Chapter 25

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: a group of one or more parents and their children living together as a unit:

  Izumi awoke averting to the small amount of light that flashed from the huge window the curtain not covering it fully but enough.

  She was breathing slowly her throat cold from the cries and eyes still watery and red, she looked around seeing as a softcover was laid over her now only on her legs.

  Looking around at her surrounding till she spots a picture of her and Katsuma on the desk that held some papers and a computer with some other things.

  Getting up as she walked over to the picture in a beautiful gold Fran with flower designs on it, picking it up in her small hands she chuckled before smiling.

  It was a picture of her, Katsuma, and Katsuki. The man stood over her watching as she cooked with Katsuma in one arm, they looked like giants to the fact that Izumi barely makes it to Katsuki's chest.

(A: N- It's chapter 17! If you'd like to re-read that part if you forgot! Or for the joy of it!)

  The girl smiled at the picture guessing someone took it from inside the house and gave it to Katsuki.

  She glided her hand on the picture her stomach fluttering with butterflies and her heart tighten.

They looked like a Family.

  Izumi didn't even hear the door open to the huge office before a voice rang out, "It's beautiful, isn't it? Katsuma picked out the frame, I look at it every day."

  Izumi gasped and put it down hearing Katsuki's voice as she quickly turned around to see him walk up to her.

  Looking down in embarrassment before his hand lifts her head to look at him, Katsuki stares down at her with possession and something she wasn't used to called Love.

  "I-I didn't mean to touch it, I never saw the photo and it's really beautiful! Y-You know admiring it! It's perfect! And I-" He cut her off by placing her large hand to her mouth.

  "Slow down Deku, I don't fucking care if you touch something what's mine is yours, ya got it?" He asked irritated, at the fact she didn't understand yet.

  She mumbled a small 'Mhm!' Into his hand, before a removed it, her hands sat on the top of the desk as she looked up at him. Katsuki observed her for a while before asking, "How do you feel." It was out of nowhere before her head went back.

  Her breath hitched, he heard everything she said to her stupid family. Everything from the past fifteen minutes she sat in there before leaving.


  "You heard everything, say something." Izumi moved him away from her a bit pushing him back lightly before sliding down on the desk sitting on the floor.

  Katsuki looked at her, sighing as he undid the deep red tie and undone the buttons from the dres' shirt joining her on the floor. He made a promise and was sure as hell going to.

  It was quiet for a while they both didn't say a thing, "What do you want me to say." Izumi looked at him, "The truth, what do you think of me? A whore? Useless, 'Killer', Stupid-"

  "I think, your none of those things but a woman beautiful omega, and you just lost it can't imagine how it would feel if I lost Katsuma..."

  His mind went elsewhere on Katsuma, fuck he couldn't put it together but something about him and she just connected.

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