¹.¹²nicolas flamel

Start from the beginning

"There's no need to tell me I'm not brave enough for Gryffindor. Malfoy's already done that-"

"Hey." Athena looked at Neville with a worried expression. "Don't talk bad about yourself like that. Hell, don't even listen to whatever that prat says."

Neville smiled gratefully at the girl as Harry had handed him a Chocolate Frog. "Yeah your worth twelve of Malfoy. The Sorting Hat put you in Gryffindor. Where's Malfoy? In Slytherin." Harry spoke.

"Thanks guys... I think I'll go to bed now. You collect the cards right? Here." Neville had passed the card over to Harry.

As the boy walked up the stairs, Harry had looked at the card. "Dumbledore again. I swear this man-" Then Harry had stopped as a gasp escaped his lips.

"What?" Athena looked at the boy.

"I've found him!" He whispered. "Nicolas Flamel! I swear I've read his name from somewhere before and now I know where! Listen to this: Professor Dumbledore is particularly famous for his defeat of the dark wizard Grindelwald in 1945, for the discovery of the twelve uses of dragon's blood and his work on alchemy with his partner Nicolas Flamel."

Then suddenly Hermione jumped up to her feet, looking excited as ever and ran up the girl's dorm before yelling out, "Wait there!"

The three had looked each other confused but sooner than later, Hermione had come back down with a large, thick book in her arms. "And for a moment this book didn't cross my mind!" She said excitedly as she sat back down to her original spot, motioning the other three to come closer. "I borrowed this out of the library a few weeks ago for some light reading."

"You call this light?" Ron asked, Hermione just glared at him.

"At least she reads." Athena murmured, though Ron seemed to have heard her as he looked at her playfully offended.

"Anyways," She flicked through the books pages until she landed on a specific page. "I knew it! I knew it!"

"You knew what? You knew what?" Athena spoke quickly like the girl had previously done.

"Nicolas Flamel is the only known maker of the Philosopher's stone!"

Dumbfounded looks had been struck on the three faces towards Hermione as they had no clue what she was talking about. The girl scoffed. "Honestly, don't you three read? There-" She pointed at a paragraph. "Read that."

Three pairs of eyes had followed read and things had started to click. Well for Athena at least. "I get it now! Fluffy must be guarding the stone! Dumbledore and Flamel are friends, he probably asked to take care of it." She whispered enthusiastically, careful not to be too loud.

"No wonder Snape's after it."

───── ❦ ─────

The days had passed, as did the Quidditch match. Gryffindor had won the match, meaning that Gryffindor is in the lead of the cup. It was currently dark and as most of the the first-years worries were gone, they had made their way to the gamekeeper's hut.

"Oh hello. Sorry to be rude but I'm in no fit state to entertain." He opened his door, then slowly closing it back.

But before he was able to close it fully the four had spoken in unison. "We know about the Philosopher's Stone!" The four spoke in unison. Hagrid slowly opened the door again, telling the children to come in.

As Hagrid let them in, they explained what they know about the stone. But before they could go in the subject further, a cracking noise was heard from inside the pot.

The gamekeeper had then showed, a dragon. Athena was beyond excited to be in the presence of a dragon, let alone a newly born one.

"My brother Charlie works with dragons." Ron mentioned. Athena turn her head to Ron with a happy look.

"Ron I think I might have to meet your brother soon if he's going to be my future colleague." Athena spoke. Ron let put a small laugh as the other two had laughed as well.

They continued their conversation, but Harry had stopped abruptly as he saw a glimpse of platinum hair in the window. Athena had noticed Harry staring at the window and turned her gaze as well, to which she saw a glimpse of a platinum haired boy. "Oh shi-"


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