The Boggart

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I walked up to the tapestry that hung along the corridor walls. I mumbled the passcode and poked my head in. 

"BEAR, COME HERE." He ran down the stairs and out the door. I closed it and walked downstairs to the great hall. I was there right on time so some students weren't here yet. But I maintained eye contact with Uncle Albus who gave me an approving nod as Bear and I walked in sync down the great hall. The whispered continued and the stress enhanced, as for this time I was alone, and with a bandaged arm. 

As we walked Bear let out a few small growls, Once we got to a certain part of the Gryffindor table Bear stopped and started sniffing. He jumped onto the bench across from the girl, the redhead, and the famous Harry Potter. I whistled at him and he whipped around. He jumped off and ran ahead of me. I mouthed sorry to them, as they looked quite startled, and kept walking ahead.

I sat down at the table next to Uncle Albus who patted my knee and Professor Lupin, who seemed interested in my scratched arm. Draco Malfoy walked into the great hall.  He sat down and immediately people swarmed him. He was obviously bragging about his arm, arse. I had been staring at him long enough for Professor Lupin to nudge my un-bandaged arm. 

"I'm going to guess Mr. Malfoy and you got injured for the same reason?"

"Yes, however, the one thing that differentiates Mr. Malfoy and I is that I didn't brag about risking my life for someone, and only coming out with a scratch." He laughed and helped himself to a chicken leg.

"You are in my class next, correct?"

"Yes sir."

"Very well, I want you to come with me before class. I have already talked to Dumbledore about you, so If I ask you something, feel free to answer honesty" I looked over at Uncle Albus who looked at me from the side and nodded.

"Okay, Just  let me know." I grabbed a chicken wing and peeled the skin before lifting the table cloth with my leg and giving it to Bear, who had laid himself under the table. I tapped Uncle Albus's arm and he turned to me.

"Yes Miss."

"Can you take Bear back to my room, I have to go with Professor Lupin."

"If you insist, next time don't bring him." I smiled and nodded before grabbing a croissant sandwich. I finished my sandwich and grabbed an apple, sticking it in my bag. I grabbed another one and took a bite. I leaned back in my chair, lifting one knee to my chest, I grabbed my book and started reading as I ate my apple. I was only halfway done when Professor Lupin stood and faced me;

"Miss Y/N, if you would join me, please. I stood up and tucked my book in my bag, I tightened my robe around my waist and pushed my chair in. I waved my hand beside Uncle Albus and Bear sat down next to him. I walked around the table and joined Professor Lupin. We got about halfway through the hall when the apple that was in my hand, was sucked out of my grasp. I whipped around and my hand immediately lifted itself to my swords, I didn't withdraw when I saw Professor McGonagall holding it in her hand shaking her head. I dropped my hand and smirked at her as I turned around and started walking back over to Professor Lupin. However, what she did not expect was me to raise my arm and send the apple flying back into my hands. I never turned around but I took I bite and threw it towards the wall, I teleported the apple into her hand as It made an impact on the wall. We reached the door and I turned around winking at her as I left.

We walked to his room in silence, when we entered the room was empty. "Miss Y/N, I was told you have 'gifts' and I want to see. Now if you would move this rather large cabinet to the middle of the room. " I gave him a confused look before I walked over to the cabinet and braced myself to push it. "No, No, I want you to use magic. But, no wand." I stepped out from behind the cabinet.

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