I Want To Find Me...

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Arielle's POV

Keaton walked in looking like a mess...but not just any mess...a hot one. Wait really did I just think that? He's like my brother. Oh that's just wrong.

"So you wanted to talk to me?" He sat on my makeup bench.

"Yeah it's about ummmm..." Was I really gonna do this? Yes. Yes you are. You are recreating yourself. You want to be somebody here. No one here knows your shy so nows your chance.

Keaton giggled and I looked up at him. "I can see you mentally giving yourself a pep talk. So how's about you tell me what's on your mind and we can go from there?"

"Okay. I want to- I want to try it" It...really? It. How mysterious.

"What's 'it'?"

"You know what Wes and Drew do"

He looked at me seriously for a minute before coming over to me and sitting on my bed looking at me holding both my small hands in his rather large ones. "Why?"

"Well Drew said they do it to clear their minds and take a break...Have you?"

"Smoked it?" I nodded "Yes I have. I hated it personally"

"Can I?"

"You have ask Drew, Ari. Want to go talk to them"

"Sure I guess." Well that could have gone better. But it also could have been worse so I guess this was okay...for now.

We walked downstairs and into the kitchen and just started speaking. I'm gonna try this for a while....speaking before thinking. "Drew can I..." I saw Wes and was ready to back out but Keaton caught my arm and looked me in the eyes. Why???? His eyes were so perfect! Okay stop now! he's practically your brother!

"A, If anything Wes is going to help your cause here. Just ask."

"Drew can we talk?"

"Sure. Living room meeting time"

"Awwww yeah" Wes grabbed a can of something out of the fridge and tossed one to Drew as well. We all sat in the living room. Me in a chair, Wes and Drew on a couch and Keaton in another chair. Lets make this shit official. I stood up in front of the TV and they looked at me weird. "What y'all said meeting and this is official now!" I giggled. I like to speak my mind. Wes laughed and Drew nodded.

"Okay I have a serious question for you" I started looking at Drew. "I want to try it"

"Try what?" Wes asked

"Whatever it is that you guys do"

"Oh that." Was all Wes said

"Why Ari? It's not like you"

"See that's what I thought. But I realized I don't even know who I am anymore. I never really was anyone I was just a figure with a label and that label that controlled my life. No one here really knows me so I want to start over. I'm here with new people and I want to find Me."

Drew thought long and hard about this question "If you're sure."

"I am" I had thought about this enough.

"So when?" Wes asked

"Next time you guys do" I was confident on this

"Tyler's party on Saturday"

"Okay" I squealed like a little girl and quickly covered my mouth unsure of where that came from. The boys just laughed and we decided to watch a movie.

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