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"What did I get myself into this time?" 

You walked down the hallway, trying to get to the cafeteria of the school, and all you could hear were whispers from your classmates.

'Isn't she the one who yelled at Hyunjin?'

'Yeah. Someone said she slapped him across the face.'

'I can't believe she has the audacity to do that.'

'Who does she think she is to do that to Hyunjin?'

'Does she even know how popular she is?'

'She should be thankful that he even talked to her.'

You rolled your eyes. Why do people only gossip, it's so annoying. Suddenly, you felt someone grab you by your arm.

"Hi! I'm Sana. Do you want to sit with me and my friends during lunch?" You frowned, surprised by her sudden introduction.

"No thanks. I prefer to eat by myself." You brushed her off and continued to walk down the hallway.

'Did she just ignore Sana's invitation?'

'She's not introverted, she's just plain rude.'

'Think whatever you want', you thought as you quickened your pace, and just your luck, you were now stuck in line with Hwang and his friends right behind you.

"Hey Hyunjin, I heard you got your ass handed to you by some girl today. Is it true?" The shortest one of the group, poked fun of Hwang as they grabbed their trays.

"Shut up Changbin. And watch your language, Jeongin's here." Jeongin?! Your eyes widened at hearing your cousin's name. You couldn't believe your cousin hung out with these obnoxious douchebags.

"Yeah, hyung. I'm right here. But what about that girl? I heard my classmates talking about it too." You were positive that was Jeongin's voice, and you silently cursed at yourself, thinking of all the possible encounters you would have with Hwang in the future. You hated it already.

"She just gave me a lecture about my grades and distracting other kids. I bet she doesn't know my grades, once she does, she's gonna apologize."

"Oh really? Is she smart?" You heard a new voice chime in the conversation, and soon you were unconsciously listening to their conversation.

"I mean, she might be. She noticed the textbook got the question incorrect, and she corrected it without hesitation."

"Damn. What's her name?" You froze. What would Jeongin think of you if he found out you lectured one of his friends?

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