Chapter 26: The test

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Probably the past few days had been the best days of my life. I've been spending almost everyday with Emma, doing different romantic activities, not including sex, even though we did do it a couple of times after some romantic dates between us.
Hey love, I was wondering if you wanted to do something today?
I texted Emma since she was normally not that busy.
Don't you have a job? 😉
I knew that Emma was thinking of all the time we were spending together.
Yes and I already did my job last week so we could spend time together. What do you say?
I texted back to her since we finished writing half of the songs and rehearsing them.
I have work so that'd a be a no.
I was disappointed that Em said she couldn't hangout but if she is busy with work then I'll surprise her at work.
I got my keys and headed out to her tv show studio.

"Hi do you know where Emma Aniston's dressing room is? I'm her boyfriend." I asked a lady who looked like she knew a lot of the people here. She pointed to her left which was my right.
I saw the door that had a sign on the door saying Emma Aniston in big bold letters. I knocked on the door 3 times.
"Hello, who is it?" Emma said opening the door then she saw me in front of her. "Oh my God, Why are you here?"
She ran up and hugged me tight then brought me in with her to her dressing room.
"To see you, if your busy with work then I'll just come to your work to see you." I said with a smile on my face.
"I'm on in about 2 minutes. Could you help me with my makeup. I need to look scary as hell!" Emma said which at first confused me but then I realised that she is on AHS.
"Sure." I said grabbing a picture to go off of to see what she needed more of.
She turned her chair around to the mirror as she did her makeup. This was probably the first time I've ever seen a girl except my mom or my sister do makeup on themselves. I knew that there were people who did makeup on other people for a living but Emma liked doing her own makeup. She had a way of making it natural yet perfect.
"How's this?" She asked me turning around in her chair. When I saw her I had a jump scare, she looked as freaky as that girl from the movie The Ring.
"I'd say it's spot on!" I said knowing that it was my beautiful girlfriend under that mask and not a terrifying creature.
"I have to go on camera now. I guess I'll see you later?" Emma said thinking that I was going to leave after I saw her for just a moment.
"I want to see my girlfriend act all scare and what not." I said to her which made her frown.
"I don't think this is the best idea. I mean I have to do things that I won't want to do. Its acting!" She said shyly not wanting to tell me something important.
"And what exactly is it that you don't want me to see?" I asked her which she started to walk out of the dressing room.
"It's nothing big just..... I have to.... you know.... kiss my co-star!" She said whispering the last part but I could hear that part perfectly clear.
"What!?" I said astonished that she had to kiss this co-star of her. "You just don't go kissing other guys behind my back!"
"It's not my fault the directors are making me kiss someone else! Do you really want me to just quit my job? No don't answer that because I know you'll say yes!" She said to me which of course she couldn't just say no unless she wanted to get off the job.
"I'm not saying that but it means nothing right?" I asked knowing the answer but I wanted to hear it from her.
"Of course it means nothing. Anyhow he told me that he is still hung up on his ex and I totally get it considering of the time we broke up?" She told me getting ready to go on stage to shoot the scene.
"Well why don't we see about that?" I said sitting in a chair to watch my girlfriend perform.

A man called action as the lights turned on and the backdrop began to seem more freaky than usual.
They started to act out their scene. I really didn't give a shit what they were saying, I was more keen on looking at their facial expressions. It looked like Emma was upset that she had to do this in front of me. She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek instead.
"Cut, cut, cut!" The director yelled. "Emma your suppose to kiss Evan's character on the lips not the cheek!"
"I know, it's just I'm not feeling so well. Maybe have a cold and I didn't want to give it to Evan as he would get a cold also." Emma said looking very shy since the director just screamed at her for doing something wrong. If I didn't care about Emma's job then I would go right up to that director and punch him in the face for yelling at my girl.
"Fine.....fine! We'll stick with the cheek kissing thing. Next time don't get a cold!" He said and the scene went on for a bit but it wasn't very romantic, only scary since it is a horror story.
When it ended Emma went straight over to me and hugged me.
"Please don't ever do that to me. It hurts me to make you sad or hurt in anyway." Emma said to me.
"Is that why you didn't kiss him on the lips?" I asked wanting to make sure.
"Of course. You think I would kiss another guy right in front of my boyfriend! No! It's different when your not around since its just my character but when your here, it's like a pressure not to hurt your feelings." Emma explained to me.
"And this is why I love you so much!" I said to her kissing her on the cheek.

"How about we go on and have lunch together. That'll be great, right?" She said pulling me towards her dressing room.
We got inside the dressing room where we were safe from everyone else.
"Can you unzip my dress. I want to get into some comfy clothes." She said facing her back to me.
I unzipped her dress slowly as I love the way I could feel her skin against my hand yet she didn't have to be naked. Her skin is just so delicate and soft as a babies butt.
"Stop that! Your hands are icy cold!" Emma yelled at me wanting me to hurry up.
She went over to the changing area where there was a Japanese sort of shield so that I couldn't she her naked body. She held up some clothes to show me which comfy clothes to wear out. I liked that one that was with a cardigan which made her look smart and sexy.
She was finished so we were leaving the set.
"I really appreciate you not kissing him. I kinda knew that you wouldn't but something inside me told me that you actually wanted to kiss him. It's probably nothing but thank you." I said to her since it meant a lot to me.
"It okay.... I would never hurt you like that." She said and then the rest of the way to the car was silent as hell and she didn't hold my hand.
Hell even the car ride was silent, nothing but the music playing on the radio. I have a bad feeling that something bad is going on with Emma. Something that she doesn't want me to know about. But what could it be?

It was wrong keeping this secret to myself. I couldn't tell him. It would crush him. Not only that but it would crush his career. I was not wanting him to give up his career because of me.
I had talked to Selena and Taylor about this secret. They told me that everything will be fine and that no one will find out. Not even the paparazzi's.
God I just hope this secret doesn't ruin everything for Harry and I's relationship!
Hey besties,
So first of I am going to make a sequel to this book and was wondering what to call the next book but I'm not actually sure. Comment what you think I should call the sequel and vote for this story.

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