Chapter 7: The Talk

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I answered the phone and put it up to my ear.
"Hey Em, how are you." Taylor said into the phone when I answered.
"I'm fine. I'm guessing Sel told you about Beau and I's encounter?" I said to her knowing Selena tells her everything.
"Yeah. I can't believe he would just come to your hotel!" Taylor said obviously not knowing about Harry.
"Well, I mean he saw me on a magazine with this guy." I said to Taylor wanting to ease my way into saying that Harry and I were friends.
"Ohhhhh. And who might that guy be?" Taylor said thinking it was some hot guy that she didn't know.
"Um....well.....I kinda met him the night I was trying to forget Beau and got wasted." I told her nervously.
"You didn't sleep with him did you?" Taylor laughed which she knew I would never allow.
"No. God no! He is a friend of mine now. We are now getting to know each other. Nothing more." I said hoping that it cleans the air for Harry and I.
"Why are you saying he's just a friend to me?" Taylor questioned me.
"He's kinda your recent ex." I mumbled into the phone. I got no reply back.
"If your not cool with it, I don't have to be friends with him." I said desperate for an answer.
"No it's fine. Just stay friends though! You don't know how hard he can break your heart until it's already done." Taylor warned me.
"Thanks. I'll remember that!" I said happily as she was fine with it.
We talked a bit more about my time in Londan and my premier. I made sure not to talk too much about Harry for her sake.
I ended the call by saying goodbye. I had to get to The Ellen show since I am going to have an interview with her.

I got to the set and was rushed into hair and makeup. After that I was suppose to wait back stage until Ellen called me on. I heard my cue and walked on stage smiling at the audience and then hugging Ellen when I got too where she was.
"Now Emma you have had a hectic week, am I right." Ellen said to me.
"Oh yeah! I traveled to Londan to be at my premier only to travel back a day after that. Pretty tiring week that's for sure." I told her with a smile.
"Now how do you think the movie premier was?" She asked me.
"At little nervous for me as I didn't know what the audience would think. But overall I think it went well." I said half talking to the audience and Ellen.
"The VMA's are coming up pretty soon. Are you going to be there?" She asked me.
"Yes I will. I'm actually going to be presenting the award for best album of the year." I said excitedly.
"That must be exciting for you as 1D, Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, Nicki Minaj, Ed Sheeran, and Beyonce are all nominated. How would you love to win this big award?" She asked me.
"This is actually really hard since all the nominees are excellent singers and make great songs." I said as two of them are my best friends, 1 my friend, and the other my idol.
"I guess it would be considering that you are good friends with at least 3 of those singers. Since we are on the topic, there is a lot of talk about You and Mr.Harry Styles." She told me which stunned me that the press now know a lot about us.
" he's just a good friend of mine. All of them from 1D are absolutely nice and good friends of mine." I told her.
"We've all seen you multiple times with Harry Styles though." She commented.
"As I said before we're just good friends that all." I said really wanting to change the subject.
After that, we talked a little more about my upcoming stuff that I'm working on. I left the set and went home to relax after that interview.

I opened the door which I noticed was unlocked.
Holy Fuck! Someone must be in my house right now! Maybe it's a robber! Oh god!
I opened the down slowly and crept inside so that if there was a robber they wouldn't run away. I could hear who ever it was up stairs so I ran into the kitchen and got a pan. I crept up the stairs and heard that it was in my room. I opened the door and ran full force at it and hit it on the head. That person was poor Harry.
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to! I'll go get some ice." I said putting a pillow under his head as he was holding he head and then I ran down stairs, got an ice pack and ran back upstairs.
"Why'd you hit me with a pan?" Harry asked still in pain from the hit.
"I thought you were a robber?" I said to Harry which made him chuckle a bit.
"How'd you get into my house any how?" I asked him since I never left the door unlocked.
"I found a key under your porch mat and decided to wait here until you came back." He told me which I completely forgot. Reminder put key somewhere not easy to find.
"Why are you here?" I said to him as I laid down next to him on the bed.
"Can't I see my good friend?" Harry said emphasis on the good. He then handed me a magazine with the Harry and I walking out of the airport on the cover.
"Oh....well that isn't good!" I said as publicity can make or break you. On the cover it said Emma and Harry secretly dating?
"What are we going to do?" Harry asked me.
"I don't know? But one things for sure is that we can let these rumors become true!" I told Harry.
"Why not? It'd be pretty funny seeing the paps make a rumor come true yet it isn't." Harry said jokingly.
"First off we are just friends and I said that in a interview today. Second of all I can't get into a relationship even if it's fake." I told him which just made him pout even more.
"Okay whatever. You want to hangout today?" Harry asked me.
"Can't I'm going to a banquet tonight for my step moms fundraiser." I said to him getting up and going into my closet to try and pick out an outfit for tonight.
"I could come with you." Harry suggested.
"Yeah right! My dad doesn't need to met my friend that is rumored to be dating me." I told him as I picked up two stunning dresses.
"Go with the white one. Its conservative yet sexy." Harry said in my ear behind me.
"I thought you were leaving! I can't hangout! What don't you get?" I yelled at him playfully.
"Can't I stay and help you out before you leave for your banquet?" Harry asked me.
"No. Now leave! You probably have better things to do than mope around here while I'm getting ready." I said jokingly.
"Oh I rather be here than in a lame ass interview! I'm staying and you can't make me leave." Harry said to me commandingly.
"Well at least wait in the hall since I need to get dressed and do my hair and makeup." I told him trying to push him out of my room.


I know it's probably bad that all I want to do is be around Em but she makes me happy inside. Its not that I want to be with her it's just that I'm bored and don't know what to do. My head still hurt from her smashing that pan against my head. I got to admit it was pretty funny seeing her reaction afterwards.
My phone started to buzz. I already knew who it was. I had been talking to that girl I met at Em's photo shoot and had been texting her ever since we landed in L.A. Her name was Kendall and she had been wanting me to hangout with her in person but all I've wanted was to hangout with Em, who was being stubborn. I read the text that Kendall had sent me.
Boo you should come over to my hotel. I'm really lonely and would love the company.
She had been sending me this flirty messages trying to get me to hook up with her. I replied back.
Really busy. Can't make it.
I wanted to hangout with Em even if she didn't talk to me but it was just so difficult as she was pushing me away. A buzz came again from my pocket. It was Kendall.
I'm waiting for you in only my bra and panties thou. 👄🙊
I hadn't had sex ever since I met Em which was a month ago and had been desperately needing some. So I texted her back.
Maybe I can stop by for a bit. Text me the hotel address. See ya soon. 😉
I knocked on Em's bedroom door and yelled "Em I have to go. See you another time when your not so busy."
"Okay. Bye loser!" Em shouted out at me.
I left her house and made my way to the hotel that Kendall had texted me.


I walked out of my room and into the living room where I turned on my music for getting ready. I saw a phone on the couch that hadn't been there before. It must have been Harry's. What a stupid idiot he can be!
I picked up the phone and noticed he had 2 text on his screen.

Here's my hotel address with the hotel address attached.
Can't what to get it on with you.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing so I entered in his pass code to see the rest of the text he had sent her. I know his passcode as he told me it 'cus he trusted me. I think right in that moment my heart scattered into a million pieces. I saw text after text of non-stop flirting and sexting between these two.
My best friend, that I may actually like, was seeing my worst enemy!

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