Chapter 24: The comeback

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I was going on instinct when I was kissing Evan. I was thinking he was Harry since he was comforting me like Harry would. When we broke a part I soon realised that I had made a huge mistake. I ran out of the dressing room as fast as I could since it was all a mistake!
"Emma!" I could hear Evan yelling my name from behind me.
I ran out into my car since that was probably the only place that I could actually be alone but right before I could lock all the doors, Evan came into the passenger side.
"What's the matter?" Evan said clearly not seeing the wrong in kissing him.
"Look that was obviously a mistake that I should have never done. I'm sorry but I love my boyfriend." I said trying not to upset him so much seems I was working with him.
"It fine. I think I still miss my ex girlfriend too. That's probably why I kissed back." Evan said to me which it accrued that I actually didn't know much about him yet he knew so much about me.
"What's her name?" I ask trying to finally stop talking about myself for one moment.
"Emma Roberts. You probably know her. She was my co-star before you and we got close until she got a better job, then broke up with me." Evan said hearing the disappointment in his voice.
"I'm sure she loved you but don't you think you should move on?" I said since he still sounded like he loved her a lot.
"I know it was 1 year ago and all. I don't think she ever loved me. I think she was only doing it for the show. If I can tell you one thing, don't ever let go of the person you love because they might find someone better." Evan said giving me some advice.
"Thanks. I think I'll do that." I said cheerfully know exactly what I was going to do to get Harry back.
"What are you going to do?" Evan asked me knowing I was talking about Harry.
"If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise to everyone, now would it?" I said wanting no one but myself to know about this.
"Well what ever it is, go get him!" Evan said then exited the car and went back into the building.
Before I left I quickly texted the director that I was unable to come because I got a cold and a interview to do.

I stood in front of the camera that I had set up on a tripod. Having my makeup on and my outfit perfect.
You can do this!
I pressed the record button on my Cannon camera.
"Hi my name Emma Aniston." I said slowly then took a break to think about what I was going to say next.
"Most of you may have heard rumours about me from my next career move all the way to my love life." I said pausing for a minute.
"Today, I want to tell you about my love life. There is a guy who I've been seeing recently. He's charming, funny, talented, and corky. I never knew that I would fall in love with him until the moment I almost lost him." I said waiting a bit so that I didn't tear up in front of the camera.
"Although as much as he is all those wonderful things, he is also one of the most famous celebrities out their. He travels everyone meeting his fans, doing interviews, and going to award shows. He is a musician. A talented one at that! He performs at concerts for millions of people and it is a mystery how he never is scared to be in front of all those people." I stopped thinking of what to say next.
"You probably are wondering by now why I am telling you these things. Well, I made a mistake by missing a huge concert for my boyfriend where he was going to tell the world that we were together. I fucked up!" I laughed not caring if I had curse words in this video.
"If your watching this, I want to say that I'm sorry I did that. I hate being a part from you. Its like my body can't function without hearing your sweet voice. I miss you. I don't blame you if you don't want me back. But all I'm trying to say is that I love you Harry!" I said about to cry and then I stopped the video as one year was falling down my face.
That is every emotion I had about Harry. I edited the video pretty quickly trying to cut out some of the scenes where I was just thinking of what today next. Then I uploaded it to YouTube calling it "My Confession".
I then went to sleep after having probably the most emotional roller coaster day ever.

I was in the middle of working out at the gym doing a little boxing getting all the anger out of me when a text message from Louis came in.
Watch the video on YouTube called "My Confession" now!
I was curious at why Louis was sending me to a YouTube video that I've never heard of.
The picture of the video was a picture of me!
What the hell!
I played the video and it started.
"Hi my names Emma Aniston." "Most of you may have heard rumours about me from my next career move all the way to my love life."
"Today, I want to tell you about my love life. There is a guy who I've been seeing recently."
I stopped the video since I knew this was a video about me and it wouldn't be right to watch this video while I was sweaty and at a gym.
I went to my bathroom and took a quick shower then changed quickly. I played the video all the way through until I heard the last part of the video.
"I love you Harry."
Emma had said she loved me! She had never said that before. She looked like she was about to cry. Had she missed me that much?
I replayed that last part over about 30 times just to hear her say that she loved me. I couldn't be mad at her, I am in love with her!
I had to make our relationship public since this video clearly shows that she wants us to be together publicly.
I dialled up Louis's number.
"Hey, did you watch the video?" Louis said right away.
"Yeah! I want to go ahead with the interview about Emma and I." I said quickly.
"Are you sure? They may ask why you broke up with her in the first place or why you guys didn't go public sooner." Louis said having my back.
"I don't care! All I want is Emma!" I said sounding like I was in love for the first time ever.
"Okay? I'll call up Niall to get Emma at the interview." Louis said and then hung up on that note.
I was going to finally get my girlfriend back in my arms.

I just got off of the weirdest phone call. Niall told me that I was suppose to go to an interview that I never set up. The weirdest part was that Niall told me this which made me so confused. I mean I will go since Niall said I had an interview and he normally is the one knowing what interview I have.
I got in my car and started it up driving to the interview that I supposedly had today. I got to the studio where he said that the interview was at.
"Hello?" I said while I walked in seeing a women sitting down in a chair then stood up to greet me.
"You must be Emma. Nice to meet you." She said with a smile. Around us the camera people and other people were rushing around trying to get the set up from shorting the interview.
I sat down in a chair across from the lady and was having my makeup done when I saw a glimpse of a guy with brown hair sit down in the chair next to me.
After my makeup was done, I looked over to see a cheerful Harry smiling back at me. I couldn't believe my eyes that my boyfriend that broke my heart who I still love was smiling back at me.
"Nice to see you, love!" Harry said with a smile on his face and then kissed my cheek. How is this actually happening.
"We're about to start." The interviewer told us and then I looked at the person behind the camera holding up his fingers to represent the count down.
5, This is so real,
4, This is happening,
3, What's this even about,
2, Maybe I'm not ready for this,
1 ......

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