s e v e n t y - o n e 💛

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"We need to go," Draco said with a firm voice, as his eyes found Aria's. 

Aria's eyebrows creased together as she stared back at him in subtle disbelief. 

"Draco- we can't just leave him here," she said. 

"Do you have a better idea? I'll wait," Draco said in a sarcastic tone. 

Aria sighed. She didn't want to abandon Snape after he had so tragically passed away, but she didn't have many other options. If she and Draco were to remain in the Potions room for much longer, then they could be discovered by Death Eaters or worse, and that's precisely what the two of them wanted to avoid. 

"Okay, let's go," Aria said. 

As she and Draco began to make their way out of the Potions lab, Aria glanced back for a couple of seconds but soon forced herself to tear her eyes from Snape. They had to keep moving. 

They hadn't got far up the stairs of one of the towers before they found a familiar red-headed witch in front of them. Molly Weasley. 

Aria had only met Molly on several occasions but she adored her endlessly. Molly had always been so kind to her and Ethan. 

"Wait a second- mum?" Draco asked, as his clear grey eyes settled on the witch stood beside Molly Weasley with familiar blonde streaks in her hair. "What are you doing here?" he asked. 

"We need to find Bella," Narcissa said matter-of-factly. "We need to end this," she said. 

"What-" Draco started to say but he abruptly stopped when his mother spoke again. 

"I'm sorry, Draco. I'm so sorry. I should have been around more for you. I should have seen exactly what your father was putting you through. You should have had me around to support you more in what you wanted, Draco. Not what your father wnated. Not what I wanted. All I've ever wished for was for you to have a happy life. I realise now that you were robbed from that by joining the Death Eaters," Narcissa said. 

Draco's jaw twitched slightly, but before he could say a single word, a familiar dark-haired witch appeared nearby. 

"Oh look, another Weasley! What do I have to do to get rid of this one?" she asked, as her dark eyes settled on Ginny. 

Aria swallowed hard in her worry for her friend, but sooner than Bellatrix could do anything to harm Ginny, Molly and Narcissa stepped forward. 

"Bella, please stop this," Narcissa said, her voice thick with upset. 

"No, Cissy. We have worked too hard for this for far too long. I will fulfil what our master wishes! That starts with removing these blights from existence," Bella said. 

Before she could say anything more, though, Molly Weasley stepped forward once again. 

"Get away from her!" Molly Weasley said quickly. 

Bellatrix, who was now distracted from antagonising Ginny, turned to the Weasleys' mother. 

"Not my daughter, you bitch!" she yelled, before targeting a load of disarming charms in Bellatrix's direction. 

Bellatrix tried to fight, but she ended up stumbling over the hem of her black skirt and cascaded out of one of the tower's open windows. 

Draco's eyes lingered on the window for a couple of moments, but his face was otherwise expressionless. He grabbed a hold of Aria's wrist again and led the two of them away from the scene. 

"Draco...are you alright?" Aria asked, once they were away from Molly and Narcissa, who had banded together to fight off more of the Death Eaters. 

"I'm right as rain. Why wouldn't I be alright?" he asked, with an expression of subtle irritation. 

"I mean...she did just die," she said. 

"And? She tortured you. Need I remind you of that? Good fucking riddance is what I say," Draco said, with an expression of anger upon his face. 

Aria didn't say a word after that. 

Draco was right, of course. All of the suffering that Bellatrix Lestrange had been responsible for could finally come to an end. Maybe her death was cause for celebration rather than mourning, as twisted as that was to think about. 

"We need to go, Aria. We need to go now. I told you that we would find my father, did I not? We can't give up now. Not for a single moment," he said. 

Aria gave an understanding nod in agreement with that. Although she was still incredibly concerned for Draco's mental and emotional state at present, she knew one thing for certain. She couldn't allow him to be alone. 

"Okay, Draco. You know I support you in whatever it is that you need to do," Aria said, with promise behind her voice. 

Draco met her gaze and smiled in his appreciation, then. 

"Thank you, Aria," he said. 

"I don't think I'll ever tire of you using my first name, by the way," Aria said then, as the corner of her lips twitched up slightly. 

"Then I'll make sure to never stop saying it," came Draco's easy reply. 

"We'll find your father, I promise, and you can depend on me to be there for you every step of the way," Aria said. 

"Good. Don't die, Hufflepuff," Draco said, with a glint of playfulness in his warm grey eyes. 

Aria smiled this time around, too. 

"I'll try my best not to," she said. 

She knew how much her friends relied on her, and as much as he would never admit it, she knew how much Draco relied on her, too. She had been one of the main factors to pull him out of the group of Death Eaters in the first place. She wasn't going to easily let him go anytime soon. She had to stick by him for her peace of mind. 

"We'll find him," Aria said again, as the two of them began to head out into the Hogwarts courtyard. 

"I certainly hope so. Do you have your liquid luck on you?" Draco asked, as his eyes glanced over Aria. 

Aria patted her pockets to find that the potion bottles were safely tucked inside of them. 

"I do indeed," Aria said, with self-assurance in her voice. 

Now, all they needed to do was find Draco's father. 

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