The Dress??

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After Wesley zipped my dress I walked back in my room and got my heels. One last look in the mirror and I walked down the stairs. The boys were all standing at the bottom in nice clothes. Not necessarily suits but more like khakis and a nice shirt. When I walked down the stairs their head whipped around, And I think I may have seen some jaws drop a little.

"You look-" "Wow" Keaton said, sounding as If he was at a loss for words.

"Damn" Was all Wes said.

"Hey isn't that your old home coming dress?" Drew asked as he took in the outfit.

"Um yeah. I mean it's not like it has any good memories" I remember that night perfectly. I got all dressed up and when we got the the dance my date dumped me and left to go hang out with his friends. On top of that he went out with my best friend after that. It was also the night Drew decided to leave.

"Wait so your telling me that Sweet,Shy, Innocent Arielle Chadwick wore a dress like this to a school dance?" Keaton was shocked.

"Yeah man, My sister was the queen bee her freshman year. She had all the friends and could have gotten any guy she wanted. She spent hours getting ready each morning. She went to parties at night, Made honor roll. Everyone wanted to be her. She kept straight A's, She was every teachers favorite student, and every students friend." I hated it when Drew went on about this stuff.

My least favorite question came next. "What changed?" Wesley asked

"Guys lets not talk about this right now." I never wanted to talk about what changed because the thing that changed was Drew left.

After he left, the girls didn't need to be my friend just so they could see my brother, The guys didn't come around to hang out with Drew so they didn't notice me. My parents put all the pressure on me to be the perfect child, which meant no more partying or going out so that's when I got the label of shy because I never got to hang out with my friends. People just thought that if I wasn't around outside of school then I wasn't important and I didn't have anything to say. I knew if I told them that then Drew would know the truth and he already felt bad for leaving. I couldn't put all this on him.

On the ride there it was quite. All I could think about was the past. I just wanted to try the stuff and see if it worked. I didn't want to think anymore. When we pulled up there were only a few people there.

When we got inside it was the main group that was there helping set up. After being told how amazing I looked by the girls, We all went to the back yard. Soon people filled the house and it was time to do it. I could hear the music blasting from where we were all sitting in the backyard. I was in between Wes and Drew. Keaton was off to the side to make sure I was okay. As they lit it, they passed it to me...

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