Will You...

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Arielle's POV

I woke up to my alarm from my phone sounding. Ugh I actually have to leave the house today. I complained to myself as I drug my lazy body off the couch to the shower.

As I stood under the water rinsing the soap from my hair I thought about the past week.

I had hardly seen Aubrey because she was so busy with recital. I continued my pattern of sitting on the couch being saddened by the thought of my relationship that seemed to be failing at the moment. One thing did change though, I was brave enough to order a pizza while Aubrey was at work. Although while I waited for it to arrive I was praying that Wesley hadn't taken up the job of pizza delivery since I had left the house. I know it's crazy but I was worried. Not that I still didn't want him back, but that I had lost my chance.

I shut the water off and walked to my bag in the corner of the bathroom. I was grateful that I had some different clothes now. See about a week ago Wes had contacted Aubrey. He said he knew where I was but he was giving me space, but he also knew I didn't pack a bag so he had one packed with some basics. He had met Aubrey at the studio and gave her the bag. At least he still cared enough to do that though.

I pulled out a navy skirt with a red white and blue tank top. I slid my outfit on and started to dry my hair. Once it was dried I curled the ends quick and applied makeup for the first time in forever. I walked into Aubrey's unoccupied room, seeing as she left early this morning to set up, and grabbed a pair of beige heels before walking back out.

I grabbed the keys to Aubrey's car that she had left for me and walked out the door.

I entered the theater where the recital would be held and took an empty seat in the middle of a row. The show started shortly after. I was excited but there was also another feeling in my stomach and I couldn't tell what it was.

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