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"They're such a chaotic duo." 

"Um... about last week, I'm really sorry for being rude to you. I was-"

Sana cut you off with a laugh. "Oh, last week? I completely forgot about that until you brought it up." 

You bowed your head, embarrassed by your actions from last week. "It's fine. You didn't know me and I suddenly approached you. You must've been surprised, huh?"

You nodded. "It did kind of catch me off guard."

"Then how about we start over?" Sana stopped at a red light and turned towards you, offering her hand towards you for a handshake. "I'm Sana."

You stared at her hand for a second, remembering your first encounter with Seungmin.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Seungmin Kim." He offered you a hand to shake, but you ignored it. He rubbed the back of his neck, slightly embarrassed that you ignored his handshake.

'Oh my god. Did she just ignore Kim Seungmin's handshake? How heartless could you be?'

'Relax, I bet she doesn't know how popular he is. Once she finds out, she'll immediately regret it.'

"I'm Eunji. What page are we on?" You immediately began to focus on your schoolwork.

You bit back a curse, remembering how rude you were. 'I need to apologize to Seungmin as soon as possible.' You smiled at Sana and shook her hand. "I'm Eunji."

"I know. You're that famous girl for yelling at Hyunjin."

You blushed profusely. "I didn't yell at him. I just gave him a small talk."

"Mhm. So, are you a part of Stray Kids now?" Sana changed gears back to drive, and you two cruised down the road, raindrops pattering on the windows.


"Are you sure? You seem to be always hanging out with them." She sent you a kind smile but you just shrugged.

"Jeongin keeps dragging me with him everywhere, saying I need to socialize more. But I don't like talking to people, you know?"


"Oh can you drop me off here? I need to visit Seungmin's house for a second." You unbuckled your seat belt as Sana pulled over at the curb.

"You want me to wait here?" You shook your head.

"No, I'm good. I can borrow one of their umbrella's. Thanks Sana." You slammed the car door shut and pulled the hood over your head again.

"Anytime. So... does this mean we're friends?" You paused. You weren't that used to opening up to people, and didn't know how to react.

"Sure." You flashed her a genuine smile before waving goodbye.

the new kid : hwang hyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now