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"She doesn't look so harsh when she's sleeping..." 

You rocked back and forth on your heels, waiting for the rest of your classmates to finish changing. Apparently word got around that you were having a fitness challenge, thanks to Jisung's big mouth, and many students from the other classrooms upstairs were peeking through the windows every five seconds.

"You're here early." You rolled your eyes when you saw Hwang flanking his toned arms as he walked across the field, the other girls fawning over him.

"I'm not early, you're just late."

"Touché." You crossed your arms over your chest, annoyed by his presence. Just then, the PE teacher came out with the shiny whistle in his mouth.

All the other kids scrambled to get in line in alphabetical order, and you were in the middle, whereas Hwang was on the way back. (a/n in the korean alphabet, the character ㅎ which makes the same sound as 'h' is the last letter in the korean alphabet)

"Today, we're going to have free play. We have basketballs and soccer balls, and if you don't want to do either of them that's okay." A few girls began to whisper among themselves, but Mr. Choi immediately silenced them.

"But sitting down or standing still is not an option. You must be up and moving." That got a few sighs from here and there, but you didn't care.

"End of directions. Class dismissed." All the kids immediately scattered, some going to stand in the shade to stretch, and some ran away to the restroom, probably to gossip.

"You ready?" Hwang bumped shoulders with me, and Seungmin behind him chuckled.

"You ready to lose, pretty boy?" You slowly stretched out your arms and legs, getting ready to overcome whatever comes my way.

"W-wait... you think I-I'm pretty?" You noticed a small blush creeping up onto his cheeks.

"You wish." You tied your hair up with the spare hairtie you had on your wrist, and tightened it.

"So, there's gonna be three challenges and the first challenge is running. Run around the track 2 times, and we'll time you. First person done will receive a point." Seems simple enough.


-a week later-

"Eunji! Teach me how to do this." Hwang whined next to you as he shoved his chemistry textbook into your face. You two were in the school library after school, studying together for your upcoming chemistry exam after Hwang begged, I mean asked you to help him study.

You frowned. "You need help with memorizing the periodic table? Didn't you memorize that in middle school?" His face flushed a deep shade of red, causing you to lightly chuckle.

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