f i f t y - f o u r 💛

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"Let me get this straight, Aria," Ron started to say, as his expression became one of immense focus. "You're suggesting that the last Horcrux...is Harry?" he asked. 

"I'm suggesting that he is one of them. Yeah," Aria confirmed, with a serious tone of voice. 

Hermione swallowed hard, as she considered the implications of that. 

"I'm sorry to tell you all this and then leave but I need to-" Aria cut off, then. She knew what she needed to do just as she knew she needed air to breathe. However, she wasn't about to be very obvious with her liking of Draco Malfoy. Of course, it was only a friendship thing. Obviously. 

"See you around, Aria," Hermione said, with a polite grin. 

"Yeah, laters," Ron said with a small smile. 

Aria waved to the both of them and then her feet carried her down the hall towards the Slytherin common room. 

Once Aria reached the common room, she walked inside. There didn't seem to be anybody about, apart from Draco. 

He was perched on the arm of a chair, reading a book. 

"Draco," she said, in an attempt to get his attention. 

Draco was so sucked into his book, though, that he hadn't heard her say his name. 

So, in her best efforts to get his attention again, Aria cleared her throat. 

His grey eyes then looked up to meet her honey ones. They flickered with curiosity for a second, before he asked her what she was doing there. 

Aria was determined to be on good terms with Draco, but she knew that she couldn't keep things from him anymore. 

"Draco. I needed to talk to you about something," she said. 

Draco's throat bobbed then, as he seemed to process that statement. Unfortunately, the statement came with a host of unfortunate memories, as whenever Pansy or Astoria had needed to talk to him, it hadn't exactly ended well. 

"What's going on?" Draco asked her. 

"You know how your diary went missing a while back?" Aria asked him, then. Her heart was beating so fast inside her chest that she was convinced it might pop right out at any second. 

Draco gave a subtle nod in answer to her question. 

"That was because of me. You left it behind in the library. I...I read it when you were on the Death Eaters side because I wanted...needed to know what you were plotting. I am sorry, Draco," Aria said. 

His grey eyes darkened slightly, then. Now, he felt unsettled. Now, he felt nervous again. If Aria had felt the need to go through his things, then that meant that she didn't trust him, didn't it? 

"I wouldn't read it now, of course. I trust you," she said. 

"Oh, of course you do! Everything is just fine, isn't it, Aria?" he asked her with harsh sarcasm in his accent, as he stood up from the chair and closed the distance between himself and Aria. 

Aria felt tempted to wince at the harshness of his voice, but refrained from doing so. 

"Whatever, half-blood," Draco said, as he brushed past her to leave the common room. "Have fun snooping through my shit again. Just know that you won't find anything." 

A lump formed in Aria's throat but she tried to force it down as much as she could, before exiting the room. 

One step forward, five steps back. 

"Aria, are you alright?" Hermione asked her, as soon as she was a short distance down the corridor. 

"Huh? Yeah. I'm all good," Aria said. It was only a half-lie. Alright, it was a pretty sizeable lie, but she didn't need Hermione to know how hopeless her relationship with Draco was. 

Hermione gave a nod but it was safe to say she didn't look that convinced by her best friend's statement. 

"Alright...I was just about to head back to the Gryffindor common room. Do you want to come-" 

"Yes please," Aria interjected. 

Hermione smiled at that and the two girls walked back to the red and gold common room. 

Once they had reached it, Aria immediately walked over to one of the red sofas and sat down. She grabbed a chocolate frog off the little coffee table and took a bite out of it in her best efforts to comfort herself. 

This was ridiculous. What was happening to her? Oh yeah, she remembered, Draco Malfoy was happening to her. How could someone be so irritating yet amazing all at once? She just hoped that the two of them were going to be alright. She was determined to put things right between the two of them. And as painful as it was, she was sure that she had done the right thing in telling him the truth. It would have come out sooner or later, anyway. Hufflepuffs weren't exactly known for their ability to keep secrets. 

"Is everything alright, Ari?" Harry asked, as he met his friend's eyes with a warm smile. 

Aria gave a small nod of her head. She couldn't find her words at present. 

"Did you tell him?" Aria asked Hermione quietly. 

"Tell me what?" Harry asked. He appeared to be a little timid, too, at the moment. It seemed that there was a lot on his mind, too, but Aria supposed that was understandable enough. "Will people tell me what's going on for once, please?" he asked, with some irritation evident in his voice. It didn't last long, though, before his expression became much calmer again. That was one of the things about Harry, he couldn't stay annoyed with his friends for long. 

"She thinks that you're the last Horcrux," Hermione blurted. "Or at least one of them." 

Harry frowned at that. 

"I have suspected this for some time now," he admitted, taking both Hermione and Aria by surprise. "I just really hoped it wasn't the case but there's not much I can do, you know, Hermione? I have to wait for Tom to get back and then I have to...I don't know what's going to happen to me but this I have to do on my own, you understand?" Harry asked. 

Hermione and Aria blinked back tears, as they replied, "Yes, Harry. Of course." 

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