t w e n t y 💛

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"It's not as though he can do very much," Harry said quietly, as he and Aria went to sit down in the library on the cold and frosty November morning. "He doesn't have his wand."

Aria nodded in agreement at that. She knew that as long as Malfoy didn't have his wand, he would be stuck at Hogwarts essentially powerless. As much as it sucked for him, it meant that her group of friends were much safer. For now, at least. She knew that things were always open to changing. She had been friends with Harry for long enough now to know that nothing was ever simple.

However, Aria was a very understanding and accepting individual. Regardless of every danger that could come with a friendship with Harry Potter, she had always stayed by his side. She knew how much her friends relied on her. That was why, she silently considered, she was going to find a way to retrieve Malfoy's diary again. She wasn't sure if he had updated it yet but she had a good feeling that he would have done. After all, he was allegedly bored back at Hogwarts. There weren't many things that he could do to occupy his time.

Soon enough, Ron wandered over to the two of them with a smile upon his face. Ron had always been glad to see his friends, particularly in recent times, given everything that was going on. He wished that he could do more but he knew that the best thing he could do at present was to be there for Harry and the others. After all, he knew that they would find more of the Horcruxes eventually. Ron could sometimes be slightly skeptical but his friendship with Hermione had led him to becoming a little more optimistic.

"Ron, did you make that jumper?" Harry asked him.

Ron glanced down towards his navy jumper for a moment and smiled. It was a good jumper, all things considered. Nothing like the thick R sweater his mother had gifted him in first year. That being said, he had always loved that sweater, even if it no longer fit him. It was special because his mother had made it. Ron knew that he would do anything to protect his family. That included a Harry, of course. Ron basically saw him like a brother by this point. They had been through so much together.

"Oh, yeah. My mum taught me," he said, with a small smile as he thought fondly on the memory.

If there was one thing that Harry knew Ron liked to be, then it was original.

"Hi," Hermione greeted them, which caused a faint pink colour to form on Ron's cheeks. She smiled at him for a few moments but soon reminded herself of the news that she needed to tell her friends. "Okay, so I think I know what the next Horcrux is," she started to tell them, in a hushed tone, "It's Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem."

"What's a diadem?" Ron asked.

"It's a sort of jewelled crown. It's the only known relic that belonged to her. And we need to destroy it," Hermione said.

"Well, that sucks," Ron said, "It's probably worth a fortune," he quickly added, as Harry met him with an expression of curiosity.

"Now, in all honesty, I'm not too sure where the diadem is. However, I have a feeling I know the way to find out," Hermione stated. "We are going to need to find Rowena's ghost, of course, and ask her. She will know better than any of us."

"I'll find her," Harry said decisively.

"We will find her. I'm coming with you," Hermione said decisively.

It figured that she would want to go with Harry. Hermione would be loyal until the end. And she was also incredibly trustworthy, so Harry knew it would be a good idea to bring her along. He knew that together the two of them could find the diadem.

"Well, we are coming too. Right, Aria?" Ron asked her.

Aria turned to him with a determined expression, as she gave a nod of her head in agreement. She wasn't about to let her friends go off to complete a task without her. No chance. Besides, Aria had always been especially productive. It had assisted her in getting the top grades at Hogwarts. Now, she needed to help the others find Rowena's ghost. It couldn't be that difficult, she believed.

Soon enough, the group of four began to walk down the corridor.

"We will find her," Hermione said decisively.

"Of course, we will," Aria said, as she glanced toward her friend with an expression of admiration. Aria was always glad to have Hermione around. The two of them combined were incredible. After all, they had always been considered the two wisest witches of their age.

As they walked down the hallway, Aria glanced around her as she tried to catch sight of Rowena Ravenclaw. Eventually, they found her nearby the hall leading to the Ravenclaw common room's staircase.

"There she is!" Aria said.

Hermione grinned at her friend and pulled her into a hug, then.

"Well done, Aria," she said with a positive tone. Now, they just needed to figure out where the diadem was.

"Rowena," Harry said.

The ghost continued to stare out of the window for a moment.

"Rowena," he said slightly louder this time, which captured her attention.

"What is it?" she asked. Her eyes widened slightly as she realised who she was talking to. "Oh. Harry Potter. I'm afraid I am not Rowena. She was my mother. I'm Helena. Otherwise known as the Grey Lady," she said, with a smile in greeting.

Of course, Aria considered, that made much more sense. She remembered that she had been told in first year that Helena had returned with the Bloody Baron, to be a ghost at Hogwarts. She had been the Ravenclaw ghost for years now.

"Hi, Helena. We need your help," Harry said.

He then proceeded to fill Helena in on everything that had happened so far, including the whole situation with the Horcruxes. He told her that they needed her help to find the diadem.

"It will be in the room of hidden things," Helena said.

Harry frowned at that, as he considered what exactly that meant.

"I am sure that you will find it, Potter. After all, wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure," Helena said, before she moved away from the group.

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