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Upon exiting the library, Aria realised a couple of things. Number one was that she had accidentally come into the possession of Draco Malfoy's diary, of all things. Number two was that he was worse for wear than she had initially expected. She knew that Draco was no good, of course, but she hadn't expected him for to be this stubborn of a person in his beliefs and values. She understood that Lucius had been feeding into his beliefs and ideals his entire life and believed that due to that Draco had ended up being pulled into an incredibly dark place due to this. She wasn't sure why she had started thinking of him as 'Draco' in her mind instead of 'Malfoy' but she had decided that Draco was his own person, separate from his father, even though he was fairly similar. 

"Hey," Hermione said, as Aria walked down the corridor, which took her by surprise and she almost dropped the diary that she had been holding. "What's that?" Hermione asked. 

"My diary," Aria lied easily, as she swiftly placed the book into her leather satchel. 

Hermione's eyebrows drew together slightly at that, but she usually trusted her friend, so she let it slide. 

"Right. We need to go and find Harry and Ron. We need to try to figure out where on earth these final Horcruxes are," Hermione said. 

Aria argued against the point, but only because she knew that her friends were relying on them both for far different matters. 

After Hermione had found out about the dance from Aria, an incredulous expression appeared upon her face. 

"You have to be kidding me," she said. 

"I'm afraid that I'm not," Aria admitted. 

As she observed her friend's features, Hermione realised that she was in fact telling the truth. 

"Well, shit," Hermione said, which caused Aria's eyes to widen at her in her surprise. "Oh, come off it, Aria. I think we can all afford to swear in times like this." 

Aria nodded understandingly. She then warned Hermione that this wasn't the end of it, as she was actually expected to attend the dance with Draco. Hermione considered the whole concept entirely deranged but ultimately Aria convinced her that her friends had a plan. Aria needed to go to the dance to find out more information about Draco and the diary was certainly going to help with that. 

"This is ridiculous," Hermione whispered. "I know what we should do," she said, after a beat of time. 

Aria glanced towards her with an interested expression and Hermione soon suggested that the two of them go to visit Hagrid. After all, it had been quite some time since they had last seen him and he often helped them out whenever they were upset or anxious about something. Hermione and Aria both considered Hagrid to be one of their favourite teachers in all of Hogwarts because of this. 

Shortly after Hermione had made the proposition, she and Aria walked across the rather cold Hogwarts grounds and eventually made  it to Hagrid's hut. Hermione knocked upon the front door to it a couple of times, before it was eventually opened by Hagrid. 

"Hermione, Aria," Hagrid greeted them in his gravelly voice, as a warm smile made its way onto his face. "It's good to see the two of yeh!" he said, with energy behind his voice. Hagrid wouldn't have admitted it to anyone but he had started to feel especially lonely in the hut by himself. He had been watching Hogwarts from afar and looking out for Harry and his friends all the while. He knew that Voldemort's return was imminent and so was trying to enjoy as much of his time as he could, even though that was a terribly difficult task. "Come in, come in," Hagrid encouraged the two of them with a charming smile and the girls followed him into the hut and sat down upon the table. "It's good to see yeh!" Hagrid repeated, "Should I get you something to eat? Drink?" he asked. 

Hermione held her hand up to dismiss that offer. 

"Actually, Hagrid, Aria and I are here because we need to talk to you about something," Hermione said. 

It was soon after that she informed Hagrid of the entire situation, from them working on destroying the Horcruxes to taking down Voldemort and the fact that the dance was looming in the distance. 

"Oh, my!" Hagrid said, with an expression of concern upon his face. "That's certainly a lot to deal with," he said. 

"Tell me about it," Aria grumbled, as she glanced down appreciatively towards the mug of tea that Hagrid had placed in front of her. 

"It'll be fine, though," Hagrid said casually. "Just don't let Malfoy upset you, alright? If he does anything, step on his toes," he said. 

Aria chuckled at that. This was one of the reasons why Hagrid was so incredibly pleasant to be around. He was able to lighten up even the darkest of situations, which had made Aria especially fond of him. She was glad that she and her friends were able to go and talk to him about their worries when they needed to. 

"Already done that once," she said, as she took a sip of her tea. Delicious. Hagrid's tea was always the very best. 

Hagrid released a hearty laugh, this time around. 

"Well, I wish that I was around to see that," he said, as his eyes brightened up with his good-natured humour. 

A swift wind caused Hagrid's window to squeak open, then, and he quickly walked over to it to push it shut again. 

"I like the autumn weather. It's good pumpkin growing season. It's just..." Hagrid trailed off. 

"Cold?" Hermione suggested. 

Hagrid turned to her then. "Well, yes," he said. 

"And grey?" Aria offered. 

He nodded. 

"I am looking forward to Halloween, though," he admitted. 

"Me too," Aria and Hermione said in unison. 

"I just hope that bald bastard doesn't come along to ruin it," Hagrid said thoughtfully, which caused Hermione and Aria to laugh, but only for a second, before serious expressions soon appeared upon their faces. 

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