s e v e n t y - f o u r 💛

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They didn't walk on for much longer before a cold, horrible sound filled the air. 

The sound of Voldemort's voice. 

"I have had quite enough of this incompetence, in all honesty, friends and family of Harry Potter." 

Voldemort released a humorless laugh before he went on, then. 

"I gave you one hour to bring the boy to me and most of you failed in that task. Most. Apart from my dear, sweet, Narcissa," he said. 

From across the courtyard, Draco met his mother's gaze on the side of the Death Eaters then. His jaw twitched slightly. He knew which side she was truly on but it was still sort of difficult to see her there. 

"Of course, my efficiency was never to be questioned," Voldemort went on, as a small smile played at his white lips. "I managed to find Harry. Of course, I managed to find Harry. The boy who lived... aha. If only that were true." 

"What is he even talking about?" Ginny asked quietly, as she went to stand beside Aria. 

"I don't know," Aria admitted. 

"Stop talking," Draco said with urgency. The last thing they needed was for the Dark Lord to look in their direction. 

Voldemort placed his hands together as his dark eyes glanced around at his growing audience- both Death Eaters and students and professors alike were joining them all on the battlefield. 

"I'm glad that the main threat is gone, now. I can move on to my other goals... I can move on to killing anyone who cares to disobey me and everything that I stand for, one by one," Voldemort said. 

"Well, he certainly doesn't beat around the bush, does he?" Fred asked quietly, as he went to stand with them. 

Aria was relieved to see that he was still alive, but that didn't calm down the qualms that she had about Harry. Where was he? What had happened to him? 

"Anyway, I really must move on. We have exciting things to move onto!" Voldemort said, which caused enthusiastic murmurs from the Death Eaters and followers behind him. "Harry Potter, the boy who lived, is dead. Your precious Harry Potter is gone." 

Ginny reacted like lightning- too fast to prepare for. 

"No!" she cried out.

Aria couldn't help but wince at the sound of her friend's voice. It sounded strangled. It sounded as though everything that Ginny had ever loved had been completely ripped apart. 

Everyone else stood frozen in place, including Ron and Hermione who were now hand in hand. 

Aria's heart was beating so quickly that she was convinced it might just beat right out of her chest. 

Voldemort clapped his hands together before he spoke again. 

"Who shall join him next? I don't really care. Who shall join me next is the question that I have more cares about," Voldemort said, as he smiled towards his followers. After a beat of time, he returned his gaze to the other side of the courtyard. His eyes soon settled on one person in particular. 

Draco Malfoy. 

"Draco, my boy, come and join us," Voldemort said. 

Draco didn't say a word, as he remained rooted to the spot. He had his mind made up. He was never going to leave Aria. Never again. 

He was certainly not about to return to the side of the war that had caused him so much pain. 

"Draco?" Voldemort said again. 

No movement. 

"Well, this is certainly incredibly disappointing," Voldemort said, which gained a few chuckles from the dark-robed men behind him. 

Narcissa shifted on her feet. She looked as though she wanted to go and help Draco but doing so would get her in some serious trouble. She had to stay exactly where she was. At least, she did for now. 

"Anyone else? Any one else want to join me? Or are you too afraid to gain strength, to afraid to gain power? Are you weak, just as Potter was?" he asked. 

"You're wrong," a new voice emerged from the crowd, then, and Aria and Draco turned to observe Neville step forward. 

"I have to admit, I really did hope for better," he said. 

The men chuckled again. It was a dark, nasty sound. 

"But now is not the time to be picky. Alas, anyone will do, really. Any follower of my vision is  a friend of mine. What's your name, boy?" Voldemort asked, as amusement flickered in his dark eyes. It was probably the most light that his irises would ever display. 

Neville managed to keep his voice steady, as he replied. 

"It's Neville. Neville Longbottom, sir," Neville said. 

Voldemort released a small laugh at that. 

"Ah, yes. I remember you. Neville Longbottom. You could have suffered a fate just as Harry here has done but-" Sooner than he could say anything more, Neville spoke again. 

"You're wrong about Harry being weak. He wasn't weak at all. He was one of the strongest students I have ever met. He was one of my greatest friend. He was loyal, kind and he never, ever gave up. He fought for what was right, which is more than can be said for you," Neville said. 

"Stop it, Neville," Hermione said quietly as she rested her head against Ron's shoulder. 

Neville didn't look as though he planned to stop anytime soon. 

"Harry was an amazing friend, a brilliant fighter and it's thanks to him that the Horcruxes are now destroyed...mostly. You're going to lose, Voldemort, whether you think so or not right now. It doesn't matter. We won't join you. We know better than that," Neville said. He spoke fairly confidently but his hand shook a little as he held his wand tightly within it. 

Voldemort stepped forward as though he was about to strike Neville with a curse but before he could do so, Narcissa Malfoy swiftly spoke again. 

"Lord, perhaps it would be best for us to go for a little while? Harry Potter is dead, after all. We no longer have purpose here, do we?" she asked. 

The Dark Lord turned to her then and an expression of interest became present on his face. 

"Hmm...interesting proposition, Narcissa," he said. 

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