Chapter 16

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She awoke with a small yawn, the curtain made small cracks hat made a small line of sun come on her face as she pulled back her green hair.

Removing the covers off her body as she slipped from them, her feet hitting the cold marble floor as she walked out the door softly knocking on the wooden door to Shindo's room.

Opening the door to see him sleeping soundly on the bed, the covers halfway off his body as the snores came from his mouth.

Izumi only giggled before grabbing the keys that are on the wooden table next to the bed by the water bottle that was sitting there with the cap open and to the side.

"Sorry, I'll give them back I promise!" She whispered leaving the room and going downstairs to see Daisy with a bag of popcorn falling from her hand as the blanket was wrapped around her. Taking the popcorn and setting it on the table before leaving out.

Entering the car and letting the car warm up and sending over a text to Katsuki.

Hey! Is Katsuma sleeping? If not tell him I'm on my way back! If he's asleep I'll wake him when I get there!

Putting down her phone as she groaned before driving off planing to text Shindo later.


Closing the car door and locking it as one of the gardeners looked over at her with a smile. "Morning Ms. Izumi! The weather today is a 90 percent chance for rain! Have a good day!" He smiled before looking back at trimming the tree.

Izumi smiled, "Thank you!" She waved at him before one of the maids that were making their way outside and noticing her before leaving the door open letting her whisper a small 'Thank you'.

Entering the house she stopped when the smell of caramel hit her nose, looking to her side to the living room Katsuki sat there with his computer open and his eyes on her, "Morning Kacchan, um... is Katsuma up? I promised I'd cook him something and take him out."

"He still asleep, it's only five in the morning." She chuckled at his comment seeing that it was pretty early especially for a young child like Katsuma as she was going to walk away Katsuki voice called out to her again.

"Deku-" She stopped and look over at him a confused face as she watched as he got up putting his computer to the side as he walked to her.

Getting close as she could feel her chest press on her stomach, slowly looking up at him. "Katsuma really missed you, and so did I." He smirked, before taking one of her green curls that were in her face behind her ear before walking away.

Leaving the girl with the blush on her face as she just looked at the wall, before she heard someone walking towards where she was.

Knowing that it was not Katsuki and not Katsuma since the footsteps were heavy, she quickly went up the stairs not really in much of a mood to talk to anyone else.

Making her way to Katsuma rooms, knocking before entering the pitch-black room only the hallway light from behind her shining so she could see the small lump under the covers as small and soft snores came from the room.

She smiled and left the door open as she walked in not noticing Katsuki also was standing behind her and now resting on the door frame as he watched.
Izumi smiled crawling on the bed and slowly taking the covers from off his head.

"Katsuma?" She turned him over and wiped the small drool from the corner of his mouth before picking him up and laying him on her chest.

The smell of the girl entered his nose as he quickly clawed and held onto her and putting his nose to her cooler bone taking the the delicate smell.

"Hey buddy... did you miss me? I missed you so much! You and your papa! I was so sad not seeing you last night, I could barely sleep!" She giggled and held him closer.

Katsuma smiled, as he felt Izumi pit the covers over them both, "We have to get in in two hours okay? I'm tired as well is it okay if I sleep with you?" She said, pulling back his spike hair to kiss his forehead.

Katsuma rapidly shook his head up and down and he cuddled closer to her.

Izumi smiled and giggled before getting comfortable.

Katsuki was smirking at them as peeked at them both as they cuddled under the covers, he could tell that she was stressed and tired that left him with a hole in his heart as he only wants to hold onto her close.

Sighing as he closed the door taking out his phone to where she worked, her manager, the boss to only find out it's her family business which could be one of the main reasons for her stress.

With a chuckle, he knew how much his mother hated their family and sometimes confused on how 3/4 of the family was so nice that sometimes on business meetings for their famous clothing line she couldn't even recognize them until they said their last names.

Katsuki himself when he met Shindo he didn't even act like most of them but classy and not stuck up, same with Izumi...

Opening the door to his large office he set his phone on the desk taking the bottle of wine from the bottom draw and pouring a cup before pulling up a contact on the computer.

Shooting a small text, with that they went straight to work just from a small text.

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967 words!
( ˘ ³˘)♥

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