Edge of Great

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"You what??" Julie exclaimed, dropping a pair of black and white pants to the ground, hanger still intact

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"You what??" Julie exclaimed, dropping a pair of black and white pants to the ground, hanger still intact. Natalia had just broken the news to her that she and Luke had kissed the day before.

Natalia giggled at the girl's reaction, her mouth still gaping at the confession. "Yeah... We were singing a song I wrote about him, which he doesn't know it's about him by the way, and then one thing leads to another and bam!" Natalia used her hands to create an explosion. "He's kissing me and telling me that I've always been the only one for him." She explained, "But then it was like right back to what we were like before. He showed me a cute song, but then I freaked out. We haven't even talked about the kiss. I'm starting to wonder if it was all a heat of the moment thing." Natalia flopped onto Julie's bed, curling herself in a ball.

Julie scrambled over to the ghost girl, sitting down on her own bed next to her. "Hey, it's gonna be fine. I'm sure it's not like that. Luke's probably just nervous, remember how you were a couple of weeks ago? You were so afraid that if Luke found out how you felt that it would ruin your friendship with him. Maybe he's kind of in the same boat that you were." Julie explained to the brunette girl, who was now sitting up and facing her living friend. Natalia was surprised by how wise Julie was at such a young age. When Natalia was 15 she was running around causing trouble throughout LA with the boys every night and failing sophomore chemistry. But here Julie was, comforting her dead ass because of Luke, and rocking out with her phantom band every weekend while keeping up her grades at a performing arts school.

"Maybe you're right." Natalia admitted, running a hand through her short brown hair. "I just always thought he saw me as one of the guys. Maybe that's how it should stay though." She continued, earning a perplexed stare from Julie. "I mean, if we're both questioning our feelings then isn't that a sign to not let it happen? Just keep our relationship the way it always has been?" Natalia asked the young girl, who huffed in reply.

"Well, to me it sounds like you're afraid, which is okay don't get me wrong, but you can't let the emotions eat you up inside. Luke likes you, Natalia. Hell, he might even love you. You're just too worried about how it will affect your friendship rather than taking a chance at it." Julie exclaimed toward Natalia, standing up from her bed to look down at her ghost friend. "After everything you've been through, you deserve the love that Luke can give you!" Natalia groaned, flopping back down on the girl's pink bedspread.

"Boys are so complicated." She grumbled through her hands that were covering her face.

Julie chuckled, sitting back down next to the girl on her bed. "Trust me, I know." She replied, making Natalia turn to her living friend. "You just gotta trust your heart to lead you in the right direction." Julie added, smiling softly down at the girl.

"Damn, when did you get so inspirational?" Natalia asked the curly-haired girl who just laughed at her.

"That's your question right now, Tal?" Julie shook her head at the ghost, and stood up from the bed yet again. Natalia looked at her questionably, earning a smile from the girl. "Let's try and forget about boys for tonight, just worry about yourself. Let's pick something cute out for you to wear for the garage party later, c'mon." Julie said, urging the girl to stand up and start getting ready with her. Natalia groaned once more, but rolled off of Julie's bed. Julie squealed as she led the girl to her closet, excited for their performance tonight.

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