"That's not going to work. Surely, he'll notice there's two steles in his pocket."

"Not if I put it in there in the last second."

"Too risky."

Alec thinks for a second. "Okay, what if you put a tracking device on Dad's stele? There was a tracking chip in the fake stele, right? You could take it out, and put it in Dad's stele."

"And I'd have to hook it up to the computer."

"Yeah. Do you think it could work?"

"Maybe, but there's one flaw to this plan of yours. How are you going to get Dad's stele, and keep it long enough to get the chip in it?"

"Okay, um...what if I convince him it's broken? Then I'd take it to you to "fix" it, and you could put the chip in."

"And how would you do that?"

"I could step on it."

"That might actually break it."

"More reason to give it to you to fix!"

Izzy shook her head. "This is so silly it might work."

"So should I go pay Dad a visit?"

"It's worth a try. We are trained agents, after all."

"Alright, I'll be back with Dad's stele."



"Agent Fell, may I see you in your office?"

Ragnor Fell had just finished a meeting discussing the future plans of the warlock agency. The head agents of every agency in alliance would be meeting tonight.

"Sure, Magnus. Come with me."

Once they got to Fell's office, Magnus shut the door and welcomed himself to a seat at his office desk.

"What were you wanting to discuss?"

"I wanted to know where this meeting will be taking place tonight."

"Magnus, I said during the meeting that the location must be kept confidential. No agents can know about it. Just because we're friends, doesn't mean you are excluded."

"Look, Ragnor, I understand all that, but, don't you think someone should know about your whereabouts? In case something happens?"

"I understand your concern, but we have taken every precaution-"

"What if that isn't enough? You know Valentine is working with Seelies, they have eyes and ears everywhere." Magnus looked around the room nervously to emphasize his point. 

"I assure you, none of the Seelie's eyes and ears are here."

"Look, my point is, you should inform someone you trust of where you are going, so that way, they could help you if the need arises. And you happen to be in front of one of the few warlocks who had proven that that can be trusted."

"Magnus, I'm sorry, but I just can't tell you."

"Fine, but just know, I know you better than anyone in this agency. I'm finding out where you all are going."

Ragnor sighed. "Well, if you're going to find out anyway..." Ragnor beckons Magnus to come closer to him and whispers in his ear the location.

"Thanks for telling me, Ragnor. You won't regret it."

"Yeah, yeah, but look, you can't tell anyone. This is classified information."

"Ragnor, this isn't the first time I've been told sensitive information."

"That includes Catarina."

"But Ragnor, I'd trust Cat with my life! Telling me is like telling her!"

"I said no one. I understand you trust Catarina, but as you said before, you never know who could be listening."

Magnus should've known that would come back to bite him.

"I understand, Agent Fell."

Ragnor nodded. "Good. If I find out this got out-"

"Ragnor, it won't. Stop being so paranoid."

Magnus backed towards the door and left Fell's office.

"Catarina, where are you! I have something very important to tell you!" Magnus shouted down the hall.

Magnus heard Ragnor's voice in an instant. "Magnus, don't you dare!"

Magnus laughed and continued on down the hallway.

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