Chapter 16: Trouble in Paradise

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Who the hell was I suppose to call to be my date to my friends date. Harry!
I quickly took out my phone and dialled his number.
"Hello?" A tried Harry with a raspy voice picked up.
"Hey Harry. It's Em. I was wondering if your free tomorrow night?" I asked him worrying that he won't be.
"Yeah I'm free. Why?" Harry said sounding like he was still in bed.
"Well my friend is letting me meet her new boyfriend and I need someone to come with." I said to him.
"Like a date?" Harry said which I could see him smiling over the phone right now.
"Um... sorta. You can't say that's what it is 'cus it's not!" I said hoping he wouldn't say that we were on a date in front of Ari.
"Why not?" Harry pouted over the phone.
"She doesn't know I broke up with one of her best guy friends, Beau. If she finds out then she will be wrecked!" I told him hoping that he'll understand.
"Whatever. I'll be there. Wear something sexy thou!" Harry said and then hung up on me.
I was so happy to hear that he could make it to the party thing or whatever it was we were calling it.
I went to bed after that to a sweet slumber knowing that things would be alright.

The next morning
I woke up to my phone ringing on the side of my night stand.
"Hello?" I asked not seeing who the caller ID was.
"Good morning beautiful." Harry said to me. He sounded oddly closer than he would over the phone.
"Hi Harry! What is it that you want?" I said still sounding a bit sleepy.
"Well I want you but that won't happen," Harry said making me chuckle. "Look out your window."
I went over to my balcony to see what Harry had meant. I saw a dozen roses in a shape of a heart and Harry standing in the middle of them.
"When did you do this?" I yelled from my balcony and hung up the phone.
"This morning around 6 ish." Harry yelled back. "You can jump down. I'll catch you!"
I was so afraid that I would fall on my butt or even worse fall and break something.
"I don't know. I'll just run down stairs?" I suggested another option.
"No! You have to get over your fears!" Harry yelled up with a smile.
I got on the ledge of my balcony and faced my house so that my back was towards Harry. I then jumped off and felt a rush of air try and send me up.
Instead of falling down, I was catch by Harry in a bridal style.
"Told you it wasn't that hard." Harry said to me, kissing my cheek.
"Oh yeah then you do it!" I said messing with him.
"No! No! I already experienced it with you I think I'm fine." Harry said putting me down on the ground. "Man do you look gorgeous with no makeup."
"Thanks." I said blushing at his comment.
"So you ready for this date?" Harry said to me with a wink.
"It's not a date!" I said smacking his arm as we walked inside my house.
"It is when the other 2 are dating!" Harry said with a smirk.
"It's just a hangout!" I suggested not knowing what to call it.
"Sure...." Harry said sounding not sure that it was that.
Ari had texted me telling us to meet her at the restaurant which she sent me the address to.
"You should wear this!" Harry said holding up a red maxi dress.
"Only if you wear these around the house." I said holding up the largest pair of high heels that I had.
Harry grabbed the pair of high heels and put them on his big feet.
"Aren't you going to get into the dress?" Harry said walking around looking painful.
"Okay a deals a deal." I said going into the bathroom and changing into the dress.

I was still in my red dress but now I had makeup on and did my hair. Harry was in a wearing a poka dot shirt with a jacket and very black skinny jeans, wearing his cross necklace and black boots. His hair was perfectly pushed back so that his face was showing.
We drove to the restaurant, called Valentino Santa Monica. I was so nervous since Ari never even met Harry before and telling her that I might possible have dated him in the past would shock her.
"It's okay. You'll be fine." Harry said rubbing my hands before getting out of the car.
The restaurant was a 4.5 star restaurant that was Italian.
The host asked us a name for the reservations and I just said Grande.
"Oh Grande and Sykes." He said showing us to our table. That other name sounded oddly familiar to me.
"Emma!" Ari said as she saw me rounding the corner.
I could see Harry glaring at the guy sitting next to Ariana but I couldn't see who it was since she was hugging me.
She let go and I saw that it was one of One Direction's arch rivals, Nathan Sykes from The Wanted. Apparently things weren't so great between the fan base and the band members.
This dinner is sure going to be interesting!

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