What Did I Do To Deserve Him?

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Arielle's POV

I walked off to my room after kissing him goodnight. I kissed my boyfriend goodnight.


I like the sound of that. I quickly changed out of my bikini and into some shorts. I payed down trying to get some sleep but after the events of the night, that wasn't going to happen.

I rolled around trying to get comfortable for a while but I couldn't stop thinking. I grabbed my phone and notebook from earlier along with my laptop and speakers. Opening my door trying to be silent as I slipped out and down to the basement. See the basement is where they rehearsed their music so it was sound proof but it also had a wall of mirrors so they could watch themselves preform for practice. I walked in shutting the door behind me and turning on the lights. I sat in the corner and watched the videos from earlier and I must say I really do like the 3000 Miles one. I grabbed my notebook and flipped to a blank page. At the top I wrote the song and from there I listed out the steps that I did in the video making Minor changes as I went. I did the same for what little bit I had for What The Heart Wants. I was so excited that I got to dance with Wesley on this.

I stood up and plugged in my laptop to my speakers. I started Amnesia. As the song came to a close I found a way to end the dance. I smiled and stopped the recording. I had my dances. As long as I keep practicing I will just need to finish the one with Wes. I looked at the clock and saw it was 3 am. I grabbed all my stuff and went back to my room laying down.


I must have fallen asleep instantly because the next time I opened my eyes I saw the bright sun in my window. I hoped out of bed and went straight for the shower.

When I was done I wrapped myself in my towel. I walked out of my bathroom and to my room. What I saw in my room was not what I expected. I figured you know being my room and all and with my door shut I could just walk straight to My Room, in but nope. Wesley sat on my bed looking innocent as ever. I held my towel and ran into my closet. I put on my clothes for the day which were white jeans, a peach California crop top and my brown boots.

I walked out and he was now standing. "So whatcha doin hangin out in my room" I giggled

"Oh Yeah...um..sorry about that" He stuttered through the sentence.

"It's cool so what's up?"

"Just wonderin what time we were heading out"

"Give me 30 minutes?"

"Of course" He smiled. God that smile. He kissed my and walked out.

I ran to the bathroom and put on my makeup and curled my hair adding a beanie. Cute! I walked down and saw Wesley Ready to go. The other two still weren't up so we left a note explaining that we left around 11 and should be back by 3.


We walked into the dance store and I went crazy looking around and trying stuff on. I was having a blast and the whole time Wesley was smiling and taking pictures with me.

What did I do to Deserve Him?


(AN: Sorry it took so long...schools been busy with next year pre scheduling and stuff but here it is hope you like it. Feedback?? Also final outfits in the next chapter. Follow me on Polyvore ( @prettyfully ) to see outfits for this along with just outfits in general.

--Thanks ❤️❤️)

Drew's SisterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon