Chapter 19: I can't let you go

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She had been in a coma for almost 2 weeks. I've been seeing her a lot often in the hospital lately. I was seeing her so much that the press has been asking if we were dating. I didn't want to tell them anything that Emma didn't want hear so I just didn't say anything.
I was going to see her today. There was a shit ton of reports outside of the hospital waiting for me.
"Can you tell us anything about Emma's condition?"
"Are you upset about what happened to Emma?"
Questions like that were asked by multiple paps.
"Here to see Emma again?" That lady at the front desk, which I learned her name was Ellen, asked me.
"Yeah. How has she been?" I asked hoping she had woken up.
"Still in a coma but maintaining." She said as I left to go to the room that Emma was in.
"Hey Em." I said kissing the top of her head even thou she wouldn't feel or hear me.
"Oh hi Harry." Jen said as she woke up from sleeping in a chair with a book in her lap.
"How have you been?" I asked her.
"I've been spending the nights lately here. I'm leaving to go to New York tomorrow. Would you mind watching after her?" She asked me thinking it would be a problem.
"Of course. I'll call you if Emma gets out of a coma." I told her hoping she would be out of a coma by then.
"We'll see!" She said smiling and leaving me alone with Emma.
I started talking to Emma as if she wasn't in a coma.
"I really miss you love." I said hugging her. "You need to wake up so that everyone can be happy and you can be happy."
"I love you forever and always." I said hoping that would help me.
I swear I saw her hand move a little bit. Probably just me hallucinating since that's what I want her to do.

We were at the beach with no one there so it felt so nice to be alone for once.
"You should really come in the water with me!" I yelled to Harry sitting on shore watching me.
"No I'm fine. I have a great view from here." Harry said being a pussy.
"Come on! I won't kiss you until you get in the water!" I yelled hoping that would make him come in with me.
"Oh well then I'll just have to go get my kiss." Harry said as he got into the water and kissed me.
"That's not enough. You need to get your hair wet." I said to him since my hair was wet.
"Really. Well that just won't happen." Harry said picking me up and taking me back to the beach. I yelled but playfully since Harry was only joking. He set me down on a beach towel and pinned my arms to the ground.
"I love you forever and always." Harry said kissing me and I put my hands around his neck.

"Everybody loves you here Emma. Just please wake up!" I said finally and then laying next to her on the bed so that I could get some rest.

We were lying side by side on the beach. It was sunny was not too sunny that it was very hot outside.
"Everybody loves you here Emma. Just please wake up!" Harry said out of no where.
"What are you talking about Harry?" I asked him since I was very confused on why he would say that.
He didn't respond, he was asleep. I decided to walk around to see if there was anyone here that could help me.
"Hello? Hello?" I yelled while looking around.
There was a banana on one of the trees so I tried pulling it from the tree and eating eat but that wasn't the case. I couldn't even feel the texture of the banana. I realized that I couldn't feel anything, not even my clothes or my body.
I decided to walk back to where we were laying on the beach and Harry wasn't even there.
"Harry? Harry!" I yelled starting to get worried that this was all just a make believe place and I was actually dead.

I woke up to the door to the room closing. I looked up and saw Emma's ex, Beau.
"What are you doing here?" I asked him with a demanding voice.
"I wanted to see if she was alright." Beau said quietly.
"And why would you want to know. Its not like you guys are friends!" I said sassing him.
"I actually am. The day she got into an accident was the day she said she would be my friend." He said which astonished me.
"So how did you know that Emma was in the hospital?" I asked since Emma's mom didn't tell anyone else but me.
"I was there when the accident happened." Beau said, I almost was shocked when he told me that.
"You were the one who put her in a coma!" I said pissed off at him.
"Technically I was the one who saved her from dying! At lest now she now has a chance." Beau said which was actually true.
"True! How are you dealing with it?" I asked him since it might have been the same with him.
"I guess. I was a little bit shocked when I realized she wasn't breathing." He said in a monotone voice. "I should probably get going. Bye."
He the left the hospital room just like that.
I had to get going since it was late and then wouldn't let me stay over night anymore.
I always kissed Emma on the forehead or the cheek but for some reason, I wanted to kiss her on the lips. It somewhat reminded me of sleeping beauty as the prince kisses the girl and she wakes but that wouldn't happen here.
I kisses her lips lightly but yet passionate at the same time.
"I love you Emma!"

I was searching and yelling for someone to hear me. Right about now I was on the break of tears.
Until a beam of light came to me like it was a lightning bolt so that I could see finally.

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