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Blaise Zabini was concerned about his friend. He had spent a chunk of his time after returning to the Slytherin common room considering how what he could say to make Draco Malfoy feel even the slightest bit better. Lightening the mood had never exactly been the easiest of tasks as far as Malfoy was concerned, but Blaise knew he had to try his best. He had to be honest with what and how he felt. It was just the way that he had always been. 

"It'll be fine. If I'm being honest, I think that the Hufflepuff will probably stay out of your sights now and everything will be a-okay-" Blaise cut off then, as Malfoy shot him an irritated look. 

"I have to go to the bloody dance with her, of all people. I would have preferred to go with Looney Lovegood and she's entirely insane," Malfoy said. 

Blaise felt the need to argue against that, then, but didn't want to give too much away. "Hey, she's a little strange but she's not entirely insane. Not really. I think she's just misunderstood," Blaise said. 

Malfoy's eyes narrowed in his irritation. 

"And since when did we start thinking people were misunderstood, Zabini? When did we start taking pity on dirty half-bloods and...worse," he spat, as his mind thought to Granger, for a moment. 

"I admire you for fighting so hard for your cause, Malfoy but..." Zabini trailed off, "You need to lighten up a little. You haven't been the same for a while now and-" he cut off. 

"And what? And it's bumming you out, Zabini? Is that what you would like to tell me? I haven't been the same for a long fucking time, actually," Malfoy said angrily, "Because I'm trying to be better. I have to be better. For my family, my father, and the Dark Lord himself." 

Blaise only met Malfoy with a sympathetic expression, then, before Malfoy sighed and walked on out of the Slytherin common room. He wasn't too sure where he was going but Blaise didn't stop him, so he continued to walk on until he reached the hallway nearby the Hufflepuff common room. For Salazar's sake, Draco thought to himself, what on earth was he doing here?  If he stayed around the Hufflepuff common room too long, he believed that there was a good chance that he would end up covered in water again. That definitely hadn't been one of the Hufflepuff's finest moments, Malfoy thought decisively. Nevertheless, this was probably an incident that he wouldn't tell his father about. It was so embarrassing. How dare he, a pureblood, let himself be treated like that by a dirty little half-blood. He sat down on a bench nearby the Hufflepuff common room and began to write it all down in his diary. He was presently constructing a list of people that he wished would fall off their broomsticks into lava. A certain Aria Honey was next on the list. 

Malfoy sighed with frustration. The small act didn't exactly make him feel any better. He swiftly placed the book back into his pocket, as soon as Aria came walking past again. Salazar, how many times was he going to have to see her in the course of a day? 

"Malfoy?" Aria said. 

"Yes?" Malfoy asked curtly. 

"I- earlier...I know we aren't going to get along. I do understand that. But you're here for a reason and we have to at least try to tolerate each other," Aria said, as she tried to keep her voice from shaking. 

"Please. Don't make me laugh," Malfoy said darkly, "Do you really think that I could ever tolerate someone like, well, you?" His eyes scanned up and down Aria as he said that last part. He swiftly tore his eyes from her. He wasn't sure why he was even looking at her. Godric forbid she got the wrong impression. He didn't care about her. He never would. Never. 

"The others are relying on me to go to this dance with you and..." she trailed off. 

"Why do you care so much about them," Malfoy said. He said the last word as though it was a curse. 

"They're my friends, Malfoy, and unlike you I actually give a shit, so-" she cut off then. This was going off track. "They need me." 

"Well, I don't need anyone and nobody needs me," Malfoy said, as he gave a quick shrug of his shoulders and stood up from the bench he had previously been witting upon. It was rather depressing to admit, actually. He felt tempted to groan out loud at the thought that he was actually revealing information to the Hufflepuff.

Even though Malfoy was immensely irritating, Aria knew that she had to see the plan through. 

"I don't think that's true," Aria said, with only the hints of a charming smile. 

Malfoy believed that smile was probably one of the only stupid reasons why Aria had risen in popularity the way that she had. 

Aria could tell that Malfoy was considerably stressed out. It was in the little things- his short responses and the fact that he looked as though he wanted to sink into the ground at any moment. 

"You just need to find the right people, Malfoy," she said, "You think you've found them but...I mean, let's be honest here, you're not exactly the type of person to ever think that you're wrong." 

"You're right..." Malfoy cut off then. Had he actually just said that Aria was right, out loud? "You're right because I am always right." 

Aria gave a perfectly-timed roll of her eyes in response to that statement. 

"Let's be reasonable here, Malfoy. If I am civil with you, can you at least try to be civil with me?" she asked. 

Malfoy raised an eyebrow at her. 

"No," he said curtly. 

"I'll get you chocolate frogs," Aria teased. 

Malfoy felt tempted to smirk at that suggestion. It was so unexpected. 

"Look, you say that nobody needs you but a lot of people do, Malfoy. A lot of people need you to make the right choice. You're capable of making the right decision. I know you are. And I know that Hermione will argue against me on that one time and time again but...I really want her to be wrong about you," she said, with evident emotion in her voice. 

Running his fingers through his sleek hair, Malfoy sighed. 

"Fine. I should head back...but about that chocolate frog?" he asked. 

Aria's eyes lit up at that question. 

"Follow me. I have some," she said. 

Malfoy couldn't believe that he was actually going anywhere with the Hufflepuff, but he followed her either way. 

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