e i g h t e e n 💛

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Aria opened the wardrobe up and then saw a rack of amazing dresses in different shades of golds, yellows, ambers and greens, as well as a couple of other colours, but Aria didn't pay much attention to those ones. Her eyes settled on the golden dress. 

"I had a feeling you were going to pick that one," Malfoy said. 

"How did you know that?" Aria said, as she pulled the dress out of the wardrobe. 

Malfoy shrugged in response to her question. 

"I don't know. Slytherin's intuition, I suppose," he said. 

Aria smirked at him then. 

"What?" he asked her, as his grey eyes, which seemed a little warmer, widened a fraction. 

"Your traits aren't determined by the house that you belong to, Malfoy. That's all. You can be whoever you choose to be," she told him. 

Malfoy's expression became more serious as he thought over her statement. He adjusted his collar slightly and shrugged again. 

"Yes, well, I know exactly who I'm meant to be," he said. 

"Is it someone that you want to be, though?" she asked him. 

Running his fingers  through his blonde hair, Malfoy chose not to answer that question. He scratched the back of his neck a little uncomfortably as he reminded himself of what he needed to do next. He needed to get ready. He pulled his jumper off and placed his robes down on one of the forest green sofas nearby. 

Aria deliberately pulled her gaze away from him, as a faint blush appeared on her cheeks. 

"Uh, Malfoy, thank you for helping me find a dress," Aria told him, as she gazed around the room for somewhere to get changed. 

Despite himself, Malfoy's lips twitched into a half-smile. 

"You're welcome, Hufflepuff," he said, "You can get changed now, by the way. I'll stand guard and make sure nobody comes in." 

Why was he being so nice to her? It was almost suspicious, Aria considered. 

That being said, she got changed anyway and soon made her way out of the Slytherin common room to join Malfoy who had got dressed into his suit. He almost looked, dare Aria say it, handsome. 

"Let's get going," Malfoy said, as he reminded himself to just view the evening as some kind of tedious task. That was the best way to get through it, he decided, as never in a million years had he expected that he would be attending a school dance with a Hufflepuff of all people, no matter how stunning she looked. Malfoy mentally scolded himself at such a thought. Had he really just thought that? "Whatever," Malfoy ended up blurting out loud, which caused Aria to turn to him with an expression of curiosity. 

"Is everything alright?" she asked him. 

"Yeah. Yeah," Malfoy said, as he straightened up a little bit and adjusted the collar of his shirt. His jaw twitched slightly and Aria found herself unconsciously wondering what was going on inside that mind of his. It was an understatement to say that Malfoy was complex. 

Although Draco had many thoughts that were telling him to run as soon as he could, he knew that his will of steel was going to allow him to get through the evening, no matter how much of an ordeal it was going to be. 

As soon as Draco Malfoy and Aria Honey got to the entrance of the dance hall, all eyes were on them. Aria swallowed a little nervously as she heard people saying that she almost looked pretty. 

"Let's just get this over with," Draco said. 

"You make it sound like a chore, Malfoy," Aria teased. 

It would have been far too optimistic to believe that Draco was actually going to enjoy his time at a dance he hadn't even wanted to go to in the first place. He looked incredibly uncomfortable but that was tough, Aria believed. He was simply going to have to suck it up and deal with it. 

"Isn't it one?" Malfoy replied easily, which caused the corner of Aria's lip to twitch up a little despite herself. "Stop staring," he said, as he caught sight of some girls walking past the two of them. 

"Sorry. He won't actually bite your head off. He just looks like he will," Aria quickly apologised for him.

Malfoy turned to her and rolled his eyes in a perfectly dramatic way. 

"Aria, you made it," Harry greeted her with a smile, as he walked towards her and Draco. Ginny had her hand placed upon Harry's arm and a bright smile upon her face. 

Aria was glad to see her friend look so happy. She knew that it couldn't be the easiest of things to be the girlfriend of the chosen one, but she supposed there were more difficult possibilities. Her eyes glanced towards Malfoy for a mere few seconds, before they returned to Harry. 

"You know you can always rely on me," she told him easily. 

Malfoy didn't say a word. 

Shortly after Ginny and Harry had shown up, it seemed that it was time for more of their group to make an appearance. 

Ron and Hermione walked arm in arm over to the others with smiles on their faces. 

"McGonagall got fire whiskey especially for this dance," Hermione said, "Considering we're all final years. We can drink." She hiccupped, then. 

"In Salazar's name," Malfoy said under his breath, "How much of that stuff has she drunk?" he asked. 

"About one or...maybe three glasses," Hermione said, as she hiccupped again. 

Malfoy gave a shake of his head at that, as he reached for his wand to quickly discover he didn't have it. 

"I'll do the sobering charm," Aria said, as she quickly realised that was what Malfoy had intended to use. At least, she hoped so. 

Aria used the charm on Hermione and soon enough Hermione was good as new. 

"Well, that was weird," she said. 

"Let's go and sit down," Ron told her, with a slightly anxious glint in his bright blue eyes. 

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