protect yourself from the cold." 

I held the jacket out to Sirius and he took it- an amused grin plastered on his face. 

"It may look like a leaf, but there is always something hiding behind the surface." I waved my hand over several leaves until I had several pairs of pants, cloaks, socks, shirts, briefs, and boots. I transfigured a bag and then stuffed it all inside. 

I handed it to Sirius and cleared my throat. 

"I figured you must be tired of muddy prison clothes- these won't tear or smell. I've charmed them. I do not believe you should stay here- however, I understand your reason. I wish you the best."

"Thank you. And thank you for protecting my godson."


I looked at my watch and sighed. 

"It's already half-past three, and students are starting to leave Hogsmeade."

 I walked to the boulder and squeezed through. Then pulled it open- three teens and a dog walked through. We made our way down the mountain and back to the end of the lane in which we met Sirius. 

I walked down to the end and waited for them to bid their goodbyes. They all passed me and started to head back through the village. I looked down the lane and met the Sirius crystal eyes. 

He barked and I nodded- pushing my trenchcoat back so my dagger flashed, and then I walked through the village- never taking the three out of my sight.


I was sitting at the staff table when the Monday post flew in. A large cluster all headed for the Gryffindor table, and they all dropped in front of Hermione. I stared at her as she frowned and chunked papers down on the table. I stood up and started to walk over when there was a screech of a bench and then she was running out of the Great hall. 

I jogged down to Harry and Ron and picked up the paper. 

"YoU aRe A wIcKed GirL."
                                                  "HaRRy PoTtEr DesErveS bEttEr."
"Go BacK wHeRe yoU cAMe to MugGle!"

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