I Have An Idea That Can Help

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Wes's POV

I jumped in my car and took off away from the studio. At a red light I pulled my phone out to all Keaton.

"Hey Keaton can you text Aubrey and tell her to come over around 6:30 tonight...but just her not Arielle." I asked quickly

"Why can't you?" He groaned

"Well pissy pants if you must know I'm going to the craft store." I replied before hanging up.

I parked my car and walked, well more like ran in and straight to the back. I earned some weird looks from workers as I grabbed all the things I needed and payed for them quickly. But it's whatever cause I had a plan. I ran a few more errands before looking at the time. It was already 6 so I stopped and picked up a pizza before heading home.

Once I arrived I saw Aubrey was there already so I grabbed my bags and the pizza and went inside.

"Hey Wes what did you call me for?" She asked when I walked in

"Hello to you to" I replied sarcastically.

"Sorry I have a class tonight at 8 and I don't have a routine or song worked out yet." She said rolling her eyes

"And recitals in a week?"

"Yeah don't remind me" she groaned "so what's up."

"I have an idea that can help us both" I smiled "How fast can you choreograph?"

"An hour or so why?"

"Perfect. I have a song that I wrote for Arielle you can use that if I can make it part of my plan."

"Deal. What's your plan?" She asked

"KEATON!" I yelled upstairs.

He came down looking half asleep "what?"

"Preform a new song with me in a week to help me get Ari back and Aubrey finish her routine?" I asked with a hopeful smile

"Sure what ever" and then he left. Okay then.

"So a song that's your plan?"

"Yeah and I have these things for signs to say "I Love You" if you can fit them into the dance. And I have a surprise for after it but it's a secret and I will need like 3 minutes after the dance?"

"If you think it will work then I'm all for it. We need to make the signs before my class so we can practice with them though."

I walked to the living room with Aubrey following me. I pulled the poster board and black paint from a bag. "A word on each?" Aubrey asked.

"Yeah let's knock this part out."

Aubrey and I both painted the signs and we got done at 7:15 so she started choreographing to the song I gave her. "Hey Wes do you want to come down tonight and watch us try this so you can approve of it?" She asked around 7:30 as she was packing up to leave.

"Sure thanks" I smiled before we went to our cars.


I laid in my bed thinking. As I watched Aubrey work I saw that the talent she had for dance ran in the family. By the end of the class she had the perfect dance and the girls were already working towards memorizing it. I was really excited about this but I'm definitely going to need Keaton's help tomorrow.

Those were my last thoughts before I fell into a deep sleep.


AN: Look who finally updated!! Thanks you guys for your patients I'm really excited about where this is going!!

--Thanks ❤️❤️

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