Chapter 12

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Katsuki eyed his phone for a second before putting his phone back in his pocket as he saw Sero enter the house trailing close by getting the memo of Katsuki so he could just leave the bags at the door.

Once they enter the room Izumi was in shock, "I was going to clean up when I came back! I'm sorry for how I left it!" She whispered to him seeing the room clean.

Katsuki shrugged putting the bags on the light green sheets as he watched her softly put Katsuma down pulling back the covers and putting him under the bed pulling the sheets over him and taking his shoes off.

Katsuki smiled as she placed a small kiss onto his forehead, "You need help unpacking." He asked stepping out grabbing the other bags outside that Sero dropped off.

"Hm? Oh! I mainly got Katsuma and your stuff, I didn't know your size so I kinda just got ties and some kind of cologne"

Lightning of happiness struck through his eyes.

"-I only thought I didn't have much money honestly when I saw the tag, don't know what happens..." She held one of the bags, white and black stripes, and black strings.

"Thanks," He said to her opening the bag, as she responded with a small 'mhm!' Before getting two bags and putting them over to the side and getting Katsuma things pulling them out one by one laying them onto the bed making sure not to awake him.

"I'm taking care of it, didn't mean to pull you into this..."

"It's fine I'm kinda used to the messages and threats about Itsuki or any of my family and the Todoroki's nothing new to me."

He wanted to hold the girl in his arms as she'd already been through so much she didn't deserve this from him anyway...

"You shouldn't." She shrugged before saying "I should get back home honestly..." Yeah, she knew her family and Todoroki with their guards might be there but she knew people that she could easily call up and handle all.

"Neito already called saying you needed to stay here since your family is ready to pounce on you," Izumi looked at Katsuki with wide eyes.

Katsuki watched as she looked at him before he chuckled taking the black and white bag waking over to his son and kissing him on his forehead before walking to Izumi who was still looking at him.

"I'll handle it." He smirked at her before leaving out the room and going into his looking at the 'present' she'd gotten him and couldn't help but put a smile on his face.

Izumi wonders how and why did Neito even have the mans number, honestly, she was shocked before letting it pass her mind as she started to put up her things.

Soon getting onto the bed and holding Katsuma in her arms as she soon responded to some or most of the notifications on her phone...

Katsuki sat on the edge of his bed his hair damped as he has just gotten out of the shower looking at the TV screen.

Rumors say that he hated when people's eyes were glued on a TV but honestly, if he would take care of himself more he'd just lay in bed and watch TV with his son and just eat all day.

It was around 4 pm when Katsuki eyes were still on the TV when a knock interrupted him, from the show called 'The Umbrella Academy' before saying a quick come in.

Dirty blond hair could be seen as the girl walked inside, with a tight red dress that was just above her knees showing off the deep red heels she wore.

Katsuki clenched his jaw t the sight of her. They'd use to mess around soon before he has met Izumi but ever since then he hasn't touched the girl or anyone.


"So, what is she doing inside our house.?" She asked calmly. "I told you wee over, how hell did you even get into my house." Katsuki clenched his fist till they were white at his knuckles.

"You're even letting her sleep with Katsuma! You never even let me how the boy but let a chick you knew for three days rule you over like this?! You know she's apart of the Midoriya Family?! You hate them!" She shouted at him.

"It's not my fault Katsuma just likes her more than he likes you, I hate the family because they are stuck up and just want to bury themselves in money and spend it all the damn time and she's different."

Cami was tired of hearing the mess coming from his mouth before she took it into her own hands when he was going to enter the bathroom again to change clothes.

Before he could the girl quickly went in front of him and stealing a kiss for him gripping harshly onto his neck dragging her red long nails across his back leaving small red lines.

Once Katsuki felt like he could move he quickly shoved the girl off of him looking her dead in her eyes. "Get.Out.Now" His eyes turned black as you could now see his veins running through his arm as his eyes twitched with anger.

Cami stepped back a bit not expecting him to react like this at all...

Katsuki still only having the towel around his waist taking a step towards the girl watch her tremble and shake in fear as her eyes widen before anger took over her.

She was tall and a very sexy woman to other no doubt, Katsuki uses to think that before he even ran into Izumi but now he could only see trash...

"You little shit!" She screamed rage boiled off her, she was the only one to have the guts to talk to him like this, "I was there when you were struggling to keep feet with Katsuma and your job at the same time! I have raised him! And you were never around!"

Katsuki soon felt a sting on his cheek.

He couldn't let his anger get the best of him and manhandled her right now.

He counted to 10 of what his mother taught him since they both had anger issues and couldn't handle it at all if someone they didn't like or was not close were to piss them off and his Son was slowly turning into him...

Katsuki sighed before turning around grabbing boxers and some black sweat pants before locking himself in the bathroom still hearing her scream at him...

Sucking in breathing as he changed he hoped that he didn't bother or wake up Katsuma and Izumi, he thought before pressing one of the buttons that were glowing white circle.

"Bakubro?" Kaminari voices come through the button.

"Go check up on Izumi and Katsuma they are in her room, and whoever let this bitch in my house let them know I'm going to mess them up."

Kaminari only chuckled from the other side before going to check up on the two.


He sighed, his mother lived down the street she already wanted to meet Izumi been almost killed Katsuki when she found out he had an interest so why not do both of the girls was sleep his mother could just stay here and meet her in the morning maybe.

Katsuki smirked before dialing his mother's phone number.

Thanks for reading!
1257 words!
( ˘ ³˘)♥

Thank you!

Touch~Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora