n i n e t y - f i v e 💛

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Aria's eyes fluttered open the next morning, as she awoke in a warm bed. As she turned over, she quickly remembered where she was. She was lying next to Draco in the Slytherin dormitory. As she rubbed at her sleepy eyes, she soon remembered that she was supposed to meet up with Harry and Hermione later in the day. 

It didn't take long for Draco to wake up, too, and as soon as his grey eyes locked with Aria's honey ones, he smiled. 

"Morning, Aria," he said. His voice was thick with sleep and Aria felt her heart skip a beat as she listened to it. Of course, the change in Draco's voice was something so seemingly insignificant, but it definitely caused a flutter within her chest. Draco's eyes moved to the clock on his bedside table, before he spoke again. "What time is it?" he asked. 

"It's about nine a.m.. I'm going to have to leave soon because I promised Harry and Hermione that I was going to-" she cut off then because it looked as though Draco wanted to say something to her. 

"Listen, Aria. You don't have to explain yourself to me. If you need to go and meet up with Harry and Granger then by all means, go ahead. I'll see you later. I promise," Draco said, as he smiled an affectionate smile. 

Aria sat up in the bed then so she could press a gentle kiss upon Draco's cheek before she rolled out of his bed. 

"I'll see you later, Draco," she said. 

"Laters, sweetheart," Draco said, as he waved to her. 

Aria turned with a small smile upon her face and walked out of the Slytherin dormitory. She then returned to the Hufflepuff common room, so she could get ready for the day ahead.

Once that was all done, she went to find Harry and Hermione and soon discovered the two of them in McGonagall's former classroom. Now that she was headteacher at Hogwarts, McGonagall had relocated most of her things into her brand new office. She was still going to teach from time to time but she had been teaching for so long now that she wished to move on to new ventures. 

"Good morning, Miss Honey. It's very good that you were able to join us," she said, with a pleasant smile upon her face. The warmth in her voice reassured Aria that she wasn't in trouble for arriving a little later than planned. Of course, Aria firmly doubted that anything could spoil her good mood. She had a wonderful evening with Draco and nothing was going to take that away from her any time soon.

Aria greeted McGonagall in return and then observed her move many of her certificates into boxes. Aria had always known that McGonagall was incredibly intelligent, but this just seemed to re-establish that matter. She was certain that Hogwarts was going to be in very safe hands under McGonagall's leadership. 

"I'll be preparing the classrooms for the new teachers today and, of course, I need to make you all aware that the dementors will be present outside the castle gates as there has been an escapee at Azkaban. I can assure you that it is nothing to worry about, you just need to stay alert," McGonagall informed them, with a serious expression. "The ministry are on the case and they hope to find the prisoner sooner rather than later." 

At this, Harry gave an understanding nod of her head. Although Voldemort was now dead and gone, that didn't mean that there weren't still dark forces lurking outside of Hogwarts' walls. 

"Either way, I believe that we all done here now. I think Hagrid might need some assistance in preparing his textbooks for when he takes up his position as the teacher of care of magical creatures again next term," McGonagall informed them. 

"Alright, professor," Hermione said, with a warm smile. "We'll see you later on," she said. 

McGonagall smiled back at her, as she replied, "Indeed you will, Miss Granger. Do take care now." 

The trio nodded in agreement and soon made their way out of the classroom and onto the Hogwarts' green, so they could make their ways towards Hagrid's hut. 

Hagrid opened the door to the hut almost as soon as they arrived. He had a friendly smile upon his face and his cheeks were slightly rosy from the sunny day. 

"Morning Harry, morning 'Mione, morning Aria," he greeted them. 

"Morning Hagrid. McGonagall let us know you needed some help organising things for next year," Harry said. 

Hagrid gave a nod of his head at that. 

"That sounds about right. She's always wanting to help out wherever she can, McGonagall," Hagrid said, as his eyes shone with kindness. "I suppose that you could help me move this hippogriff feeder outside. We'll need it next term," he said. 

"Love to," Hermione said, as she went to try to lift it. Unfortunately, it was not as easy as she wished it to be. 

Fortunately, Aria and Harry went with her to help her move it outside of the hut. 

While they were outside, the trio soon observed Fred and George walking towards them with grins upon their faces. 

"Hey guys," the twins said in unison. 

"Hi Fred, hi George. What have you two been up to?" Aria inquired.

"We knew it was a bit of a risk to leave the castle with all these dementors hanging about but we managed to get some more sweets for our shop!" George said, with excitement evident in his voice. 

"Yeah! It's going to be so much better next term! We'll actually be able to sell some things. You know, when we're not studying. The business is going to take off," Fred said, with a positive expression. 

Aria smiled back at them, then. 

"It sounds good," she said. 

Fred and George nodded in agreement. 

"'Course it does," George said. 

"We're full of great ideas!" they said together. 

Fred's eyes glanced towards the box of hippogriff feeder nearby and he turned towards Hermione and Harry then. 

"Speaking of which, would you like some help sorting things for Hagrid?" he asked. 

"That would be great. Ron's studying at the moment," Hermione explained. 

George smirked at that. 

"Is he really?" he asked. 

"So you finally convinced him that was a good idea," Fred said. 

"Nice one, Granger," they said simultaneously, before they started to assist the others in preparing things for Hagrid's classes for the next term.

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