s e v e n t y - n i n e 💛

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Draco and Aria did end up falling asleep in the Slytherin common room for several hours, before they eventually decided it was time to leave. By the time they had left the common room and were back in one of the main hallways, Aria realised that it was sunrise. 

"Did all of that happen? Is he finally gone?" Aria asked Draco, as she turned to him. She rubbed at her eyes a little sleepily and Draco regarded her with faint amusement. 

"Well, you didn't dream it all, Honey, if that's what you're asking. He's gone. There is no war. At least, not anymore. It's over. You're safe. Purebloods and half-bloods and muggle-born wizards and witches alike are now safe," he said. 

At his words, Aria released a sigh of relief. It was over., No more Voldemort. No more war. The main question on her mind now was where her friends had got to and where her brother Ethan had got to, too. 

"I can't believe that it's finally over. I feel like wizards have been fighting over this for years...and then when Voldemort came into power it all got so much worse but now- it's done?" Aria asked. She knew what had happened, but she almost couldn't entirely believe it.  

"It's done," Draco said, with promise behind his words. "Now we can work on restoring things...Restoring this school. Putting things right. Aria, before I say anything more, I just wanted you to know how sorry I am for everything-"

"Hey, look. You didn't ask to be born into the Malfoy family. You didn't ask to become a Death Eater, Draco. The thing that matters the most is that when I needed it, you saved me. When I needed it, you kept me alive," Aria told him in a meaningful tone. 

Draco couldn't help but smile at that. 

Aria was always able to help him feel a little more positive in a difficult situation. 

"Do you still have the mark, by the way?" Aria asked him, as her eyes glanced upon Draco's sleeve. 

Draco considered her question for only a second before he rolled up the shirt of his sleeve to reveal a blank arm. A blank canvas. No more dark mark. He was finally free. 

"It's gone...it's done," he said, "You know...nobody could have ever gotten in my way. Nobody could have ever convinced me to stay on the side of the Death Eaters. I'm afraid that it didn't take long after I met you, Aria Honey, for me to make up my mind. I never wanted to fight on the side of Voldemort. You gave me the power to see through all of it. You gave me the strength to leave him, to choose the right path." 

"But you were the one to make such a decision, Draco," Aria reminded him. "I was simply there," she said. 

Draco gave a slight shake of his head as he reached out to take Aria's wrist in his hand again. His eyes scanned over her pale skin and he released a gentle breath. 

"You weren't just there, Aria. You changed everything," he said. 

 Aria was about to respond to that, but she quickly heard the voice of her best friend from behind her. 

"Aria...thank goodness you're alright!" Hermione said. 

"'Mione!" Aria said with relief, as she stepped forward to embrace her. 

As the two girls hugged, Hermione released a soft laugh of relief. "I was so worried about you. After Voldemort died, I had no idea where you had got off to." 

"I was with Draco," Aria admitted, as she met Hermione's gaze again. 

Hermione took a step back then so her warm chocolate eyes could glance between Draco and Aria. 

"Oh. Oh right. Of course, you were. That makes sense," she said. She was still getting used to the whole Draco being on their side thing, but she was more than happy about it, to say the least. Thanks to Draco, Harry had been able to use the wand to defeat the Dark Lord. Thanks to Draco's help, they were now free. She wouldn't soon forget that. "Thank you, Draco, for looking out for her." 

"We look out for each other," Draco said, as a small smile formed on his lips. It was one of the only times that Hermione Granger had referred to him by his first name. It was a surprisingly pleasant thing. 

Hermione responded with a genuine smile, and soon enough a familiar red-headed Gryffindor came to join the three of them with a grin on his face. 

"'Mione," he said with warmth in his voice, as he wrapped his arms around Hermione. 

She swiftly returned the embrace with a pleasant smile upon her face. As she drew back from the hug, she seemed to consider something for several moments, but soon decided to reach out to take Ron's hand in hers. 

Ron smiled back at her, as he gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. 

"I'm not interrupting anything here, am I?" another voice spoke, this time around. It was one that Aria would know from anywhere. 

"Harry," she said with relief, as she stepped forward to bring him into a hug. 

"It's good to see you again, Ari," Harry said, as he released a gentle chuckle. 

Aria wasn't sure how she was ever going to be able to let go of her friend again. She was more than relieved to see that he was safe and well, to say the least. 

"Are you alright, Harry?" Hermione asked him, which prompted Harry to step back from the hug. 

"Of course, I'm alright, Hermione. Never been better," Harry said, with warmth in his voice and a charming smile that brightened his features. 

"Glad to hear it, mate," Ron said, as he gently placed a hand upon Harry's shoulder. 

The two boys smiled at each other for a short while, before Ron stepped forward into Harry's embrace. 

"Good to see you again, too, Ron," Harry said. 

"Well, it's not as though I'm going anywhere anytime soon," Ron replied, with a friendly glint in his warm blue eyes.  

The Malfoy Diaries (A Draco Malfoy Fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن