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Wesley's POV

Ari and the girls ran upstairs for her to get ready. Although she didn't need to get ready, she was already perfect. I'm just really happy she agreed to come tonight. I've barely seen her sense she started working on her dances and I really just wanted to spend time with her.

"Dude where you takin my sister" Drew asked pausing his game.

"Well remember how you told me she always wanted to live in Tennessee when she was little?" I was really proud of my idea

"Yeah..." "Wait don't tell me you guys are moving there" He looked really nervous about this

"No dude we wouldn't leave you. I'm taking her to the open field not to far away so we can like look at the stars and shit"

"You gonna look through your car windows? Real country style huh" he joked

"Nope I borrowed my uncles truck and its out there with blankets and pillows and we're just gonna look at the stars and watch Netflix" I was really proud I thought of this myself.

"Awwwwwwwwww" We all turned around to find the squeals coming from the girls on the stairs. We all laughed

"You think she'll like it?" I asked

"She'll LOVE it" Taylor giggled.

We heard the shower shut off about ten minutes later. We all just kept playing our games until we heard her come down the stairs. I turned around and she looked gorgeous. Before I could tell her that though, Taylor started yelling "Can I tell her can I tell her" That girl can't keep a secret.

"No" I yelled standing up as we walked to the door before she could spill the beans. "Bye guys we'll be back later" I yelled shutting the door.

I was going to start a conversation but there was a pounding on the window. I turned around and Taylor was hanging over the back of the couch giving Ari a thumbs up. We busted out laughing as we got in the car.

"I never got to tell you but you look beautiful tonight"

"Thanks you're looking pretty good yourself" She smiled as I grabbed her hand and we took off.

After about 15 minutes of driving we pulled into the field. She looked confused as we pulled up but her eyes widened when she saw the truck with all the pillows. As soon as we were out of the car she grabbed my hand and ran over giggling and laughing the whole time. We got all cuddled into the blankets as we looked at the stars. We were on our backs and her head was on my chest as I wrapped my arm around her pulling her closer.

"Should we watch a movie now" I asked braking the silence after 20 minutes.

"Sure whatcha got?" She said sitting up slightly.

"Baby girl we can watch anything you want, I have Netflix" He smiled

"Hmmmm how about..." I was dreading her picking some chick flick sappy shit... "Insidious" She smiled

"Okay." I willingly started the movie.


The movie was over and I looked at her to find out she was...asleep? The only girl to ever fall asleep during a scary movie. And she was mine. I grabbed a blanket and covered her up and carried her to my car buckling her up and laying the seat back a little. I went back and got the rest of the blankets and started driving home.

I walked in the door holding Ari in my arms only to see Drew and Keaton waiting for me. I walked to Ari's room and laid her down kissing her forehead before I walked back out. As soon as I reached the bottom of the stairs Keaton stared talking. "Dude where the hell are my pillows and my blankets?"

"Yeah Mine to?" Drew asked

Oops didn't tell them that part "Well you know how I said I filled the back of the trucks with pillows and blankets? Well I kinda needed more so I took yours to"

"Really dude!?" Keaton whisper yelled

"Yeah" I nodded he just growled under his breath. "Chill out bro it's not like your gonna get coodies" I laughed. Keaton stomped off to his bedroom. "Don't you want your stuff" I called after him

"No cause I'm not sleeping with stuff that you had sex on" He yelled

"Dude tell me you didn't have sex with my sister on my blankets" Drew complained

"Jesus guys we didn't even have sex" Ari said scaring the shit out of us

"Your up?" I questioned

"Yeah cause whiny ass one and two can't keep quiet" She said walking to the fridge grabbing a water. She went to walk up the stairs but grabbed my arm on the way. "Come with me" she asked half asleep

"Yeah if you want but I have to get their-" She cut me off

"Give me your keys" and I did. She threw them down the stairs at Drew's chest. "They have legs they can get them theirselves" and with that we went to her room. I was hesitant to lay down in case she didn't realize what she was doing. She was just so innocent, but when she patted the spot beside her, I knew she wanted me there. We laid there just like in the truck as we fell asleep together.

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