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Despite Hermione's optimism over her ability to help her friend, Aria doubted that this would be an easy feat.

After all, Draco had pushed Aria away again mere moments after her had kissed her Aria wasn't sure if she would ever truly understand him. Everything felt a little hopeless, but Aria knew that she couldn't give up. It hadn't taken Aria long, after she had begun to spend time with Draco Malfoy, to discover that she had incredible patience. Nevertheless, Aria knew that even a patience like hers had its limits.

It had been very kind of Harry and Hermione to have offered their support and kindness, but Aria wasn't sure whether they could truly help her here.

As she tried to push all thoughts of the blond-haired Slytherin boy out of her mind the previous morning, Aria began to make her way towards the Gryffindor common room.

She was only a few steps away from the Fat Lady's portrait when Ron emerged from the common room. His crystal blue eyes increased slightly in size as they settled on Aria.

"Hey," he said, with a small smile. His hair was slightly dishevelled from sleep, and Aria was questioning why he was up so early. Nevertheless, it was good to see him.

"Hi Ron. How are you doing?" Aria asked him, out of genuine curiosity.

Ron began to tell Aria, as the two of them walked towards the Great Hall, all about the reason behind him being awake so early. It all had something to do with him having a terrible nightmare about giant spiders with glowing red eyes and furry legs.

"They were disgusting, really. Then at the end of the dream, I was entirely convinced I was going to get eaten by one of them! Then I woke up," Ron explained.

Aria's eyebrows creased together slightly, as she reflected upon Ron's nightmare.

"All dreams have some sort of meaning... Maybe the spider is representative of something you are deeply afraid of," Aria suggested.

Ron gave a shrug of his shoulders, as the two of them entered the Great Hall.

"Yeah. I know what that something is, too. Spiders," Ron said.

Aria released a deep sigh.

"I hope you sleep better tonight Ron," she said.

"Yeah. I could really do with it. I keep falling asleep at four in the afternoon, which is exactly the same time that Fred, George and Harry go for Quidditch practice. I mustn't keep missing it," Ron explained.

Aria simply gave an understanding nod of her head at that. She hadn't played much Quidditch recently either but, then again, she had been considerably distracted.

As she thought of the devil, he appeared in the entrance way of the Great Hall.

"I better go and talk to Draco. I'm sure Hermione will be here soon, Ron. Enjoy your breakfast," Aria told him, with a kind smile.

Ron smiled back at her as he murmured a goodbye for now.

Aria was never one to be confrontational but it had been days since she and Draco had a proper conversation and she intended to find out why. She couldn't stand the fact that he kept shutting her out. His mixed signals were giving her, what she referred to as, emotional whiplash. She simply couldn't deal with it any longer. She had accepted the fact that she and Draco might not always get along a long time ago, but she still wanted to know why he was being the way that he was.

"Hi," Draco spoke as soon as Aria reached him.

Aria hadn't been expecting him to speak first, but it was sort of nice that he had.

"Hello Draco," Aria replied with a casual tone.

"What are you doing today?" Draco asked, with a genuinely curious expression.

Aria hadn't thought that far ahead, in truth. She had simply known that she needed to talk to Draco no matter what.

"Nothing much," Aria admitted, "I might play Quidditch with Ron later," she added. Why were things so awkward? Aria was rarely ever awkward, but she supposed that Draco had given her enough reason to be.

"Okay, cool," Draco said. There was a flicker of something in his expression momentarily, but Aria didn't quite catch what it was. "Well, I'm going to have some breakfast," Draco announced.

Aria murmured in understanding. She was thinking that she should probably do the same thing. Sure, she and Draco were still not exactly on friendly terms but it was still a start. So when Draco began to make his way towards the Gryffindor table, Aria followed suit.

Once she had sat down, she began to pile her plate high with toast and fried eggs and bacon, while she observed Ron and Draco chatting away beside her.

"Do you think that you'll ever go back to playing Quidditch, Draco? Hate to admit it, but you were actually rather good at it. You only quit because you became a... Well, that doesn't matter anymore," Ron said, taking Draco slightly by surprise. "I just know that the Slytherin team would be glad to have you back. You're a pretty significant asset to their team," Ron said.

"As are you to Gryffindor's," Draco replied easily.

Ron swallowed down a bite of golden buttery toast before he replied.

"Never in my years at Hogwarts did I expect to receive a compliment from Draco Malfoy, of all people," Ron said with an expression of mock astonishment.

"Well, Weasley, don't get your red hair in a twist. I suppose I'm just in a better mood today," Draco admitted.

Aria's lips curled up slightly at that statement, but she still didn't want to get her hopes up. She couldn't just forget how much Draco had hurt her any time soon, and even if he was feeling better now, it didn't exactly excuse everything that he had said to her a few days ago.

"I challenge you to a game of Quidditch later, Draco," Ron said, holding his hand out across the Gryffindor table.

"Oh, you're on," Draco said, as he shook Ron's hand.

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