Chapter 17

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Izumi woke up once again with drool on the side of her face and drool running down her chest, looking down to see her sweet baby holding onto her as his small snores fill the sound-less room.

Removing the covers off her as she held him in her hands going to the baby blue curtains and pushing them back making Katsuma whine as he hits her shoulder softly.

"I know, don't you want me to cook? It's 7:10 in the morning and I'm getting a little hungry, or do you want me to just put you down?" With her last statement, he quickly shot his head up as tears started brimming in the corner of his eyes.

"What's wrong?" She asked patting his back as she walked out of the room shutting the door behind her.

"No....down... peas.." He said, through a small sob sniffing at the thought of her trying to leave him aging, "I'm sorwry..."

His soft voice ranged through her ears as she just smiled walking down the large staircase, "It's okay, I'm not letting you go I promise sweetheart," Hugging him tighter as they both finally entered the Kitchen.

And surprisingly no Katsuki...

She shrugged it off as nothing before telling Katsuma, "Hold on okay? I'm going to have to use both hands alright?" He nodded his hand tighter around her.

"Hm..." She opened the fridge door and got out the milk, bacon, eggs, rice, and ham going to the cabinet to get pancake mix. Going into cooking everything, the fresh smell went through the kitchen making some of the maids peek their head to see if it was Katsuki cooking but shocked to see the omega humming swaying her hips side to side.

Katsuma only giggled here and there as she would feed him as she cooked making him try the ham, and eggs even the pancake mix before she could put it on the stove.

After a few more minutes of her humming tunes and dancing here and there not noticing Katsuki standing behind her playing with Katsuma's hair as he watched over her shoulder. "Katsuma I want you to meet a friend of mine at the park maybe! Wanna do that today!"

Katsuma shook his head in her shoulder before another yawn ripped through his mouth she giggled before pushing her butt back as it pressed something behind her and a large hand grabbed onto her waist.

"WAA- CHAN!" She jumped up almost making Katsuma fall from her hold as she quickly turned to see Katsuki there with a smirk on his face his hand still out from where he held onto her waist.

"Kacchan! Don't do that you little brat! You almost made me drop Katsuma! He could have gotten hurt especially by this fire!" She shouted, her nose scrunched up and brows frowned.

He only chuckled shaking his head and looked back at her, "It's not funny!" The touch still lingers, his large hand sitting on her waist as she felt tingles all in her stomach blush sitting on her face.

"m sorry, didn't mean to scare you." Katsuma stuck his tongue out at his father, Katsuki only frowned before putting his hands out to his son wanting to hold him.

Katsuma only shook his head and held onto Izumi, Katsuki eyes filled with sadness as he just put his hands on the counter resting back on it. Izumi felt bad and looked at Katsuma and grabbed him which was a struggle as he held on and put him down.

He reached up from her his small hands reaching up to her, "Let your Dad hold you I need to finish cooking ." She listens as he whines and started to cry.

Izumi looks over at Katsuki with a smile as he returned one back to her, as he walked up to Katsuma and bend down to his level him arms folded as his cheeks and eyes were red.

"Can I hold you, if not Izumi won't talk to you and be very unhappy with you?" With that Katsuma quickly reached out to his father not even wanting to think about Izumi not going to talk to him.

Katsuki quickly grabbed his son not passing up the opportunity of holding his son, he smiled missing the feeling as his son lays his head on his shoulder.

Kissing his forehead before going back next to Izumi mouthing a small 'thank you' to her she she just smiled and patted Katsuma back.

"It's done!" The girl grabbed the plates from the island and added the food to it.

The both of them not noticing that Kaminari snuck a photo of them with Katsuki hold Katsuma as he stood and watched over Izumi.

A beautiful picture that will soon be sent to Katsuki for him to beat the living daylights out of Kaminari and to see the end of his life...


I just wanted to add some small family fluff!
The next chapter will be when Izumi and Katsuma go to see Neito and some things pop up and some drama...

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
I'll try my best to make it better!
Thank you for all the support!

Xoxo ~ Madeline✨🥛

Thanks for reading!
878 words!
( ˘ ³˘)♥

Thank you!

Touch~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