Chapter 2: The Picture

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I woke up to a massive headache that killed. Opening my eyes I realized that I wasn't in my hotel room. I rolled over to the other side to see the sheets were opened leaving me to believe that someone had slept with me. Oh God! I really hope that this is a dream and I didn't have sex last night!! I got out of bed to see a note on the bed side table.
Good morning love,
Want out for coffee. Will bring you some back too. If I'm back I'll be in the kitchen.
So his name is Harry, god he's probably some loser. Can I say Ew!! I walked out to where I thought might be the kitchen but ended up in the living room. I saw a beautiful picture of a sister and brother, there was a girl about 10 years old with long blonde brown hair that had a slight smile showing her teeth with a teddy bear, and a little boy about 6 years old with short brown hair and a face that was the most adorable thing ever, holding up a smaller teddy bear to his face with a grin.

"I love that photo." Someone said behind me making me jump. "Who are you?" I asked turning to see a hot muscular guy only wearing skinny jeans and a tank that barely covered up his chest that showed his abs and tattoos on his body.
"You must have been really drunk last night. I'm Harry." He told me holding out a coffee from Starbucks.
"Thanks? Why am I here? Please don't tell me we hooked up." I asked hoping that it wasn't true.
"Ugh.... I feel offended that you didn't remember. But you were amazing last night." He told me with a wink at the end which made me get red in the face.
"Oh my god! I'm sorry but I have to go." I said because I couldn't stay here after having sex with him.
"I was kidding, love. God you really thought I would take advantage of you?" Harry laughed at me.
I was so embarrassed that I just accused him of that. "Don't be embarrassed! I probably would be thought the same thing if it was you." Harry said with a smile on his face. Did he just flirt with me?
"How 'bout I take you to this bakery I know and we can get some breakfast?" Harry asked me. "Sure." I replied in a girly voice.
How am I spending my morning with a super hot guy that I barely know and now he's taking me to breakfast! "You look familiar? Do I know you from somewhere? Have we meet before?" I asked Harry as he had this face that I feel like I've seen before. "You might have. I'm Harry Styles from one direction." Harry told me.
I knew I saw him somewhere! Oh man that means that Taylor, my best friend isn't gonna like hearing that her ex took me to his house and is flirting with me and if paps find me here I'll be in real big trouble.
"Aren't you Emma Aniston. The supermodel, dancer, and actress?" He asked me
"Yeah. But I should probably go actually. I shouldn't be here." I said about to walk out the front door when Harry turned me around to face him. His face was about 2 inches away from mine which freaked me out just a little bit.
"Why are you leaving so soon? Your just gonna bail on our breakfast that I promised you?" He said pouting as I was going to leave.
"My friend kinda dated you and I don't want to tell her that I've been hanging out with her ex." I told him trying to be completely honest.
"Your friend? And who might that be again?" Harry said trying to get me to give him more details.
"Taylor. Taylor Swift." I said whispering it.
His smile turned into a frown just as I said her name. He then let go of my hand that I hadn't notice that he was holding.
"So your friends with Taylor. Wow! Never thought I'd run into that name ever again." Harry said talking to himself as he walked around the living room.
"Harry? Are you okay?" I asked still wanting to go to breakfast with him.
"Yeah. I'm fine. So are you leaving or are you coming with me to breakfast?" He asked me.
"Breakfast. I'm starving!" I said which made him smile again.
"By the way, you should probably change. If you left the paps would be on top of your with questions about your outfit." He stated to me.
I looked down at myself and realized I was only in a Rolling Stones shirt and my thong.
"Yeah. That might be a good idea." I said as I got dressed in the bathroom.

We left his flat and went to this cute little bakery. We ordered breakfast and talked for a while about what stuff we were doing with our careers. He was about to write a new album with the boys and was going to go on tour soon for their new album that just came out. I told him about my hectic career as I was going to be doing another movie, going on tour for promoting my new movie that just came out, and modeling for Victoria Secret. I was gonna ask him more but a phone call interrupted our conversation. I looked down at my phone and saw that it was Selena.
"Sorry. I have to take this." I told him.
"It's fine. I'll go pay for the meal." He stood up and went to the counter. I was going to object and pay for the meal but I already pressed the answer button.
"What's that matter?" I said answer the phone.
"Um excuse me but your the one who disappeared last night and didn't call or text me to tell me that you were alright. I've been calling you all morning! Where the hell are you?" Selena screamed into the phone.
"Calm down. I'm fine. I'm getting breakfast and I'm on my way back to the hotel." I said very casually.
"Well I hope your close 'cus the Victoria Secret modeling company wants to have a photo shoot with you. And let's just say that your not the only one they are interested in." She said giving me a hint to who the other person was.
"God please don't tell me it is that bitch Kendall! It's already enough that she changes her name to be only one word but I swear if she steals my cover I will kill her!" I said getting angry. Normally I'm really sweet to people but she is something else. We knew each other and we good friends until she stabbed me in the back by stealing my projects and telling everyone that I quit modeling. "We'll be there as soon as we can." I said slipping the we out of my mouth.
"What! We who?" She started until I ended the phone call.
"Harry can you take me as fast as you can to the modeling studios in London?" I asked him
He nodded and we got into his black Porsche.

We got here just in time! I ran out of the car as Harry dropped me off at the back entrance. He then parked and run to catch up with me.
"You know you don't have to stay." I told him not wanting him to see me in my lingerie.
"I think you owe me that. Any how I really don't mind staying. Maybe we can go out to lunch to talk a little bit more." He said obviously not taking no for an answer.
"Fine but I ....." I was about to say but Selena rushed up to me and grabbed my hand and pulled me into a dressing room.
"What the hell is he doing here!" She pointed to Harry.
"He drove me here. We had breakfast together. It's fine." I said looking at her and putting my hands on her shoulders.
"Did you sleep with him?" She whispered into my ear.
"No! Of course not!" I said not being so loud but loud enough so she got the point.
"Good 'cus if you did I would personally smack the smile off of your face." She said jokingly. "We need to get you into the clothing that they have for you. I stalled them but I don't know for how long."
"Okay I'll get dressed." I said taking the bra and underwear that she handed me.
Selena left but, Harry was standing by the door frame just looking at me with a smirk on his face. I smiled back at him hoping that he would understand that he had to leave so I could change.
"Come on lover boy, lets go! No stripping for you mister." Selena said to him as she pulled his ear to make him move away. I just laughed at how Selena ridiculously hated Harry.

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