Chapter 28: Anniversary

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I woke up with a huge smile on my face. Today was Harry and I's 1 year anniversary. Of course I remembered since Harry kept talking about it almost every single day.
I checked my phone to see if I had gotten any text messages. 1 from Harry and 1 from Selena.
Harry sent me this:
Have something special for you but it's a surprise. Pick you up at 5 tonight. Dress up however you want!
I love you, Em.
Selena sent me this:
Hope your anniversary is spectacular. I'll see you at 12 to go out to lunch. I want you to meet someone.
I had no clue what to expect from either of these events. Harry might be planning something so great to celebrate our anniversary. Selena, I had no clue who I was going to met since I had already met most of Selena's friends since I am her bestie.
I got dressed and ready for today. Had some granola with milk for breakfast then went out to go shopping.
I stopped by a Starbucks to get a frappé. I bumped into a familiar face while I was there. It was Nick Jonas.
"Hey Nick!" I said hugging him like a friend.
"Hi Em, how are things? Still with that guy you were dating?" Nick asked me as I sat down to talk and drink our drinks.
"Harry. Yes I'm still with him. Actually today is our 1 year anniversary." I told him which he smiled at me.
"Congratulations. Probably one of the longest couples in Hollywood!" Nick said to me making a joke.
"I better get going. So much to do today! It was nice talking to you!" I said standing up from my seat.
"See you around sometime." Nick said as I left to go see Selena and her friend, hopefully not her new boyfriend.
I got to the place that Selena had texted me to be at 12 when I got there. I stood outside for a while waiting for Sel to show up but nothing. Finally, a car showed up and out walks a guy who looks like he jumped out of the cover of Abercrombie and Fitch.
"Hi, you must be Emma." He said in a British accent that was soft and sweet, shaking my hand.
"And you are?" I asked raising my eyebrow.
"I'm Finn. Finn Harries. Selena is one of my friends through my brother Jack. She told me that she wasn't going to be able to make it today." He told me which disappointed me since I was set up by her.
"Oh, so she told me nothing about you unfortunately." I said wanting to know more about him.
"That isn't good since Selena told me pretty much all about you. How about we go in and get lunch?" Finn said to me walking in the little cafe to have lunch.
"What did she tell you about me?" I asked being curious as we waited to get our food.
"You know, just the basics. Your boyfriend is Harry Styles. Your going on tour with Beyoncé. You are in American Horror Story. Stuff like that." Finn said and I swear I thought he just said he knew about my tour.
"Did you just say I'm going on tour?" I asked him making sure he didn't know.
"Yeah Selena told me. I swear I won't tell anyone!" Finn said to me which made me so pissed off at Selena. I told her not to tell anyone!
"Just don't tell anyone and we'll be good." I said to him with a smile.
"So what's your story?" I asked him.
We talked for about 2 hours while eating our lunch together.
Finn is from England. He is a brother to Jack Harries who has a popular YouTube channel called JacksGap. He is 21 years old. He went to college for film. His parents were active in film and production and he attended a prestigious day school in London. In addition to making videos, he also is a designer and he enjoys adventures.
We then talked about the things we had done in the past few months. Apparently Finn and his brother participate in the rickshaw run which I thought was so cool. We talked about the adventures he had gone on with his brother. Talking to him was like talking to Harry. He understood me so well and it felt like I knew him forever.
We said goodbye as we exchanged phone numbers so we could continue our conversation.
It was around 3 p.m. I had about 2 hours to go and get ready. When I got home I jumped in a shower. For some reason I decided to sing that one song a while ago Harry had been singing in the shower on day.
"Just a little bit of your heart
Just a little bit of your heart
Just a little bit of your heart is all I want
Just a little bit of your heart
Just a little bit of your heart
Just a little bit is all I'm asking for" I sang my heart out in the shower.
I heard someone outside of my room because there was a loud noise. I scrambled to get my red silk robe from the outside of the shower door.
I carefully peeked out of the door to see if it was an intruder. All I saw was curly short quifed hair. That would be Harry once again coming into my house without me noticing.
I walked out of the bathroom knowing it would be safe for me to come out. I was about to drop my robe when Harry came through the door.
"God Harry! Ever heard of knocking!" I said quick to cover myself with the robe.
"Sorry love. You look sexy in that robe. Is that what your going to wear?" Harry said teasing me.
"No! I'm getting changed now GET OUT!" I screamed at him.
"Aw come on! I love seeing you naked!" Harry pouted as I pushed him out of the room.
I got dressed in a cozy long sleeve dress that was maroon color which looked so pretty on me. I wore black converse boots with the dress. Then I curled my hair in a pony tail. Did my normal makeup with a touch of gold eyeshadow.
"Ready!" I yelled down stairs.
