It's Just A Label...

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4 days. 4 days since I got here, 4 days since I left my room to do anything other than shower and use the bathroom. I wanted to talk to them. I wanted to be friends with them but I couldn't bring myself to talk to them. I got up to go to bathroom. When I looked down I couldn't believe what I saw. I checked my calendar...Yep it was right on track.

Shit. I forgot it was so soon. Better yet when I left I didn't grab anything. I used some toilet paper for now and ran downstairs to see if Drew was home. Of course he wasn't. Keaton was the only one home.

He was sitting on the couch working on something. I crossed my arms in front of me as I slowly walked over. The closer I got I could see that he was working on Trig. homework. God that sucked. It was easy but it sucked. I really didn't want to ask him to do this but what choice do I have? I'm a 16 year old girl who doesn't have her license and needs to get to the store ASAP.

As I got approached him, I thought of what to say. I couldn't say 'Hey can you take me to the store I need tampons, I just started my period.' I can't just say that to this guy I barely know. Heck I can't even say that in my head without cringing. I know it's weird but that's just how I am. I decided to just ask him to take me and hope he would catch on.

I tapped his shoulder lightly. His head turned around and I was met with his big green eyes. "Oh uh Hey Arielle, what's up" he asked as more of a question. Now it was my turn to speak. I wasn't really good at this. I prefer to just avoid talking to people at all cost but still I can't do that.

"I-I-I-I" I was about to give up and just wait till Drew got back but Keaton grabbed my hand

"Ari, You can talk to me okay. I know it's hard for you and I really do respect that. If you need something don't hesitate to ask me okay?" he looked at me loosening his hold.

Before I had time to this I just blurted it out."I was wondering if you could take me to the store" Well I thought I blurted it, but it came out as more of a whisper.

"Of course I can. Let me grab the keys" he stood up and left into the kitchen. A minute later he returned with the keys and we walked out. He got in the drivers seat as I went around. I hesitated for a second before getting in. I don't think he noticed though.

On the ride I just fidgeted with the bracelets on my wrist. I think he noticed because he started small talk. Oh great just what I needed. "So what kind of music do you like?" He asked

"Um I don't really have a favorite. I just listen to anything really" I said trying my best to do this.

"Coolieo" He smiled. He had a nice smile. "So on the way back do you want to stop and pick up food? The boys went out for the night so it's just us"

I simply shrugged. I guess that wasn't the answer he wanted though.... "You haven't eaten anything since you got have to be hungry"

"Sure I guess a little but I just try to avoid talking to people and embarrassing myself."

"Why is that?" He asked me my least favorite question

"The past. There were thing that happened with my family and friends. They made me lose the ability to trust others. So I just shut people out." I whispered still. I mean sure I was quite but I was making progress.

"Oh. I'm sorry about that Ar. I really am, if you need someone to talk to I'm always here if you want"

"Thank you Keaton. Really, The only other person who has even tried to connect with me is Drew. And thank you for the note. I meant to tell you the other night but I couldn't find the words."

"Of course I just want you to feel welcomed and safe here." Wow he was really sweet.

"Can I tell you something?" Here we go again with the not thinking thing...Really??

"What's up?"

"Me being shy. Yes it's true, I am shy and I don't like starting conversations with people I don't know. But I'm not as shy as everyone thinks, that's just the label I was given and so that's what people believe" I trailed off not believing I just said that out loud. I just admitted the one thing that I have been using as an excuse was really just a lie.

"I knew it" He said now he was the one whispering


"Well you look like you have something to say but people believe what they hear that you're shy so they just blow past you. If you were given the chance I know you could prove them wrong" He still hasn't taken his eyes off the road.

"Thank you Keaton. Just Thank You" I said now smiling, A smile I didn't have to force.

"Hey so I need to ask you something" He seemed nervous about it

I looked at him telling him to go on.

"Drew said your really smart...have you taken Trig?"

"Yeah I officially graduated 4 days ago"

"How old are you?"


"Oh so your like freakishly smart?"

"I guess so" I smiled

"Would you mind helping me with my Trig homework?"


He pulled into the parking lot and I jumped out and ran in. I knew exactly what I needed. I grabbed them and went to pay. The lady smiled and put them in the bag. I hate this, It's so awkward. I took the bag and went back to the car. When I got in Keaton just smiled at me. We drove in silence to in and out. Yessss I loved this place!

"Keaton I can pay for mine"

"No it's on me"


"No" He handed the lady $10 and we left with the food. Honestly I'm really glad I'm able to talk to Keaton. It helps me A lot.

"Awe I'm really glad you can talk to me to" He said. Shoot did I say that out loud? Guess so. But it's true.....

I trusted Keaton Stromberg.

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