Chapter 4: Premier

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I was getting ready for the premier of my new movie. Selena was going with me which I forgot to mention to Harry since Selena kinda hates Harry. I got into my dress then got my hair and makeup done by my people.
"Are you nervous?" Selena asked me driving me away from my thoughts of what to say tonight.
"Maybe just a little. I really hope the critics like the movie. I don't need any more bad reputation." I said talking about how Beau and I's breakup made headlines.
"They'll love the movie. You guys worked so hard on it!" Selena said building my confidence up. "By the way, you look stunning."
"Your telling me! Justin would be so upset that he ever cheated on you!" I told me since she's been a little down about her breakup.

We went to the premier in a big fancy limo. It was Selena, Ansel, and I all in one limo. When we got to the premier, everyone started to take photos of us. I was pulled aside multiple times to talk to an interviewer that was asking me some questions about the movie and about my career. But one interviewer was different from the rest.
An interviewer for E! news pulled me aside to talk a little bit.
"Emma, How are things going for you career lately?" She asked me
"Very well. I have this movie premier which is a great movie that has a lot of action, drama, and romance." I said staying to the topic of the premier.
"Other than your career, how is your love life?" She asked me which made me shocked at first.
"Um.... Well as many know, I just got out of a very long relationship. But for me that allows me to focus more on my career." I said hopefully saving a disaster for a story.
"That's great to hear but we're not talking about Beau, we're talking about Mr. Harry Styles." She said which had me blushing like crazy. When I didn't say anything she started to talk more. "We know there is something with Harry and you. There are photos of you with him at the studio together. Any comments?"
"We are just friends that is it." That was my finally comment before going over to Selena.

"Are you okay?" Selena whispered to me as so many people were talking pictures of us together.
"Yeah. I'm fine." I whispered back not wanting to talk right now about the interview.

We went inside the movie theater to watch the movie that we had made. I had to go onstage to say a few words about the movie and everything. After that I sat in a seat that was high up so that we wouldn't have the critics right by us. So far before the movie had started I hadn't seen Harry anywhere. I was starting to wonder if he ditched me. Just then out of nowhere I felt a warm hand touch my back and travel up to my shoulders.
"Hey there love. Sorry I didn't see you earlier." Harry whispered into my ear just before the movie had started and then sat down next to me. Selena was sitting on the other side of me and gave Harry a nasty look for talking during the movie premier.
"It's okay. Where were you?" I asked him.
"I was caught up with people interviewing me just before I got in. The others couldn't make it." Harry told me whispering it into my ear so that no one else would be disturbed.
"Oh well I got interviewed too. I'll tell you about it later." I said wanting to enjoy the movie.

It was half way through the movie when I had gotten a bit cold from the breeze that had come in. I guess Harry noticed because he put his coat around me and then left his hand around my back. I got startled by it because I jumped a little and then Harry quickly took his arm off. There was popcorn that we were able to have so when I went to grab a handful of popcorn, my hand touched Harry's hand.

The movie was over which felt like a life time since it began. I told Harry about the interview with the lady and he told me not to let it get to me. Once we left, Harry asked me if he could take Selena and I out to dinner. Of course Selena was not wanting to but I got her to say yes since it wouldn't look like a date.
"So.....Selena how is everything?" Harry said trying to break the awkward silence.
"Would be better if it was just Emma and I." Selena sassed Harry.
"You know you don't have to be like that to Harry!" I said to her not wanting her to be angry at Harry all night long.
"Fine! Any how what was that interview all about?" She asked me looking at me confused.
"Oh. It was about some rumors that they made up about my love life." I said to her.
"Are you telling me that they thought Harry and you were dating." She asked me with a stern look on her face.
I just nodded slowly and nervously not wanting her to get upset.
"Oh god and what did you tell them."
"Just that he was a friend."
"You know I'm right here." Harry said which I realized since I was talking about him.

We ate our dinner and then talked a little bit more about how we thought the movie went. we then went to the car. Selena had her car parked outside as well. I decided to go with Harry since I need to pick up a couple of things that I left at Harry's house.
"Are you staying the night at my place too?" Harry jokingly asked me.
"Wow Harry you really want me to kick your ass at wii don't you." I said referring to our conversation about Harry playing on his wii and saying that he could beat me any day.
"Oh it is on!" Harry said as we got to the house and ran inside.

We played for a while and I beat Harry at playing some of the games on the wii. Later we got some ice cream from his fridge and watched some action movies. I feel asleep in Harry's lap during the movie.


I was going to go up and get my phone from the other room but I realized that Emma had fallen asleep in my lap. I heard her phone buzzing on the table next to us. I picked up the phone and looked at who was calling or texting her.
There were 3 different messages by Avery saying:
Em, call me!
We really need to talk!
It's about Beau!

I didn't want Emma getting all crazy over her ex boyfriend. I gently lifted Emma off of my lap and put a pillow under her head.
I went into the other room and called this so called friend.
"Oh my god! Thank you so much for calling me! I thought you didn't get my text." Her friend said immediately when I called.
"This isn't Emma." I said not wanting her get an answer from Emma.
"Oh! And who might you be?" She asked me.
"I'm Harry. Emma's good friend!" I said emphasizing good friend.
"I see. So I'm guessing your trying to be her savior. If you really want to know what's up then your gonna have to tell me more about Emma and you." She told me which was obviously fine.
"We met in a club and let's just say she went home with me but nothing happened. We have been going out lately to restaurants. I would like to know what's the matter with her ex all of a sudden." I told her.
"Let's just say he heard about you two going on your many "dates" as they say and got furious. He wants to get back with Em. I think you know what's coming next." She told me which realized what she meant.
"Great! I really don't want Emma to deal with that. I want her to talk to you trust me. But could you maybe stall he for a bit?" I asked hoping it wasn't too late.
"I can't! He's already on the plane headed for the UK! I really wish I could help but I can't!" She said giving me no hope.
I heard a voice peek up from behind me asking me 1 question.
"How can I trust you when you sneak around and steal my phone away from me?" Emma said as I turned around to look at her she had a tear falling from her check.


Hey besties,

So sorry for the cliffhanger I thought it would be really good to add it to the story. If you guys could comment if you like the long chapters or have short chapters?Since the holidays are almost here I won't be able to chapters so quickly. I probably will make one more before the new year. Hope you guys have a wonderful holiday! Comment, like and vote this story!


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