Chapter 27

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The Next Day

Izumi was in Katsuma's room picking out an outfit while he sat on the bed watching the cartoon that's playing on the TV.

Grabbing a Green shirt with a dinosaur and a regular green shirt she grabbed his shoes walking out of the closet.

"Izumi?" She turned her head laying the clothes on the bed, seeing Mitsuki standing in the doorway. "Oh! Hey, I didn't know you were coming I would have dressed more presentable!" She stumbles as the older woman chuckled.

Izumi stood in a shirt way too big for her and went down to her knees and regular slippers, "Please, you don't have to dress up for me since I consider you family." Izumi blushed at her comment.

"Heh, Thank you bit I was just getting Katsuma ready to go to the doctor today." She smiled looking at Katsuma who only sighed and went under the covers.

Mitsuki walked up to Katsuma's bed removing the covers off him, picking him up getting a whine from him. "Oi, you brat you're not going to say hello to your Grandmother?" She smirked.

Katsuma groaned and put his head on her shoulder heading off back into a nap, it was quiet for a while before Izumi made sure he was asleep before asking. "Do you know Katsuma's mother by any chance?."

It caught her off guard for a moment as she looked at her, she stared at Izumi before rubbing Katsumas back. "Y-Yeah... I know her."

"Where is she then? And why did she leave and abandon him he needs a mother figure in his life! It can't always be Katsuki if he doesn't find a partner-!"

"Calm down." She said laying her Grandson in the bed. " The mother doesn't know, I had to do what was best for Katsuma I honestly regret everything that I did-"

"Hag." The two women both shot their heads up looking at Katsuki standing in the door wag arms crossed as he looked at his mother with rage.

She made a small stink face at him before getting up and flowing him, "Good Morning Kacchan." Katsuki only nodded before closing the door and walking away with his mother.

Izumi sighed and rubbed her temples looking at Katsuma and looking closer at his cheeks, he has small freckles light but still visible scattered on his cheeks.

Izumi rubbed his face before kissing his forehead, before getting him dressed and herself so they can grab some food and go to the appointment.


"What the hell is wrong with you brat?" She asked seeing how his fist tightened on the glass ready to break at any minute.

"What the fuck were you thinking? You already know her don't you, you and that other hag who plays you like a damn toy!" Her eyes widen before she closes the door.

Turning around she said: "What the hell are you talking about damn brat!" His eye twitched, "Izumi, five years ago she was pregnant but got into an accident at the hospital you and your mother were there with her, what the fuck did you do with her damn child."

The woman stood there in shock, "H-How? How the hell do you even know that! Damnit Katsuki!" She slammed her hand on the desk.



It was quiet before the door opened, his Father came inside with a confused face. "What's the problem Izumi and Katsuma are fucking worried, what's with all the damn screaming?!" The older omega asked slamming the door.

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