f o r t y 💛

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Just as she had planned to, Aria returned to the Slytherin common room that afternoon to take back the diary she had returned earlier in the day. The sky was turning to a golden shade as the sun began to set and Aria swiftly grabbed a hold of the little emerald-coloured leather-bound book, before hurrying out of the common room. 

I can't believe I'm saying this, but maybe it isn't so bad being back at Hogwarts. I suppose that it's not so bad here when I don't feel as though everyone hates me. When I don't feel as though everyone is against me, it really isn't the worst place in the world. I don't know what this means for me, though. If I start up a friendship with Honey, it's only going to be cause for my father to despise me even more than he undoubtedly already does. I didn't ask to come back here, though, did I? He sent me here. If anything, none of this is my fault. The only thing that concerns me more than anything else is the fact that I know what I'm dedicated to, now, and it isn't his side. I can't be a death eater. I know that I have the dark mark, but every time I look at it, I wish that I could just rip it out of my skin. I wasn't cut out for this existence. Sometimes I wonder about all of this. Perhaps I was just born into the wrong family. Perhaps I wasn't really meant for any of this. 

As soon as Aria felt a presence nearby her, she quickly shut the book and sighed. She placed it into the pocket of her robes and wondered what on earth all of this meant. Draco was regretting becoming a death eater? What in the world was going on? She wasn't sure what had caused his change in heart, but she was almost relieved that for the first time in a long while, there was a sense of hope for him. 

Aria had always known that there were two distinct sides in the wizarding world- the path of the light and the path of the dark. She couldn't help but get the sense that these two paths were now merging for one Draco Lucius Malfoy. 

She pushed these thoughts to the back of her mind and soon returned to the Gryffindor common room, where there had been word of another death eater attack. Fortunately, nobody had been killed this time around, just severely maimed. However, it still instilled fear in the hearts of Aria and all her friends. 

"Oh my god," she whispered to herself. She wasn't sure how she was going to do it, but she knew that she had to help Draco out before his father came back. With the increase in death eater attacks on Hogwarts, she had a feeling that it wouldn't be long before Lucius Malfoy returned again. 

"It's going to be alright, Aria. As I said this morning, I returned to Hogwarts to help defend the castle against these death eater attacks and I intend to do just that. We won't allow another student to be hurt again," he said. 

Aria really hoped that he was right, but she knew that in a war like this it wasn't really ever possible for everyone to come away unharmed. An unsettling feeling flipped Aria's stomach, but she just tried to ignore it as best as she could. 

Remus looked towards Aria with a sympathetic expression but the last thing Aria believed she needed was for the people that  she cared about to be concerned for her. 

"I'll be fine, Remus. Really," she said, as she settled down onto one of the red sofas in the middle of the common room. 

Hermione sat down next to her and took her hand in hers and gave it a gentle squeeze as a way to reassure her that everything was going to be alright. Hermione wasn't too sure whether everything was going to be alright, but she knew that she could hope it would be. She wasn't about to give up on her friends or their cause. She had always been dedicated to bringing Voldemort to his end. They just needed to figure out where the last Horcruxes were. That was the most important thing. 

"Aria," Harry spoke up, then, prompting Aria to turn to him with an expression of curiosity. 

"Yes, Harry?" she asked. 

"What's that little green book you have in your pocket?" he asked her. 

Aria swallowed down her nerves, before she answered that question. 

"My diary," she said. 

"I didn't know that you kept a diary," he said. 

Hermione rolled her eyes, then. 

"Whatever else do you think it would be, Harry? It's probably deeply personal," Hermione told him. 

Harry just raised his hands up in front of him. 

"Alright, alright. I won't ask about it again. I was just curious," he admitted. 

Aria hated to keep things from her friends, but she knew that this was one of those situations where she was going to have to. If they knew about her possession of Draco Malfoy's diary, then a host of other questions was bound to come with that. 

"We're going to be fine," he told her, as an expression of warmth appeared on his face. "And we'll find those Horcruxes. I know we will. I'm going to find them myself if I have to." 

"Hey, I'm coming with you," Aria said decisively. 

Hermione stepped forward, then. 

"We're coming with you," she said, with a friendly grin. 

Harry nodded in agreement. He was always so glad that he was surrounded by friends, even in these dark times. He had always found that they brought a lot of light along with them. It was this light that gave Harry all of his fierce determination to put things right. They would find the remaining Horcruxes. They would take down Lord Voldemort, once and for all. They simply had to. 

The Malfoy Diaries (A Draco Malfoy Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora