Chapter 29: Not Goobye yet!

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It was about a week from now that I was going to go on tour for about 3 months. The shows sold out everywhere in a matter of seconds. I couldn't believe that so many people had sold out almost 200 shows.
I had to rehearse every single day for the shows that were coming up. It too up most of my time for the day. After rehearsals for the day were over, I would be too tired to do anything.
So Harry would come over to my house wanting to take me it or do something romantic with me but I was just too tired to do anything. He actually gave me a back massage one night after I told him that my back was strained. I felt so great after he gave me a back massage. Didn't know that Harry could even do that.
I was allowed 3 days before the tour to do the things I wanted and see the people I wanted to see since I won't be able to do anything really on tour.
Today was finally my first day I was allowed to have an off day.
I was going to spend my time with Selena, Taylor, my family, and especially Harry.
I was going out today with Selena and Taylor for some lunch then were going shopping. Later on I'm going to spend some time babysitting my stepbrothers and sisters over at my Dad's house with Harry since there are 5 or 6 kids to watch after.
Tomorrow I'm going to go to brunch with my mom who is flying to LA today. Then I was going to spend the entire day with Harry.
The next day after that I wasn't sure what I was going to do. Probably will do something with Harry the entire day.
I woke up to a fresh start. Starting my day with a early morning run on the beach. I couldn't keep my mind off of the fact that these last few weeks word be my last few weeks with Harry until months from now. So instead I ran to take my mind off of things.
The cool breeze of the morning spring air flew on my face as I ran across the beach where there was no one around.
I cleared my mind of everything since these few months ahead were going to be the most hectic months ever. I ran for about 5 miles until I slowed down my pace and just started to walk along the beach. The sun was rising over the horizon with beautiful colors. I sat down at a spot to just watch the sunrise when a couple of fan of mine came up to me to ask for a photo with me and an autograph.
"Your are so amazing! Thank you so much!!" The girl that looked about 16 said cheerfully to me as I signed her magazine that I was in.
"Do you girls see a lot of celebs around here?" I asked curious if other celebs ran this beach.
"No actually. Your the only one. We've only seen middle aged people running this route." The girl who seemed calmer then the other girl.
"If you could keep it that way, I would really appreciate it." I said not wanting a bunch of fans waiting for me to run this way or even worse paparazzi's.
"Yeah sure. Oh are you still seeing Harry?" The girl that seemed more hyper asked me.
"Yeah, why do you ask?" I said curious about the reason she would ask me that when we are all over the news or was.
"Oh nothing. It's just I read a magazine about some gossip about Harry. Probably nothing." The other girl said to me.
"Could I see this magazine by any chance?" I asked letting my curiosity get the better of me.
The calm girl handed me the magazine that had as the front cover Harry kissing a blonde haired girl that had her front facing the camera but Harry was facing the back. I knew this would've been recent because those clothes that Harry was wearing were the same thing I got him a couple of weeks ago that he wore just last week. The headline said:
Harry Styles cheating on girlfriend Emma Aniston?
Was Harry cheating on me? Who was this girl? And was this photoshopped?
I said goodbye to the girls and ran for about another 3 miles trying to decide what to make of the magazine that I had just seen. I could tell that there was no photoshop. If there was I would be able to tell if there was. Since I'm a big celeb I need to know the difference from Photoshop and reality. That photo was definitely not photoshopped so who is this girl that Harry is cheating on me with. I probably should have expected this from him since once a player, always a player.
I got home from my extremely long run and decided to take the stress off of me by taking a shower.
I got ready and dressed for the day trying not to think about the magazine. I would have to talk to Taylor and Selena about this whole situation. I wasn't sure what to do if it were actually true.
Lunch time came around and the both of them showed up at my house in a matter of minutes. We went out to the burger place in downtown LA.
"Are you okay Em? You don't seem yourself today." Selena asked me as I was silent all the way here.
"I don't know." I said quietly not looking up and just playing with my food like a little kid.
"Is there something wrong?" Taylor asked giving me the perfect time to confess that I thought Harry was cheating again.
"If you love someone so much, do you think it's possible that they are just faking it?" I said not wanting to come all the way out with it.
"Um.... I'm not sure. Maybe? What about you, Tay?" Selena said not sure since her relationships were pretty iffy.
"Totally. People lie to us to get what they want. I've had a couple of boyfriends who've acted like they loved me but really didn't." Taylor said answering my question.
"Is something the matter between you and Harry?" Selena asked me looking caring if something was the matter.
"It's just....." I started then stopped since I couldn't say this in public. If people find out that Harry might be cheating on me then it would be big news to the press. "Nothing. It's nothing."
"Okay but if something does happen you'll tell us right?" Taylor asked me.
"Of course." I replied to her question.
While eating lunch, there was some high tension and I think Taylor noticed it. I wouldn't talk about my relationship or Harry the entire lunch. She knew something was up but didn't want to say anything until we were back at my house.
When we got to my house Taylor immediately pushed me into a room away from where Selena was in.
"So what is really up?" Taylor said standing up as she made me sit in the chair that was in the middle of the room. She had locked the door behind her and put the key in her pocket.
"Nothing's up. I don't know what your talking about." I said trying to play it smooth.
"Yeah right! You were obviously avoiding conversation about your relationship. Now ship it." Taylor said to me learning that I had been keeping something.
"I think Harry's cheating on me again." I said just coming out with it since there was no other way I was getting out of this. I showed her the picture I took of the fans magazine.
"Are you sure that's Harry?" She asked me not knowing if it was him.
"I'm pretty sure." I said to her explaining the things that made that Harry.
"Maybe it's best if you don't spend so much time with him before your tour." Taylor said secretly saying that taking a break leads to breaking up so if I really thought that was Harry then I should take a break from him that way my heart won't get broken again.
"I'm suppose to meet him tonight at my dads place. What am I going to say?" I said pleading her for help.
"Just say that your not feeling well and you don't want him to get sick." Taylor told me but Harry always comforts me if I'm sick.
"Okay." I said not wanting to indulge in it anymore than we already have.
"Here give me your phone!" Taylor demanded holding out her hand.
"Why?" I asked not wanting to give my phone to her.
"Just give it." She said more calmly.
I gave her my phone then I stood up to see what she was doing with my phone. I couldn't see well since she was making sure that I couldn't see anything but I got a glimpse of her deleting all my text messages with Harry.
"What did you do?" I said shyly.
"All I did was text him that you were sick and that you didn't want him to be around you. He texted back asking about babysitting and then I texted saying that your dad found another babysitter. Then I deleted every message you've had with Harry. This will be easier on you." Taylor said to me as she handed back my phone to me.
We walked out of the room and I guess Selena hadn't noticed that we had let for a bit since she didn't say anything about us not being here.
I guess Taylor did what she said since Harry never showed up at my dads place. I had to call up Selena to help me babysit my step siblings. She asked me where Harry was and I said that he must have bailed on me.
On the inside I was crying that Harry would actually not even call to say he wasn't coming or to wish me better but I guess it just proves that Harry was cheating on me this entire time. I must get over him!

