Chapter 3: Hot and bothered

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I couldn't help it. I just loved seeing Emma the way she was. She was beautiful, smart, funny, and talented. I know I only know her for less than a day but it seems like I've known her for longer.
My thoughts were interrupted by something pulling my ear, hard! I looked to see what was pulling at my ear and none other than it was Selena. She hated me for breakup with Taylor because I didn't wanted to settle down with her. It's not my fault that Taylor was talking about marriage which I was just not wanting. Selena gave me a cheeky little smile as she walked away to talk to Emma's manager.
A girl that had dark black hair that was dressed in a black robe was walking over my way. I was just looking at what the people were turning the shoot into. I was hoping that Emma would come out soon as I didn't want to talk to another clingy girl.
"Hi there. Don't see guys like you here around much!" She said giving me a wink.
"Yeah. That's great." I said sarcastically not in the mood to flirt with some slut.
"You know if you ever need help give me a call." She said coming dangerously close to my face and slipped something into my pocket. She left with that making me a little bit angry at how close she came to my face. I checked my pocket to see what she put in there and sure enough it was her number with her name on it. Kendall.
I saw Emma coming out of the dressing room with a black robe on. She was directed to sit on the bed and put one foot on a luggage bag. She slowly let her black silk robe fall to her back but still having the robe sleeves on her arms. She first gave a smile that showed her teeth and was probably my favorite out of all of the photos taken. Not to mention but she looked so seductively that it was making me a little bit horny. She changed into like 4 different outfits.
She finally was finished and went into the dressing room to get changed back.


I probably shouldn't have done that to Harry but he deserved it. I saw him talking to Kendall and getting all close to her so I wanted to make him jealous and want me. I got changed back into a white strapless dress with a black leather jacket and some black boots.
When I opened to door Harry was leaning again the door frame waiting for me to get out. He gave me a smile as he looked up at me.
"You ready to go for lunch?" He asked me as we walked to his car.
"Yeah. I was thinking Nandos. They are good right?" I asked him since I've never been there.
"They are amazing but, we might want to take Niall since last time I promised him Nandos." He said as he chuckled to himself.
"How 'bout we go by the studio and ask the boys if they want to join." Harry suggested as we got in the car.
"That would be great. Then I could meet the rest of your band." I said with a smile, not knowing what will happen.

We arrived at the studio. I walk in with Harry and saw 4 guys, 2 sitting on a couch with 2 girls wrapped in their arms, 1 guy standing in. The sound booth singing and the other listening to him sing.
"Harry, Where have you.... Oh your with a girl." The guy with brown long hair sitting on the couch with his arm around a girl with curly brown hair said to Harry as he walked in.
"Hey Louis. This is Emma." Harry introduced me to them.
The guy in the sound booth came out and sat onto a chair next to the guy standing up.
"Ooo, Harry is this your new girlfriend." The blonde haired guy teased Harry.
I think I almost chocked when he said girlfriend.
"Um.... I was wondering if you guys wanted to go to Nandos with us?" Harry said changing the topic so I wouldn't be blushing like crazy.
"Hell yes! You know I love Nandos!" The blonde said which I'm guessing is Niall since Harry mentioned one of the guys loving this restaurant. Harry introduced me to all of the boys and their girlfriends. Apparently Zayn is engaged to his long time girlfriend Perrie Edwards.

We got into the cars. Harry, Louis, Eleanor, and I went in Harry's car and Zayn, Perrie, Niall, and Liam went in Zayn's car.
Some fans were there when we walked in and immediately ran up to the boys and asked for an autograph or a selfie with them.
The girls and I went to order the food and then sat down at a table. While the guys were busy caring to their fans, the girls and I talked with each other.
"So are you dating Harry?" Eleanor said before taking a sip of her drink.
"No. We met last night at a club." I told them leaving out the part were I went home with him.
"You know he doesn't bring girls around to met the boys and us. He must like you!" Perrie told me as she looked over at the boys.
I followed her gaze to see Harry staring back at me. I must admit it was a little weird that he was staring at me but on the other hand it was sorta cute.
"Do you have a boyfriend?" They both asked me at the same time.
"Use to. Not anymore. I'm single." I told them not wanting to talk about Beau.
"Oh... so you just got out of a relationship. That's tough. How long were you together?" Eleanor asked me.
"We were together for 1 year and a half. I found out that he was suppose to break up with me for publicity stuff and never really liked me." I told them the truth.
They stayed quit for a moment. which was the same reaction for Selena, my mom, and Taylor.
After a couple of seconds they soon realize and then hugged me across the table making me feel better.
"Wow. What's going on here? Niall said as the others started to come back towards the table.
"Oh nothing." We all said laughing. At how clueless they were right now.
"Niall! I wanted to sit next to Emma!" Harry complained as Niall sat to the right of me and Eleanor to the left. I guess someone really wants to get to know me better. Harry ended up sitting across from me.
We ate our lunch. talked. and Harry and I played footsie until Louis scolded us.

"Harry can you take me back to my hotel?" I asked as we dropped off the others at the studio.
"Yeah sure. By the way, we should do this more." Harry said smiling at me as we made our way to my hotel.
"I heard your going to a premier tonight." Harry asked me about my movie premier that I had in a couple of hours. It was going to be either inside or outside, depending on if it was going to rain or not.
"Yeah I am. I have this really pretty pink dress with one strap and elegantly goes to the floor with a slit that shows my legs." I said really excited to wear the dress that they had tailored to me.
"So who's going with you?" He asked nervously. I guess he was trying to get me to ask him if he wanted to go.
"You can come to the premier but I probably won't be around to talk with you. I going with my co-star, Ansel Elgort." I told him not wanting him to be disappointed.
"I could ask the boys if they want to come. It'll help our publicity any how." Harry said trying to keep his cool at my rejection.
"See you then." I said with a wink and got out of the car to head up in my hotel room.

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