s e v e n t y - e i g h t 💛

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"Let's go to the Slytherin common room," Draco said, as Aria continued to stare at him with wonder in her eyes. After all, he had just said, in one way or another, that he liked everything about her. Such a comment had caused a tornado of butterflies to stir within Aria Honey's chest, but she knew that she would have to save this to think over later. 

Aria gave a nod of agreement and the two of them soon made their way off towards the Slytherin common room. 

Upon their arrival, they realised that nobody else was there. Nevertheless, Aria appreciated the peacefulness of that fact. She didn't mind being alone as long as Draco was with her. 

The two of them scanned the common room to find that it looked the same. They both felt stunned by that fact, considering how many Death Eaters had been present at Hogwarts. That being said, Draco had cast an awful lot of protection spells upon the Slytherin common room. That had always been a last resort for him. If the situation had become any more deadly, then he was going to make sure that there was at least one safe place in the school for them to turn to. 

"You know...if Harry hadn't come back, I was prepared to make you stay here while I went and killed Voldemort. Sorry, that sounds like I'm bragging but...you know how dedicated I was to end this war. I would have done whatever it would have taken. I also know now that if I had told you that at the time, you never would have agreed to it. You always wanted to stay with me," Draco said. He paused for a moment, as he appeared to consider something. "We should both get changed. Our clothes are covered in blood." 

Aria hadn't noticed it until Draco had brought it up, but as she glanced down upon her shirt she realised that it was in fact coated in the crimson blood of the Death Eaters she had fought moments prior. 

Draco took off his shirt and Aria awkwardly tore her eyes away from his torso as she allowed for him to get changed into a new one. 

After Draco had got changed, he grabbed another shirt from his wardrobe and held it out to Aria. 

"Borrow this one. You can get changed in here." 

After he had said that, Aria gave him a slightly suspicious look. 

 "I promise I won't look," Draco said, as he released a gentle chuckle. 

"Okay," Aria agreed, as she took the new shirt from Draco. It had his scent. He always seemed to smell of apples and lemongrass. Aria wasn't sure how he managed it. She wondered if he wore cologne. It was a possibility. Maybe it was just his shower gel... 

She swiftly pushed that thought out of her mind, knowing all too well that it would lead her to blush if she thought on it for too long. 

Draco turned back to Aria before she had fully buttoned up her shirt, and something flickered in his eyes for a few moments before he cleared his throat. 

"Apologies," he said, "I can't say I'm that sorry, though," he said, with a swift wink, as he returned his gaze to Aria's face. 

Aria felt her cheeks burn a little but she decided to ignore the feeling as best she could. 

"It's sort of adorable, when you turn as red as a tomato on me," Draco teased. 

Aria rolled her eyes as she quietly prayed for her blush to disappear. 

"Shut up, Draco," she said. 

He took a step towards her then and mischief flickered in his now warm, grey eyes. "You see, I could do that, Honey...but messing with you is far more fun." He stepped a little closer towards her he was only a few inches away. 

As she tucked some of her copper brown hair behind her ear, Aria tried to remind herself to breathe. What was going on with her? Apart from the fact that she knew within her mind and heart, without a doubt, that she liked Draco Malfoy. 

Draco gave a shrug of his shoulders before he fell into one of the emerald green chairs nearby them. 

"We won't be able to stay here forever. I expect we'll have to go and help McGonagall restore the castle soon," Aria said, breaking the silence that had lasted only a couple of minutes. She was just glad that she had managed to find her voice again. 

Draco crossed one leg over the other before he replied. 

"We can't stay here forever, you're right...but we don't have to leave just yet now, do we?" he asked. 

Aria considered his question for only a moment. 

"I suppose not," she replied, which received a small smile from Draco, who seemed pleased with this. He held a hand out to her and gestured for her to go and sit beside him, which she soon did. "I could fall asleep right now." 

"I won't blame you if you do. It's been a long day," he said. 

"Try a long week. A long month. A long seven years," Aria replied. 

Draco's expression softened slightly, as he turned towards her. His eyes met mine and watched her, intently noticing all the loveliest features of her face- from her honey eyes to the way her perfectly red lips parted slightly. 

"Have you always been this beautiful?" Draco asked quietly, so quietly that Aria could have missed it. 

Of course, she never would have. Aria noticed everything. 

"I don't know. What do you think?" she asked, as her voice took on a playfully teasing tone. 

"I think you have been," Draco replied easily, "And you always will be. See, you're blushing, but everything I say is true." 

Aria went to tuck her hair behind her ear again as it fell down over her face, but before she could do so Draco captured her wrist gently in his hand again. He then tucked her hair behind her ears for her and Aria felt as though a subtle electric current coursed through her. 

"Uh...thank you," she managed to reply, as the sweetest smile became present upon her face. 

Draco's eyes warmed again, as he replied, "You're welcome, Aria."  

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