How could she text me something like this.
I think we should take a break. With the tour coming up I need to think of the tour and less about my personal life.
I couldn't just say no but I couldn't just break up with her right there and then so I just replied to her agreeing that we should take a break.
It broke my heart not being able to say that she was mine or that we would be together forever. I bought the ring and even set up the plans for proposing to her before her flight would leave to go on tour.
I later decided to take the ring back to the custom ring store as it seemed as though Emma was deciding that we'd break up later. The ring was a 15 carat diamond ring that was a look alike to Kim Kardarshian's except it was more expensive since the ring was absolutely stunningly perfect.
I took it back and the person helping me pick out the ring ask me if the girl was not the one. All I did was just nod my head in agreement.
I had to see Emma one last time before she left even if she hated me for no reason. I just need to express to her that I'm in love with her and that I want her to be mine forever.
I have 3 days to work up the courage to talk to her in person and tell her everything I felt for her.

I almost felt bad for Harry as I made it seem like Em wanted nothing to do with Harry. Although I couldn't alway Emma to get her heart broken again by him. Ive been down that road and it didn't end well. Selena had the same thing with Justin. I had to tell her to go to therapy to talk about Justin and try to make her realise that Justin was still cheating on her. Guys in Hollywood can be so manipulate into thinking that all they want is you but really all they want is sex. That's the same for all boys but at least they don't have a bunch of girls crushing on them.
This is the only way Em is going to be able to find a good guy that she can be with. Beau and Harry had a bad boy reputation that just broke her heart every time.
For me, my career is more important than the relationships I have been in and I think Em feels the same. Harry just wants to take Em away from her career and destroy it. I won't let that happen.
That magazine that Em showed me actually didn't look real at all. You could tell that it was photoshopped. The hair was cut onto a different persons head and the face looked nothing like Harry's. Emma was so sure that Harry was cheating on her that I couldn't just let her pay the price in confronting Harry and then he might be upset and just break up with her anyways. I'm protecting her, not making her feel bad. This is the only way to show her that she doesn't need a guy like Harry in her life to ruin it.
Hey besties,
So sorry for the lateness of this chapter. I've been really busy and all. I will hopefully post the next chapter by the end of next week. The next chapter will be my final chapter of this story and then I'll post the next series of this story about a week or two that way I can give you guys about 2-3 chapters to start the next story with. Vote and Comment what you think.

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