t w e n t y - e i g h t 💛

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Aria had thoroughly enjoyed her trip to Hogsmeade. Even if it was a little quiet, it was still good to visit the place that she had grown to love so much during her third year of Hogwarts. Fred, George and Aria had all managed to get their tattoos, too, which was a result! The three of them had got little lion tattoos in the colours of their Hogwarts houses. So, Fred and George's had been red and gold, while Aria's had been black and yellow. 

"The lions are for bravery, of course. I think they're pretty fitting, wouldn't you say so, Fred?" George asked, then. 

Fred's ears perked up at that question, as they began to make their way through the thick snow on the grounds of Hogsmeade back towards the route back to Hogwarts. 

"Totally!" Fred said with a widespread grin upon his face. 

"It's been a good day," Aria said. She just really hoped, as they walked in through the main gates of Hogwarts, that Draco Malfoy wouldn't emerge out of nowhere and ruin things. 

"I agree," George said with a grin. 

"A fantastic day. Now, we were going to go and get some mead. We may as well have some on  a day like today! Want to join us, Aria?" Fred asked. 

Aria considered the question for a moment and decided that ultimately there wasn't anywhere that she needed to be. 

As they walked on through the Hogwarts hallway, Aria soon caught sight of the familiar flutters of a black raven passing by the window. 

Usually, this would cause her to feel unsettled but with the Weasley twins around, she chose to ignore it. 

Maybe Malfoy had been right. Maybe it was just a stupid superstition. 

Besides, there were far more things to be concerned about, including him. 

A small mouse scampered past the trio, which caused Fred to look towards it with a raised eyebrow. 

"Scabbers?" he asked. 

George scoffed. 

"No. He's dead now. That's just a harmless mouse," George said, as his brown eyes followed the little white mouse for a few moments. 

Aria couldn't forget that they had managed to find and kill Pettigrew in their fifth year, after witnessing Sirius' murder by Bellatrix. 

Pettigrew had got in the way when Bellatrix had aimed a killing curse at Aria. She would never forget the fact that she could have died that day. She knew that one of the prices that she had to pay for being friends with Harry Potter, though. Nothing in life was ever going to be free of danger or easy. 

"And just where may you three be going?" Hermione asked, as she intercepted their path in the hallway outside one of the main kitchens. 

"Relax, Granger," Fred said, as he placed a hand upon Hermione's shoulder. 

"Yeah! We're only going to get some mead," George said. 

Hermione's eyebrows creased together slightly at that. 

"Now is hardly the time for drinking, don't you think?" Hermione said. 

"Oh no, Granger. I disagree. Now's a perfect time for drinking," George said. 

"Yeah! It gives us something to do," Fred replied. 

Aria turned to Hermione then with a pleasantly warm glint in those honey-coloured eyes of hers. 

"It's okay, Hermione. I'll make sure we don't drink too much," Aria said, "Besides, it is still the New Year and even though it is far different from any other, we may as well celebrate while we can." 

Fred and George's eyes brightened up then. 

"Yeah! She's right," they said in unison. 

"Well, I disagree with the idea, in all honesty. I think that you're going to end up getting yourselves into trouble but...screw it. I'll come along with you," Hermione said decisively, which took all three of them by surprise. 

"You will?" Aria asked, with a subtly stunned expression etched onto her face. 

"Yes," Hermione said, with a reassuring smile. 

Thus, the four of them wandered into the kitchen and grabbed a few bottles of mead, which they then returned to the Gryffindor common room with.

 "Hey!" Ginny called out with energy, as soon as the four came into view. "What are you all up to?" she asked, as she regarded them with curious eyes. 

"We're drinking," Hermione said in all her honesty, as she went to sit upon one of the scarlet sofas of the Gryffindor common room and took a swig from the bottle. 

Aria could scarcely believe what she was seeing but she soon wandered over to Hermione to join her and held a hand out for the bottle, too. 

"Well, if you're drinking, I want in, too," Ginny said, after Aria had taken a couple of sips from the bottle. 

"Be my guest," Aria replied, as she handed the bottle to the fiery red-head and watched her take a few sips from it. 

"This is kind of gross, don't you think? Us all sharing the same bottle?" Hermione asked. 

"Do you have time to care about things like that in times like these?" Ginny replied. 

Hermione shrugged at that. She supposed not. 

Fred and George soon had something to drink, too, and then all five of them settled down near the warm haze of the common room fire. 

"I did some reading earlier and I think I know what the next Horcrux is," Ginny said, after several moments, which prompted everyone to look in her direction with expressions of intrigue. "At least, I thought I did." 

"What's up, Ginny?" Hermione asked her, with an expression of concern. 

"I don't know. I thought I had it but...we've broken most of them already. The cup, the sword, the diary...what could be next?" she asked. 

Hermione swallowed then. 

"I don't know," she said, with all of her uncertainty evident in her voice. It was rare for Hermione Granger to be uncertain on anything but this was one matter that she was certainly uncertain on. "We will work it out, though. I'm sticking with you all. No matter how long it takes, we'll find it. Trust me." 

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