f i f t y - e i g h t 💛

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Aria rubbed at the silver shadows under her sleepy eyes before heading towards the Great Hall, the following morning.

 She hadn't spent that long in the library with Hermione but that didn't change the fact that she was exhausted. 

When she arrived at the Great Hall, she was surprised to find that none of her friends were awake yet. Well, apart from one. He was sat in the corner of the room, staring right at her. Aria swallowed hard, as she began to make her way over to him. 

"You're up early," Aria commented. She didn't sit down opposite Draco. She didn't feel as though she was welcome to do so, in light of recent events and conversations. 

Draco gave a smooth shrug of his shoulders. "I couldn't sleep," he said. 

That didn't take Aria by surprise. She hadn't had the easiest time getting to sleep herself recently. 

Draco stood up from his table and towered over Aria as he took a step towards her. 

"Feel free to sit down. I was just leaving," he said. 

"I thought-" Aria cut off as Draco's eyes flickered with the subtle traces of amusement. 

"What? You thought that we could just sit down and have breakfast together and everything would be a-okay even though you know that you took my diary. You just expect for everything to be fine now, huh? Yeah, sure. We're the best of pals, Aria," Draco said, with exceptional amounts of sarcasm in his voice. 

Aria remained quiet. 

Draco raised one of his toned arms upwards so he could move his hand through his slightly disheveled blond hair. 

"Just so you know, Blaise, Pansy and Astoria are also aware of the fact that you think it's a good idea to snoop around our common room and take things that don't belong to you, so don't expect for them to be welcoming to you any time soon, either," Draco said, before he brushed past Aria and began to make his way out of the Great Hall. 

Lost for words, Aria stood there watching after Draco for a moment before someone cleared their throat nearby and Aria looked up to realise that Hermione had joined her. She had been so lost in her focus on Draco Malfoy that she hadn't even acknowledged the presence of her best friend. Aria felt terrible. What was she going to do, now? 

"He'll be fine," Hermione said. "He'll get over it." 

"I don't think he will. He's told everyone in the Slytherin common room that I'm not to be trusted now, too," Aria said. She felt a great weight on her chest and no matter how much she tried to push it off, it remained there. 

"I can appreciate your worry, Aria, but it really will all be fine. Besides, Draco will get over it," Hermione said. 

"Forgive me, Hermione, but Draco Malfoy doesn't exactly seem like the type to drop grudges," Aria said. 

Hermione gave a slight shake of her head then, as she observed the saddened expression upon her best friend's face. 

"That's because this involves you. Anyone else and he would have probably simply dismissed it or hexed our food with slugs. I think it bothers him so much more because you were the one to take it," Hermione said. 

Aria frowned at that. 

"That doesn't make sense. Why should it be any worse when it's me?" she asked. 

Hermione exhaled slowly before she gave her answer. 

"Because it's growing increasingly evident that you mean something to Draco, Aria. Why do you think that he saved you in the first place? I know that you're anxious about it but Draco isn't simply going to start hating you. I don't think that he could, even if he wanted to," Hermione said. 

After she had heard her friend say this, Aria's eyes brightened with surprise and wonder. 

"Look, I need to go and get on with some more studying. I might as well. McGonagall says that there hasn't been a Death Eater attack since the last one in the Forbidden Forest so...I think we should be alright for now. Just take care of yourself, alright?" Hermione asked, as she gently squeezed Aria's shoulder. 

Aria gave a subtle nod of her head in response to that request. 

"See you later, Honey," Hermione said, as she walked out of the Great Hall with a croissant that she had taken from one of the tables. 

In Hermione's absence, Aria sat down at one of the tables and took a bunch of grapes to eat. She debated what she was going to do now. After all, Draco was evidently more than annoyed at her. Nevertheless, Aria was going to do whatever she could to put things right. She couldn't have Draco mad at her. She simply couldn't. She had worked so hard to accept and support him- she had tried to help him. She just wished that he could extend the same favour to her. Perhaps she had royally screwed things up when she had taken that diary, though. At first, it hadn't meant to be anything serious. It was just, what she had considered, a harmless way of finding out more information about him. Now, though, she realised how wrong she had been to take his diary. She knew that if anyone had gone through her things, she would have been irritated, too. 

However, at the time, Aria had strongly believed that she was doing the right thing. Draco had been on the Dark side, hadn't he? She previously had all of the reasons in the world to not trust him, but perhaps there were better ways to have acquired information about Draco Malfoy than snooping through his personal belongings. His personal diary. 

Regardless, Aria was going to try her best to gain back a slightly more peaceful relationship with Draco, at least. She couldn't allow him to be mad at her forever. She was going to have to do something to make things up to him. 

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