n i n e t y - t w o 💛

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After breakfast was over, both Aria and Draco left the Great Hall together. Once they were back outside in the hallway, Draco turned to look at Aria with a thoughtful expression on his face. 

"Is everything okay?" Aria asked him, with kindness in her voice. Despite everything that had happened between the two of them, especially recently, Aria couldn't help but care about him. 

"Everything's more than okay, Honey," Draco said quietly, as his grey eyes, which appeared to have warmed slightly, settled on hers. "So, what's the plan now?" he asked her quickly, before he could get lost in those stunning honey-coloured eyes of hers. 

"Well, the school is almost entirely back to normal. I suppose we could just take a walk around it and make sure everything is in order," Aria suggested. 

Ordinarily enough, this would have probably bored Draco completely, but he wanted to take up any excuse that he could to spend some more time with Aria. 

Thus, he gave a murmur of agreement and the two of them soon set off down one of the main hallways until they reached the end of it. 

"Aria..." Draco began to say then, as he realised where they were. They were right next to the Slytherin common room, and Draco knew that he couldn't help but remember what had happened the last time the two of them had been there. "Do you remember what happened, last time we were in that common room?" he asked her. 

Aria thought on the question for a moment and then her eyes widened slightly, as her cheeks flushed. 

"How am I supposed to forget something like that, Draco? You did kiss me," she reminded him. 

"Yeah, I did," Draco said. 

"What are you implying by that question?" Aria asked him then. 

Draco's eyes flickered with playfulness before he replied to that. 

"What if I wanted to do it again? Kiss you again, I mean?" Draco asked, as he leant in flirtatiously. 

Aria desperately wanted to kiss him back. She practically needed to, but she knew that she had to stop herself before that could happen. 

"I'm not something for you to play with, Draco. Besides, I'm supposed to visit the Gryffindors later on and-" 

"Kill some time with me, Honey. I promise that I'm not playing with you. I kissed you because I wanted to. I needed you to know that I-" he cut off then, sooner than he could admit to any of his true feelings. 

"You needed me to know what, Draco? That you're one of the most infuriating boys I have ever met? I already knew that one, to be honest with you," Aria said. 

Draco released a soft laugh at that. 

"No, Aria," he said, as he moved his head to be inches away from Aria's. "I kissed you because I needed you to know that you're one of the most beautiful girls I have ever met," he said, as he placed a kiss upon her cheek. "I kissed you because I needed you to know that you're one of the most brilliant witches at this school...even outsmarting Granger, from time to time, but I digress. I kissed you because I needed you to know that I like you, Aria Honey. I like you and that feeling isn't going to fade away any time soon. I meant what I said a long time ago, my Hufflepuff. You are everything to me. I will never stop caring about you." 

"Draco, I-" 

Sooner than she could finish that statement, Draco spoke again.  

"I need you," he said. 


"I need you and maybe you don't need me but I...Like I said, I can't help the way that I feel. Now you know," he said. 

"You drive me crazy," Aria said, as she took in a deep breath. 

Draco chuckled again. 

"I know," he said. 

"You're not planning on stopping any time soon, are you?" she asked, as the corners of her lips twitched upwards slightly. 

"Not in the slightest," Draco said. 

Aria sighed before she spoke again. "I didn't think so," she said and then stood up on her tip toes so she could press her lips against Draco's. 

He instinctively wound his arms around her waist and lifted her off the ground to kiss her with a little more intensity. While one arm remained around Aria's waist, the other one lifted to Aria's head and his slender fingers began to trail through Aria's gloriously soft copper-brown locks. 

Moments later, the two of them were a little breathless, so Draco grabbed Aria into a comforting hug with no intentions of letting go of her any time soon, even though he knew that he was going to have to eventually. 

"You should come and spend the night with me tonight," Draco said, as he pulled back to meet Aria's gaze again. "Don't look at me like that, Honey...we'll cuddle, and maybe I'll read you some of my diary," Draco teased, as a small smirk formed on his face and created a dimple in his soft cheek. 

Aria rolled her eyes but smiled right after. 

"Alright, Draco. Deal," she said. "I'd like that," she said. 

Draco gently squeezed one of Aria's shoulders. 

"I'll see you then, Honey," he said with a genuine smile, before he made his way into the Slytherin common room. 

"Yeah," Aria managed to say, still astonished beyond belief, "I'll see you then." 

Aria then turned and had every intention of returning to the Hufflepuff common room, but before she could do that, she swiftly realised that Professor McGonagall was stood not too far from her. 

"Professor...uh, hello. How much of that did you see exactly?" Aria asked, as she felt warmth rise in her chest. 

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Miss Honey. I simply came here to inform you that classes will be running again in a few weeks time. Hopefully you won't be spending too much time with Malfoy to remember to attend them," McGonagall said and then gave a playful wink before she left Aria stood in the hall feeling pleasantly surprised. 

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