Chapter 28

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  "Kacchan! We're back!" She called out as Katsuma quickly ran inside the house going to the large stuffed Teddy-Bear that was sitting in the corner of the room.

  She smiled as he hugged it before laying down, his hair a mess. Izumi giggled taking off her shoes and putting up the Jacket she wore since it was a bit cold inside the hospital.

  "Kacchan?" She called out once more not getting a response from the male, as she was about to know on the office door a voice called to her. "Right here, Deku." She looked over, seeing him walking inside the living room to where Katsuma is.

  She smiled and looked inside seeing Katsuki picking up his son raising him up, "Damn brat, they gave you a shot?" Katsuma quickly shook his head 'no' as Katsuki looked at Izumi still holding his son.

  "How was it?" He said, she smiled sitting on the couch, "It was fine, for the last part of it I don't know if I did something wrong but Jiro was there and got a little too surprised when she saw Katsumas profile then she just left out before another-, a different doctor came in and did the rest of his check-up."

  She looked down at her lap and back at Katsuki who was looking at her with an eyebrow raised, "She just left out the room and don't come back?" Izumi shook her head, "But she said nothing wrong with Katsuma and he's very healthy even the other Doctor said that same thing."

  Izumi sighed sitting back, "I wonder what was so big." Closing her eyes before she felt a small body on herself, "Hey, baby you still didn't say what you want to eat yet I believe we have time today, Kacchan?"

  He nodded his head not having anything else to do since Kaminari is handling it since he wants attention so bad. "Great! Where would you like to go sweetheart?" She asked him.

  He shrugged before grabbing her phone putting in the password and typing something, Izumi and Katsuki both looked at each other before back him Katsuma as he shoved the phone in her face.

  It was a restaurant called 'Low Table' mainly with hot and spicy foods, "Can your stomach even take that? I don't want you to start cramping and sitting on the toilet." She asked knowing she couldn't handle it herself wondering how a child could.

  "He can, gets it from me in the second cannot is where all of the spices and sauces in there" With that Katsuki took the phone from Katsuma's hand and pressed on the place it was beautiful on the inside with good rates on the serves and food.

  Izumi's mind wonders off as she looked up at the ceiling her thoughts running around in her head before a tug on her shirt brought her back.

  Both Katsuma and Katsuki looked at her with worry in their eyes, "You alright? Want some water?" He asked worried since she didn't respond for a while.

  "Hm? No, I'm fine just thinking about some things heh, sorry if I was mumbling..."

  "It wasn't that, you just weren't responding to me your mind wonders a bit need to talk instead of keeping it in the small head of your gonna explode-"

  "Hey! That's mean Kacchan!" He chuckled looking back. "But it the truth, can't keep all of your thoughts just in one place they need to be free at some point since it doing something to ya."

  She nodded it was true she couldn't just keep piling up her thoughts soon enough it might cause a problem, "I know, I'm working on it! I am learning how to express myself more and say what's on my mind" She looked at Katsuma who just chuckled for a bit.

  He sounded just like his father, they both looked at him with wide eyes and smiled "Sounding just like me now?" He joked.

  Katsuma huffed before getting off her lap and leaving out the room, "You scared him off!" They both looked at each other before busting out in laughter.

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