Chapter 7

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Katsuki button up his white dress pants as he heard his door open showing his son in the outfit that he laid out.

"Oi, Turd you did?" He smirked, watching as Katsuma eyes twitched with anger before he went to his bed and grabbed his phone getting comfortable opening a game.

Katsuki only chuckled before grabbing his white dress white shirt- "Mr.Bakugo.." a Knock at the door called out, he sighed rolling up his sleeves up to his forearm showing his muscular arms.

"Come in.."

The door open showing one of the butlers.


"We have the car outside waiting, would you like anything else." He said, a small smile on his face as he looked at the two of them matching.

"That's all, Thanks.."

As Iida was about to turn away when he heard the Bakugo said 'Thanks' he could not believe his ears...

"I missed that last part, may you please repeat?" Katsuki chuckled at his words rolling his eyes, "I said, Thanks"

A closed smirk made its way to his face.

"Of course."

Exiting out he can only wonder who this mysterious omega was, whoever it was it's somehow changing him in some kind of way.


Izumi sat on the balcony scrolling through her phone, she took a couple of pictures of herself and sent it to her mom and Daisy both having the same reaction to where she was going.

"Izumi? I that you dear?" An old voice said, the young omega stood up looking at the older women.


"Have a date? I've been waiting for so long! Finally! Who's it with-"

Izumi giggled, "It's not a date, just a meet up that's all I promise!" She moved over to the side of the rail letting her arms rest on it.

"Aww...How about you let me hook you up with my grandson! He's only twenty-six years old! Just a little more years older than you! I mean your twenty right?"

Izumi could only laugh a bit before shaking her head softly, "I'm fine for right now.."

"Aww, well then you have fun dear I'm going to finish the banana bread that I'm making for you! I'll drop it off when you get back!"

"Bye, I'll be waiting!" She smiled, before turning her head seeing the all Black-Porsche waiting outside raising her eyebrow as to why a car like that would be in this part of the city.

It was dark so she couldn't tell s who was in there until the back door was pushed open and a small body trying to get out struggling not wanting to fall but finally getting out slamming the door.

He looked up to her.

"Katsuma!" She shouted, watched as he hurried and happily ran into the apartment complex inside the lobby and he had on a cute light blue suit.

As she was about to go inside and to the lobby, the driver door opened showing Katsuki, with the same clothing as his son the dress shirt showing his huge muscles the sleeves rolled up to his forearm.

Caught her off guard as he sent a smirk and a small wave to her, blush overtook her face as she only smiled back before rushing inside and down the stairs to see her honeybun...

Getting to the lobby she felt a small body quickly hold onto her, "Hey honeybun! You look so handsome!" She laughed a bit pulling back to see his face.

He smiled, he loved it when she would give him compliments or would just hold him, it made him feel calm and comfortable.

So where he would not just scream at his dad all the time as he uses to before he saw Izumi...

"Ready to go?" She asked him, he quickly shook his head in happiness wiggling out of her arms to hold her hand and looking at her outfit and how her hair would sway as they walked out.

Katsuma knew that she is a very beautiful omega, honestly, one of the most beautiful people he has ever seen honestly and looked up into her eyes could only prove his point to anyone who said she wasn't beautiful or pretty...

Once they got outside Katsuki held open the door of the car, "Thank you." Katsuki only nodded before closing the door glaring at the men who looked at her before getting in the driver's seat and driving off.

Izumi played with Katsuma a bit getting small giggles from him as she would tickle and tell him jokes.

"Do you plan on moving somewhere else?" He asked the omega in the back, Izumi blushed looking down at her lap "Uh, until I get enough money then I'll plan on it" She laughed a bit playing with her fingers.

Katsuki nodded in amusement he wanted to get her trust to where she could just ask him for stuff or to where she just felt comfortable to talk to him about anything and everything.

"What are you doing?" She asked the small boy watching as he took something out of his pocket, giving her a piece of paper.

She opened it showing a drawing of a teddy bear.

"It's adorable!" She smiled looking at the paper, "Can I have it?" He shook his head up and down with a speck of small and pink dust on his cheeks.

She gave him a kiss on his forehead saying a soft thank you to him, Katsuki secretly glared at his son, and in return, his son had an evil grin on his face as he hugged the omega.

You Win
..This time...
Thanks for reading!
998 words!
( ˘ ³˘)♥

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