s e v e n t y - s e v e n 💛

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After Voldemort's death, many Death Eaters began to apparate away from the scene. They didn't want to deal with the inevitable consequences of all that had happened. Besides, there was a far more powerful wizard present now and they weren't about to face up to the likes of Harry James Potter. They especially weren't going to do such a thing after they had seen Harry defeat Lord Voldemort. Without their leader, they were nothing. 

Dementors had been asked to find them and imprison them for their crimes. It wouldn't be long before they were all discovered and punished for their actions. 

Draco turned to look at his friends to see that they were all safe and well, for the most part. His grey eyes flashed with concern as they settled upon Aria. She had a large scar over her stomach and Draco figured she must've been caught out by a Death Eater earlier on in the battle. His jaw twitched as he took her wrist in his hand and pulled her over to sit beside him upon a stone bench outside. 

"Aria...are you alright? Where's it hurting?" he asked her, with urgency in his tone. 

"My stomach. My head hurts," she said and her eyebrows creased together. She placed a hand to her forehead and tried to steady her breathing. She bit back against the pain. 

Draco started to use healing spells on her immediately. Once that was done, he passed one of the healing potions to Aria. 

Aria tried to ignore the warmth that crept into her cheeks as Draco's hand lingered inside her cloak pocket for several moments. 

His eyes soon returned to hers. 

"How are you feeling?" he asked her. His other hand hadn't let go of her wrist even once. He was too concerned to allow her to be alone. 

"A little better now. Thank you, Draco," Aria said. 

At the kindness in her voice, Draco's heart warmed a little. The corner of his lips twitched up slightly. 

"He's gone," Aria said, with a breath of relief. 

"Hey, I told you that we would win this fight, didn't I?" Draco pointed out. 

Aria couldn't help but smile at that, as she nodded her head slightly. "You did and we did, Draco. It's finally over." 

"Honey, we're finally free," Draco said and the corner of his lips lifted a little. "You're okay. I'm okay. We're both okay." 

"Is that a promise?" Aria asked, as her eyes nervously looked around for a couple of moments. 

"It's a promise, Aria. We're going to be okay, my Hufflepuff," Draco said, with a playful smile upon his face. "So, what do you want to do now. Should we go and get some food? We're going to need to...help sort out this entire place, really." 

Aria glanced around at the school around her and knew that Draco was correct. The place had been broken. Walls were shattered. She still wasn't too sure who had survived or died and that fact made her stomach flip, but she knew that the two of them would discover that soon enough. 

"Yes, Draco. Let's go," Aria said decisively. She managed to stand up without feeling too much pain now. 

Draco really had done a good job with those healing spells. She felt almost right as rain again. 

Aria took a step forward and Draco wound an arm around her shoulders as the two of them began to walk into Hogwarts. 

Once they were back inside the Great Hall, they quickly found that many of the seventh years had been preparing teas and coffees and hot chocolates for the students to have to help with the after shock of everything that had happened. 

Draco's grey eyes warmed slightly as they scanned over Aria's face. A lot had happened to the two of them but he felt at peace in the knowledge that she was safe and more importantly, alive. They both were. 

"Let's go and get some tea. Do you want one?" Aria asked, as she turned to find Draco gazing right at her. The acknowledgement of such a matter made her cheeks flush to a faint pink, but she ignored the sensation. There were more important things to focus on now than her little anxieties. "'Cause I can go and get some," her voice lilted a little as she said it. 

While he gave a murmur of agreement, Draco loosened the Slytherin tie from around his neck and placed it into his pocket. He then followed Aria further into the Great Hall so that he could get a tea with her. 

As she sipped on the tea, Aria's body became filled with warmth. 

Draco reached forward to tuck some hair behind her ear, while his eyes filled with a caring glint again. 

"Are you sure that you're alright?" he asked. 

"It's still weird having you care so much about me," Aria replied after she had swallowed the sweet tea. 

"You better get used to it," Draco replied nonchalantly. 

The corner of Aria's lips twitched up a little at that. 

"But yes, I'm alright, Draco. Are you?" she asked him. 

Draco wasn't used to being asked that question. Of course, Blaise asked how he was frequently enough but it was different with Aria. He felt that he could be truly honest with Aria. 

"I will be," Draco said. It was the most truthful answer that he could provide her with. He leant in slightly as his hands gently played with her hair for several moments longer. His eyes looked deeply into hers for a few seconds, until they moved down to look at her lips and as they did so, Aria found herself gently tracing the flesh of her soft red lips with her top teeth. "I always am when I'm with you." 

"What is it about me that makes you feel that way?" Aria asked. She tilted her head slightly to the side as her expression became one of curiosity. 

Draco released a sort of soft, short laugh and he subtly shook his head before he replied. 

"Everything," he said, with sincerity in his voice. 

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