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"This is gonna be one heck of a trip"


"Are you sure you don't want to be a summer intern?"

"Hello to you too. Father, I told you. I'm not interested in working in business and I have absolutely no interest in working at your hotel."

"Then what do you want to do?"


"Hello? Are you still there?"

"I don't know what I want to do yet, but I don't want to work for you."


You sighed and ended the call. Setting your phone down, you stared at your room ceiling.

"Noona, there's someone at the door and they're looking for you. I think you should come downstairs." Jeongin knocked on your door and you sat up.

"Who is it?"

The latter merely shrugged, "I don't know, but I think you should talk to him yourself. He seems pretty important."

You trudged downstairs in your volleyball shorts and a white oversized t-shirt, and Jeongin trailed after you. "Did you let him in?"

"No, I talked to him through the intercom system. Mom said to never let strangers into our home." You smiled at his innocent remark.

"Good, now let's just hope this mystery man doesn't kidnap us-" You swung the front door open and came face to face with your father.

"Good afternoon, Eunji." He nodded at you as if he just didn't turn up at your front porch when you never told him your address.

"What- How-? Why are you here?" You managed to stutter out.

"Noona? Who is that?" Jeongin whispered behind you.

"Jeongin, call the police. Tell them there's a trespasser on private property." You glared at your father, but he showed no reaction.

You heard your cousin fumble for the phone in the background as you stared at your father and he stared back at you, not budging. This wasn't just a simple staring competition, it was a battle of pride.

"I called them! They said they're on their way." Jeongin yelled from the kitchen. Your father broke eye contact with you and adjusted his suit.

"Ahem, looks like I'm not welcome here right now. It's nice to finally meet my nephew. Nice to meet you, son." Jeongin slightly bowed his head in greeting. "Eunji, I found this nice apartment complex near my new office so if you ever need to live on your own, let me know. I know you have a boyfriend, wouldn't it be nice to live together, just the two of you? If you know what I mean." He winked at you, but you remained stoic.

the new kid : hwang hyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now