Harry then rushed up stair to carry me bridal style to.... My backyard?
"What is this all about?" I asked since it was pitch black and not to mention Harry was covering my eyes.
"Look!" He said not covering my eyes anymore and it being actually bright outside.
Harry had hung up lights in the trees as well as candles everywhere. There were 2 duvet little couches that sat on the ground facing a screen with nothing but black on it. There were also popcorn in a big wooden bowl. On a table in front of the duvet couches sat a plate of pizza of 2 styles.
"What is this?" I asked smiling at Harry.
"Movie night! I wanted something comforting and relaxing. I remember on night not watching a movie the full way through since you were sleeping on my lap." Harry said which I actually remember that night. Although then Harry and I were just friends.
"What movie are we watching." I asked Harry since I had no clue.
"I was thinking some old time movies." Harry said with a smirk.
"Like what?" I asked him giving that deface that it better not be boring.
"Back to the future, Titanic, The notebook, and dirty dancing." Harry listed off the movies that both him and I love to watch.
"Let's start off with The notebook since I want to make out during their sex scene." I said to him teasing a little bit.
"I'm totally alright with that. Maybe take it over their level of a sex scene." Harry said meaning having full on sex.
"We'll see about that!" I said winking at him and then sitting down to watch the movie.
All we did was watch the whole entire movie without making out since I really loved the notebook and didn't want to miss a single thing even though I've watched it a thousand times.
"What next?" Harry said after the movie credits started to play.
"How about Dirty Dancing. I'll show you how to dirty dance." I said with a huge smirk on my face.
Harry turned on the a song that I recognised which was the song he had made with Ed Sheeran except it was complete.
Harry stood up so I placed his hands on my hips then I put my arms around his neck.
I traced my leg up Harry's leg all sexy like.
"How about you let me teach you how?" I whispered into Harry's ear.
"I thought it was the women who follows the mans lead?" Harry said to me in a sexy voice.
He spines me out, pulled me in, then dipped me down.
"How's that for dirty dancing?" Harry whispered into my ear kissing my cheek.
"Perfect!" I said whispering in his ear in a sexy voice.
We danced to the music until the music ended dancing dirty. Our feelings heated up and we ended up making out during the movie.
It got pretty intense so we took it upstairs to the bedroom. Although Harry had a great idea of taking a bath since that would be more romantic then just jumping into sex.
I walked into the bathroom to see rose petals everywhere, even in the water that was heated. There was bubbles in the bath with candles around the tub.
We dropped our clothes on the floor of the bathroom and jumped into the bath. We kissed and had champagne in the bathtub for about 15 minutes until we decided to take it to the bed.
Harry was very special to me, not only in our relationship but our sex life. He was actually my first. I have never told him that before because I feel like if he were to know them I would feel so vulnerable around him since he's like a sex God compared to me. Although there are like a ton of guys who would want to be with me, the only guy I see is Harry.
We laid in bed after having passionate, romantic sex. Our hands intertwined with each other under the bed.
"I love you Harry." I said trying to caught my breathe.
"I love you more." Harry said turning towards me and kissing my forehead then wrapping his arms around my body to cuddle. After having sex I changed into one of Harry's shirts that were too big for me and my underwear. Harry just put on some boxers. It would be really weird if after having sex we jump cuddled naked. I feel like that would turn Harry on into having more sex.
Anyways, Tonight was probably the best night ever. Greatest anniversary I have ever had with a boyfriend of mine. Harry means so much to me and being without him for months on end is going to be the hardest thing ever.

I watched Em as she fell asleep in my arms. She was probably the one thing in my life that could always keep me going on and being happy. Well my family can do that, and my friends but, she is so much more than that. Leaving her to go on tour is going to be so hard. I have been thinking lately about something that I have never thought about until now. Marriage. I want to marry Emma. Of course I would propose to her. I want to propose either before or after both of our tours. She's now almost 20 and I'm now 21. I don't want to wait until I'm 30 to have my first kid.
Emma leaves for your in about a week so that gives me enough time to think about when to propose to her and how to do it. I hope she feels the same way because if she says no to my proposal I will honestly be heartbroken.

Hey besties,
Sorry for the lateness. I've been pretty busy lately and I'm starting the story of this series. It is called Broken. I will probably have at least 2 more chapters in this story then I will publish the new story of this series. I'll try to make the last 2 chapters a little bit longer in order for you guys to enjoy the story before I publish the new one. Vote and Comment on this story.

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