Chapter 34

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"Bakugo, I'm going to need you to calm down alright? I promise you that we will take care of it just calm down alright?" Mina said, Katsuki only sighed running his hand through his hair.

  "I am, just-just hurry alright, be quick about this and don't let Izumi find out anything alright." With that he hung up the phone and laid back in the seat with a sigh, he felt awful about everything, and honestly he didn't even want to be here with her felling and knowing that he made her life awful...

  And if that video was to ever get out into the public who knows what the hell Izumi would do after that, and knowing her right now and her conditions with her family also he didn't even want to think about it at that point, she worked to damn hard to get where she is now.

  Katsuki knew that is she saw that, and it was posted to the public she wouldn't dare talk to Katsuki probably would even ghost him, and Katsuma would be affected by it as well having his mother and father under a different roof would kill him especially if Izumi is effected terrible from it.

  He sighed and got back out the car slamming the car door before going back inside the house, looking up the stairs he could hear the laughs and giggles from the two as the talked to one another and make cringe ass jokes.

  It felt good hearing his sons voice again, even though he doesn't talk much it was better to hear something then just nothing.

  A small smile was planted on his face as he chuckled before going into his office to hurry and contact "other people" for this situation...


  Izumi laughed as Katsuma looked at her with a 'wtf' face, "I'm sorry honeybun, I promise I didn't mean it like that at all" Katsuma only chuckled before shaking his head. All she said was "If two vegans get in a fight is it still beef?"

  "It's came out of no where I promise, I'm really not that dumb really please don't tell your father he's gonna be pissed that I'm telling you this stuff." She laughed putting the last outfit of his for the trip in the suite case.

  "Why is he acting that way... did I do something wrong? I say something wrong to daddy?" Izumi stoped and looked up at him, "What? No no no, baby no I promise it's nothing about you, it's just mainly work and some new things popped up that happened, but honestly I barely even know myself the half of it really."

She looked down and zipped up the suite case.

Katsuma nodded his head and looked down at the small bear in his hands that Sero gave him, Izumi could see this is hurting and effecting him seeing his father this type of way, of course with him knowing that something is wrong and his father isn't just acting like this for now kind of reason.

She looked at him and grabbed his arm and pulled him to her in a hug,

  "I promise, maybe when we go on the trip he can just get his mind off of everything at that point, and he can spend the whole day with us and who knows maybe we can take his wallet and for a day while we are there and can spend a day with just us"

  She smiles seeing a huge grin on his face as she said they were going to steal his fathers wallet.

  Izumi went on, " But we have to be really sneaky about it, no body can know about it at all, we can go get ice cream, cotton candy, food, toys, clothes, drinks- apple juice for you, and ,ya e we can even go to the beach together and you can look at the woman or men there." Katsuma head shot up at her with hot blush, "What? You can be into men or woman I don't know, and I don't care that's why I said both."

  She smiled at him in her arms, honestly as long as Katsuma was happy and felt like himself she could care less on who he loves, or how he dresses as long as his father doesn't pick out anything, as long as he loved himself Izumi will find a way to make it happen to see him happy.

  "Hey..." Izumi looked at him, and he looked back up at her. "Whatever you want to do in your life I'll always support you alright, just don't do anything that could harm yourself or anyone you love alright?" Katsuma nodded his head and wrapped his arms around her.

  Izumi knew that it wouldn't make as much sense to him since he is so young and she knew there will already be a time where she was going to have to talk about this and many more things, but she just wanted him to be comfortable to talk to her without feeling judged at all.

  It's already hard for some kids her, herself to really talk and to be close with her family and when she was a child-teenager she never wants the way she felt at that age for Katsuma to ever feel like that like he's not loved...

  "Oi! You two get your asses down here the food is ready!" Katsuma and Izumi looked at each other confused, food? Already? It couldn't have been that long since they were up here.

  Izumi looked at the time and saw that it was around three o'clock already, "hmm" Katsuma hummed  and got up, quickly running down the stairs smelling pizza, pasta, and chocolate cake. When he saw his father he hugged his leg to which he picked him up and hugged him back landing a few kisses on his head.

  Katsuki looked up to see Izumi standing the the door frame with a smile on her face with arms crossed, "Sorry buddy, I didn't mean to act all weird it's just a lot going on I never knew I was affecting you." Katsuma sighed, "it's fine, don't do no more old hag.."

His eyes lit up hearing him talk before laughing, "I'm not that fucking old ya little twerp." Izumi put her hand over her mouth muffling her laughter, "The hell you laughing at huh!?" With Katsuma in his arms he ran to Izumi picking her up in his other arm and swaying them both around the dining room.

  Hearing the way they squealed and laugh is all he ever wanted, just to see the, happy was an amazing feeling just to have them with him. "I'm going to throw up! Stop it Kacchan please, I just want to eat!" She laughed and slapped his back, as she tried to escape Katsuki only then threw her over his shoulder his hand holding her ass so she couldn't escape.

  Then throwing Katsuma up in the air a bit to grab his ankle, the small boy laughed as his arms dangled in the air and he tried here and there to grab Izumis leg. "KACCHAN!" Izumi started punching his back agin, "Don't hold him like that!"

  After a while of torture he put them through for a while, he let them go and of course they tried to come back for them only for it to fail awfully. Leading them to just sit down and eat.

  " Katsuma please don't eat to much of that cake, I don't know how y'all can even eat that much cake at once- You barley even ate the pasta and pizza on the table!" Both Katsuma and Katsuki looked at each other before sliding the last slice of cake to her, only making her smile and take a different fork eating the last cake.

  "Oi eat some of your food brat" The boy rolled his eyes before taking the slice of pizza taking a bite before, going to put it down only for it to 'slip' and onto Katsukis pants, "Oops, my bad." He chuckled, and once agin Izumi muffled her laugh looking away.

  "Fine." He got up from his seat and looked at the both of them, " Round Two, yeah..." Both Katsuma and Izumi took off from the table and started running away both going different directions, leaving Izumi to leave out the house and run and Katsuma to leave out the backyard and use the path to the huge guest house.

  He chuckled knowing Izumi would try to go look for Katsuma soon and probably already having an idea where he is, the man went for his son. The perfect plan ever to exist.

  The feeling in him knowing that this can all go away with one sentence...

Sorry for any mistakes!

Hoped you'd enjoy!

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